Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: Cherished
Buried up to what felt like my neck in dirty dishes this afternoon, I sighed as I looked down into the sink to see several of Maelie’s play dishes from her Little Tykes kitchen.
Sigh again.
A moment of frustration for me definitely…I completely wanted to just sit down. Fighting the flu/sinus/cold stuff going around, doing anything extra wasn’t really on my agenda for the day.
But since her dishes were already in the sink…along with the rest of the ones that were actually dirty, well…there was no choice.
So I held in my impatience and washed her dishes…letting them dry in the draining rack.
Oh, thank you, Mommy. Thank you for washing my dishes!
Those few words uttered from my daughter just melted my heart into a puddle. By taking the time to let my daughter know that I would make what was important to her important to me, she knew that she was cherished.
And she is…so completely cherished…I just sometimes forget to show her that.
I love how my Father does the same thing for me…for all of His children. (Well, minus the frustration and impatience part. ;))
He sees what is important to us, what we hold dear…and He cares for us because we’re cherished in His eyes.
Today was a moment of humility for this mama…I realized that I so easily get wrapped up in my own thoughts and desires and life…and I forget about the little girl running around at my feet…the one who is already growing up way too quickly.
May I take each and every opportunity I am given to let her know she is cherished.
Loved your post! It’s so great how the little things we do make the little ones sooo happy. Keep pressing on, and remember, you make her little life so wonderful, in all you do for her. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your sweet words, Sarah, and for stopping by!
You’re welcome, Shannon! Blessings
Isn’t it amazing how much being a mom makes us realize the love that Christ has for us? Loved your post!
Thanks, Erin! Agreed…I’m always amazed at the little things she does that remind me of His love. Thanks for stopping by! He pricks our hearts. Beatifully written!! Thanks for visitng my blog today and leaving such sweet words!
Thanks, Mindy!
Beautiful words.
Thanks, Denise!
What a great post, I am new to FMF. It was fun blog hopping and being encouraged by all the posts. I love the scarf ice you showed, I know your daughter will remember that forever, thanks for sharing. Love your reflection.
Thank you, Adrienne, for your sweet words and for stopping by! And welcome to Five-Minute Friday…it’s a great place to hang out. Glad you joined!
This is so beautiful – and so authentic. Your daughter is blessed to have you for her Mommy.
Visiting (a bit late!) from Five Minute Friday!
Thank you, Julie.
Your words are a blessing to me today…thanks for stopping by!