Friends, it’s been too long, and I’ve missed this community of heart-sisters and friends. And so today, I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday. If you’d like to jump in…grab a timer, set it for five minutes, and join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write. Then leave some comment love for the person who linked up before you…and anyone else because that’s the fun and the heart of the community!
Today’s prompt: Choose
I made a choice tonight.
To come back to write for Five-Minute Friday.
I’ve taken several weeks off, and it has nothing to do with anyone in the community…friends, my sweet sisters, you bless me. And I’ve missed you.
But I’ve also been having a doozy of a time with writing.
I call myself a writer, but for some reason I have struggled…battled…to get those words out.
And so I ran.
Not too far and not too long, but I ran just enough that I could give myself an excuse. I didn’t want to go away, but the choice to stay felt too difficult.
And you know what?
That choice made me miss all of you.
Miss the Thursday nights we used to tweet late into the evening and then spill our hearts through drooping eyelids. Miss the laughs and jokes and comments we shared.
It made me miss my community. A place I find home.
And it reminded me that community isn’t because of ability or the amount of words we can splash onto a page or, even, how beautiful we can make them sound.
Community is about making the choice to show up and love, every single day. No matter what.
Friends, I’ve missed you. And I’m sorry I ran for a little while. I might not be back every week, but I’m not going to run anymore.
Because my community…my family…it means too much to me.
And I choose to be here.
Mel, I’m so glad you came back! I’ve missed you!! Here is a good place to be
And you are a writer-a beautiful, heart string strumming writer!
Here IS a good place to be…I love my sweet FMF sisters.
Thank you for being a blessing!
“Community is about making the choice to show up and love, every single day. No matter what.” So true…and I love that. To be in community we do have to choose to show up, engage, love, encourage. So thankful for you and this community that we get to show up in! Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
I’m so grateful for you, sweet friend.
Have a beautiful weekend!
I too have found the FMF community so uplifting and encouraging. Glad you’re back and choosing love over fear and confusion. It’s a daily battle for me but it’s so worth it. Blessings for a wonderful weekend!
Blessings to you, too, LeeAnn…thank you for your sweet encouragement.
Happy Friday!
Mel, it’s so good to see your face and your words back here. You’re so right about choosing to show up – whether tired, busy, overwhelmed – we just need to show up (says the girl who was Twitter lurking tonight because of a hard day – lol). So grateful for your words and to have you back here! Have a blessed weekend.
I mostly twitter-lurked tonight, too. 😉 Said hello to a few people but kept wondering what my place was, too. I’m determined to show up even more next week. Thanks for being part of my community…you bless me so much, friend!
“Community is about making the choice to show up and love, every single day. No matter what.”
Amen, sweet sister! Amen!!!
So glad you didn’t run tonight!
Me, too.
Love to you, friend!
This link up community means a lot to me too. Glad you decided to come back and choose us. Thanks.
Thank you for stopping by today, friend!
Oh friend, I am so thankful you wrote. I’ve been hiding myself, stuck in a rut with writing and sequestering myself with the Lord. But I too miss this beautiful and brave community. Hugs!
Hugs back to you.
I think it’s so easy for me to look for my value in what I can do…instead of what He can do through me. Trying to let go of that mindset and just be who He created me to be. Beautiful words or not-so beautiful.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Sometimes that little break is all we need to restore the passion to put words to paper (or screen) – so glad you’re back
Thank you, sweet friend.
You make me smile…hope your weekend is a wonderful one!
Hey Mel … it’s been a long time for me, too … MONTHS! But I dropped back in today to give the creative juices just a bit of a jumpstart again …
It worked.
I hope you are well!
I’m glad to see you here, friend!
Happy weekend to you!
im so glad…i am always blessed by the words your heart shares here Mel! I wish i really go to see and talk with you! ..heaven
glad you’re back
Hugs, sweet friend. Thanks for being here!
I’m so glad you chose to return. The FMFParty on Thursday always makes me feel twitchy–but in a good way–so many conversations happening, so little time to read the tweets. It’s always wonderful to snuggle down in my rocker and read everyone’s posts over the weekend.
Oh, how I understand. The twitter party can make me a little crazy…it just goes so fast! But to connect hearts through our words…yes. So grateful for this community. Blessings, friend!
So glad you decided to come back. You have been missed. It seems that sometimes even when community is good it can be hard. I to have been struggling with exactly where I belong, I always come back to my FMF sisters.
Sending you a giant hug, friend. You are a beautiful part of my community! Love to you!
Love you!
Back at ya, sweet friend!
Mel, I’m new here, so I didn’t even know you were gone! But, this… “Community is about making the choice to show up and love, every single day. No matter what.” This is BEAUTIFUL. This is truth. Thank you for that.
Thank you for stopping by, Colleen! And, welcome. This is truly an amazing community.
Writing when it is difficult (for various reasons) is perhaps one of the most TRYING things I have experienced. Good to have you back and to hear your voice, friend.
Thank you, sweet friend. Praying for you…hope you are doing well!