
Awake. Another late night workout. Hoping my body decides to fully crash earlier tonight than it did last night. However, my daughter has been sleeping in lately. That’s always good.

Entertained. (But only slightly.) There’s a family of skunks living under our front porch. I’m not sure how to process this information other than do my best to avoid that area at all costs. Yep…not really diggin’ the idea of bathing in tomato juice or whatever concoction is necessary to kill the stench.

Slightly Jealous. Apparently, in the middle of kindergarten graduation at BAIS (our school in Indo) yesterday, a 6.1 earthquake hit. My first thought was, Cool! Then, Man, I wish I could have been there! I’m not sure the kindergarteners thought that, though…but it does make for a memorable graduation ceremony!

Thirsty for Coffee. I’m gonna be a good girl and NOT tonight. Ya think that could potentially hinder my sleeping ability? I want some zzzzz’s too badly tonight to risk it. I’ll just drink an extra cup in the morning. :)

Frustrated. Trying to figure out what to do for Mae’s birthday. June is busy, and I know not every year has to be a big shindig, but I want to do something for her. I’ve got about another day to figure out…whatever it is I’m figuring out…and then get some plans going. Can we say “procrastination”? Ugh…I’m disappointed in myself.

Encouraged. I’ve just been reminded over and over lately that God wants to hear the things on our hearts…even if they seem small. I’ve tried to be intentional about talking to Him throughout my day, and it always makes me smile to see a way He’s answered something.

Hopeful. It wasn’t a great day with parenting and my napless wonder of a daughter who decided that screaming bloody murder for an hour was preferable to napping. :( We rarely have days this bad and they are never consecutive, so I’m hoping that tomorrow will be a good day. ‘Cause I love her and on the days she’s oozing sunshine…well, there’s not much that’s better. :)

Sad. Not too sad, just wondering what’s going to happen with a particular situation in life right now. It has the potential to change some things for us. Nothing earth-shattering but definitely makes me think, Oh. With a kind-of sad face.

Thankful. I say it all the time, but I am truly thankful for the Grace that has been given to me…the Grace I need but don’t deserve…that Grace that has changed my life. I love that it never ceases to amaze me. I’m thankful that He keeps amazing me with all He is. That’s cool.

Tired. Maybe. :) Gonna try for some sleep. G’nite, friends!


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