My heart pounded a little as I walked into the music room that Wednesday night, and there was really no reason for it. I mean, these were my friends, and singing with them was definitely nothing new or scary.
The normal, pre-practice chatter happened, and that was good, but then the singing started and it was a good thing that we were all sitting in a row and I was on the end because I couldn’t believe how fast the tears sprang to my eyes.
I made myself hold them back and sing the words, but it was hard, and I wondered that night if maybe…this season was over.
And I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around it because how does a season that has lasted 36 years just end like that?
How could a single event take such a big piece of me?
I thought it over during the next days as I half-dreaded Sunday morning. I didn’t want to say to anyone, I haven’t sung since before…
The truth is that in my mind, life is defined right now in two ways…Before. and After.
It’s not a conscious choice…it’s just how my brain thinks right now.
Certain things bring pain, and I’ve had to find where to draw the line so I can avoid what I need to…I’m not necessarily avoiding everything that’s difficult, but I’m not just throwing myself into all-things-painful, either. Does that make sense?
I know it sounds crazy, but the night I started spotting, I was wearing this silly, sweet tank top with a giraffe on it. I haven’t worn it since. I can’t.
I also rarely go to Target. It’s too painful, especially walking by the baby section, which is much-too-conveniently located, smack dab, in the middle of the store. Our bank account is doing better thanks to this, but my heart aches over it. I’ve been back twice…once with a friend, once with my hubby. I didn’t make them hold my hand, but I was close. 😉
Same with Chipotle…which I craved up and down during those weeks. I just can’t go.
And there are other things that make the list, too…like the book I was reading that I haven’t picked up again, the song Blessings…and the list can go on and on.
And Sunday morning came because that’s just what happens when days pass…and while I was ok, I couldn’t fight back the tears as I walked into church, wondering what I was even doing.
I really felt like my song was gone. Maybe forever.
And even as I picked up a microphone for the first time in weeks, I had the sudden urge to run…I seem to be good at that, and it was what felt right at the moment, but I stayed.
And I sang.
And while it was no big deal, really, the morning was a scream of Hope that my heart desperately needed.
I needed to know that my song was still there. Somewhere.
And it was. IS.
He’s finding my song for me again.
He’s healing my heart, one little piece at a time.
He’s Good…and I’m so thankful.
Love you sweetie and continually lifting you up in prayer.
Love you, sweet friend…thank you for the prayers. You are a gift.
Don’t rush the grieving my sweet friend.
I’m hear to listen, pray, or just let you cry.
Love you Mel!
So grateful for you, sweet friend. Thank you.
Beautiful Mel!!
Thanks, girl…you are such a blessing.
I noticed.
I noticed how brave you were on Sunday.
And how beautiful, too, singing with a smile in front of everyone.
That’s a good step.
Well, Mel just turned into a puddle. 😉 Thank you, friend…for being here. For praying. For loving me, even in the ugly moments. (((hugs)))
Praying for you!
Thank you, friend…so grateful.