The longer I write the more I realize how much I love random.
Often, my favorite posts come out when I plan absolutely nothing. I just sit down and dash off words…because that’s the best way for me to be me, exactly as I am. And that’s where I am today.
As I’ve started to write a few more words this year…and we’re getting there…I’m realizing how at home I am with my keyboard and my thoughts. And, of course, my coffee.
Can I just confess right now that we have exactly enough Indonesian coffee to make ONE MORE POT, and I’m heartbroken. I literally can’t bring myself to use it up. And so I sit here, drinking my random, donut shop blend. And it’s still ok, but it’s definitely no Aroma Kopi, which is the best there is. Ever. (Can we just go to Indonesia? Seriously, I’m headed back next year for a visit…I’d love to take a friend along!)
So I love Crystal‘s Friday Favorites linkup at the end of every month…just a chance to share some favorites. It’s fun, it’s one of my favorite ways to write and share, and so I’m jumping in and hanging out at her space today. I love it.
And now, I bring you some of the current faves.
And I’m sorry there’s no giveaway this month, but I AM giving away something completely awesome on God-sized Dreams in a few weeks, so keep your eyes open for that one. (You WON’T want to miss it!)
I haven’t done much reading lately. I’ve bounced around several of my favorite blogs and caught up with some dear sisters. That’s probably been my favorite reading for the month. Here are two that spoke to me so deeply.
My friend, Gindi, was featured at Kristin Schell‘s blog this week. I completely adore her story of community and how God is weaving that into her heart and life. I’m also completely jealous that it is warm enough in Texas to have a turquoise table in her front yard, year-round. I have to wait until spring, but I’m hoping there will be one in my front yard soon, too! Gindi is one of my dear friends, and I hope you will stop by to read her beautiful words.
This post really got me. Hard. God has been working on a lot in my heart lately…I haven’t really talked about it here because there are times when there just isn’t a way to process it all. (I did just try to process it and just ended up with a tangle of words. So we’ll talk later.) But you should read it.
And maybe the most reading I’ve been doing lately has to do with my Bible. I’m really trying to be in the Word more. Oh, I fail sometimes. But the times I do spend there are so sweet. So precious. So needed.
I pulled out an old favorite series and shared it with Mae a week or so ago. I was completely impressed that she sat through two episodes and laughed at the funny parts. (And she also continues to talk about the time that Sara smeared a cherry pie in Felicity’s face. Ahem. I don’t think that was exactly the takeaway.) 😉 I’m a bit of a goof, but I love older tv, the good stuff, when I know I don’t need to worry about what my daughter will see.
Also, anything remotely related to Anne of Green Gables always. wins. Always.
You can watch the first episode free here…which is all kinds of awesome.
My favorite thing to wear right now, hands down, is my heart necklace. Since last summer, I’ve been looking for the perfect necklace…a sweet way to remember the babies we’ve lost and to honor our precious daughter. I looked everywhere and finally settled on this one from Etsy. It has Always Love stamped on the outside and Maelie’s name with the initials of our two little ones in heaven, I.M. and C.K., on the inside along with a stamped dandelion and their three birthstones. The dandelion was part of the original design, and I thought it was the perfect hug from God since a dandelion was the image that came to my mind just days after we lost our sweet Carly.
I wear it every day, and I honestly can’t imagine a day when I won’t.
I’ve also been wearing more workout clothes. Two weeks ago, I just decided it was time. Time to eat better and work out more, and it’s good. It’s amazing how drastically reducing sugar (it helps that I gave up dessert for Lent) has also made me want healthy food. Case in point? It’s 8:30 a.m. and I want grilled chicken and avocados. (No lie.)
Ok, that was random. 😉
I also vowed that this month I would wear a pair of earrings. Um…I bought a pair and then chickened out of wearing them in public. I promise I will wear them this weekend. And, of course, I’ll document it for next month, too.
One of my favorite things is to have coffee with a friend…just to chat and listen and be. Not kidding, if I were given a choice of anything, that’s what I would choose to do with a free hour or two. (If I were given a day full of coffee dates for my birthday, I would completely be in heaven. Just fyi.) 😉
I love this song, too…I’ve basically decided it’s the soundtrack of my season. I’m working on it in voice lessons…not sure I’ll ever do anything with it, but it’s beautiful. And a reminder I need every day. So have a listen and then download it at iTunes if you so want. (I may or may not play it on repeat often.)
And that brings us to the end of the favorites, at least for today.
What are some of your current faves?
Happy weekend to you all. Hugs.
Thanks Mel for sharing Gindi’s story. I’m pretty fond of our friend, myself! And, I’m hopeful you have a turquoise table in your yard soon, too.
One of my favorite things is having coffee with a friend, too. Listening, sharing, in those quiet, small moments so much good happens. Best caffeine ever! xo
Aw, thanks for stopping by today, friend! Coffee dates are the best, aren’t they?! I’m hoping there will be a lot of them happening at my turquoise table really soon, too.
Blessings and happy weekend!
I love all these peeks into your life.
Love you, friend…thanks for being here! xo
Ok I love you. Officially. A few things.
1. Did you know the entire Anne of Green Gables ebook series is only 99 cents on Amazon right now ( – off to buy it as soon as I’m done with this comment.
2. Avocados are one of my love languages
3. I need to see the earrings. You don’t wear earrings in public? I’m so confused…as I sit here in my giant gold hoops 😉
Well, I love YOU, friend…you always bring a smile to my face.
1) I did NOT know the series is 99 cents, and I’m about to take care of that in just a minute!
2) I ate a bowl of guac earlier this week. Just guac…no chips, nothing else. It was fantastic.
3) And, yes…the earrings. Girl, you rock them. But I think they take over my head. I’ll send you a pic, and you can tell me what you think.
Mel! I didn’t realize you had a blog. I love this! Thanks for sharing. <3
Thanks for your sweet words, my friend!
i love the list of your favorites.. it made me smile
I to love everything anne of green gables!
Aw, seeing you here makes me smile! Happy weekend to you, sweet friend.
I can’t wait for my girl to be old enough to appreciate Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea! It’s funny, one of my goals is to read LESS this year so I can create more. No shame in having your nose in a blog rather than a book. I instantly read anything Kristen tweets out. I love her raw, truth speaking posts so much.
I’m kind of in that mode…I go between reading and writing and creating. There’s not usually much of a balance…it’s a lot of one and not much of the other two, but it works.
Hope you have a great weekend, friend…thanks for stopping by!
I wanted to ask you about your necklace yesterday but I guess we were too busy solving the world’s problems for me to mention my thought. It is lovely and even lovelier now that I know that it is a reflection of you. Thanks for the spontaneity yesterday, I so needed it! Enjoy the little surprises that God delivers!
Totally in agreement with you in the wish that we could use a picnic table all year round. I have already told hubs we MUST have one before the warmer temps are here. How fabulous it would be to gather at each other’s table!!!!! Because yes, my favorite thing to do is also to gather with others whether for a cup of coffee or whatever. I just love that time of connecting. So PLEASE let’s connect in real life soon.
And I so love your necklace. <3