Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: Friend
Can I just say that at 11 p.m., even after a long day, seeing today’s topic brought a smile to my face?
You see, I’m not a girl whose roots are planted deeply.
But I hope that the place they are now is where they will stay forever…I hope that with everything in me.
I’ve moved a lot…made friendships, lost some and held on to many.
It always amazes me that He gives…always, wherever I am…the people I need.
The friends I need.
The kind who will cheer loudly for me on the amazing days, hold my hand while my emotions flow rivers on the not-so-amazing ones, and even get the crazies on with me when there is a need to just jump up and down, shrieking a little on the silly days.
These friends…they make up my community.
They are the core, the heart of it.
They each bring something different and they each make me a better person.
I’d do anything for them.
I am blessed to call my friends…just that. Friends.
Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’
‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.
E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web
Absolutely beautiful. I love your description about the different needs your different friends have met, about how God has brought them to you, about how they are community…lovely. I also love that you quoted Charlotte’s Web! Keep up the good work!
Thanks, Courtney. Blessings, sweet friend!
This is a feel-good post =) I’m smiling now after reading about your friends! Thanks for sharing.
So glad it made you smile! Blessings, friend!
He gives you what you need – Love it!
Thanks, Paula!
Love that quote from Charlotte’s Web. I want to be that kind of friend… Thanks for sharing!
It’s one of my favorites…brings the tears every. time. Blessings!
As always, I love it! “The friends I need.” So true! Great post!
Thanks, friend! Happy weekend and blessings to you!
Such a blessing to read how He has been faithful to provide friends and to see how you treasure them. And the Charlotte’s Web quote is precious!
Thanks, Kim! Blessings on your day!
For reasons, seasons, and a lifetime will He provide. Commit to love and watch your community grow. These truths did your post draw me into. Thank you for blessing us with this!
Thank you for your encouragement, Nasreen.
You are a blessing, my dream sister!
Oh yeah, the ones we need. How awesome is that? You ROCK sister and this was great insight you gave us today. Thanks!!!
Aw, thanks, friend! Happy weekend to YOU!
LOVE the Charlotte’s Webb quote! Wonderful post.
Thanks, Megan!
Such a nice post.
Thanks, friend…blessings!
“It always amazes me that He gives…always, wherever I am…the people I need.” As a fellow wanderer (although, sounds like you’re retiring that title!) I can add an ‘Amen’ to this! Thanks for sharing!
The wandering was fun, and I don’t know if it’s completely over. 😉 But I think the need for roots for our daughter is important…and so if we “go” again, we’ll somehow hang onto these roots. Thank you for your sweet encouragement…blessings, friend!
This topic has generated a lot of interesting different tangents. Friendships are beautiful. In fact, in a number of instances I hold friendship higher than blood ties. Family is family, they are not necessarily friends.
So true…we consider our friends our family. Blessings, Tam!
I feel so blessed to know you and call you friend!!
Oh, friend…the blessing goes both ways! I’m so thankful for you!
Ah … sweet Charlotte … you bring a smile this morning!
You put your smile into words that made me smile right along with you. He is so faithful to give us everything we need…even the most wonderful friends. Love how He works all things to the good like that…
I’m glad this made you smile today, Amy…blessings on your weekend, friend!
YES! I’ll always be amazed at how He weaves us together in just the right place…time…circumstance.
God is so good.
And I so appreciate you, Mel! (and the Charlotte quote turned me into a puddle on the floor!) <3
The quote does the same thing to me…I don’t think I can read it without tearing up! Blessings, sweet friend!
Dear sweet Mel
Even though I have not met any of my blogging friends personally, it feels as if I have known you for a long time. But then, we all have the same Best Friend and Brother, don’t we! That bond is not bound by continents.
Blessings from FMF
And I love it that we can bond because of Him…love to you, sweet sister!
Feeling your need for friends. Love this and I so love this community. Blessings!
Me too…makes me smile every day.
Blessings to you, friend!
Aww, I love that you quoted from Charlotte’s web at the end! Such a sweet post. You are right, each of our good friends bring something different and help us to be our best. I hope you get to stay rooted where you are and love
Thank you, Sarah!
Happy weekend to you! 
This is a beautiful 5 minute Friday! Wow!
Thanks, Ashley!
“Because you have been a friend…” I love that quote – because really? Is there any other reason than that… so enjoyed reading your words… and just think at #allume we can meet and hug in real life!
I know!!! I. Can’t. Wait. !!! 😀 Blessings, sweet friend!
First of all, fantastic use of Charlotte’s Web. Makes me want to read it again….since I haven’t read it since the fourth grade!!
Second, reading this post I can see how evident God’s blessings are in your life. Having to move often, yet still able to make a friend everywhere you go? Not everyone is so blessed! Count each friend a blessing and hold them close!
So glad you are in the FMF community!
I am blessed…and so thankful for this community, too! Blessings, friend! (And yep, I totally agree it’s time to read Charlotte’s Web again…I think it’s been about that long for me, too! ;))
That is one my favorite quotes. I think that is why I love that movie. It truly is a wonderful thing – to be a friend and to have friends in turn. Some might say that moving around makes one a lonely person – because you can’t grow any roots. On the contrary – moving around is like traveling and have many opportunities to make so many interesting friends along the way. …smiles…
I try to look at our time spent moving to different places as a blessing…and those friendships from that time are priceless.
It’s good to be in one place long-term, though. I guess I got the best of both worlds.
Blessings, friend! Thanks for your encouragement!
The quote from Charlotte’s Web was perfect! I love the outlook that He gives us everything (and everyone) we need. Amen!
Thanks, Brie! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
“The friends I need.” I used to think I could do without friends especially girlfriends. I thought all women were judgemental and hurtful. But then Christ opened my eyes and give me friends inRL and online that have proven my thought process wrong. Now I realize just how much I NEED girlfriends. Thank you Mel !!!
I’m thankful you’re my friend…you have blessed me in so many ways. Praying He will bless your friendships! Hope you’re having a beautiful weekend.
A beautiful post! I hope with you that your roots get to sink down deep where you are but if for any reason you do have to be semi-nomadic, may you continue to find friends wherever you are! You capture the special gifts that they are. Stopping by from FMF!
Thanks, Elizabeth! I hope so, too…I know He’ll always provide those friends wherever we are, but we really love it here. I smile when I call it home.
Thanks for stopping by…hope your weekend is wonderful! 
I have moved several times as well. The last move was the hardest. I clung to Jesus when I had no friends to talk to. The quote was perfect. Thank you for sharing.
Praying that God will give you those friends…or maybe He already has. I hope so!
Thanks for stopping by, Pamela…blessings! 
Amen, Mel! Friendship is a tremendous thing. Even online…or in google hangouts. Blessed to be getting to know you friend!
I’m so blessed by you, Elise. God knew what He was doing when He brought our group together! Blessings on your week, sweet friend!