Eternal Praise

I really love to sing. I think I’ve mentioned that a few times. In fact, if you were a fly on one of the walls in my house, you’d probably have purchased earplugs by now.


Cause Mae and I sing all day long.

Just a week or so ago I sang on Praise Team at church.

It was a bigger group of us, and it was so much fun to sing and praise God with this particular group of singers.

And there was a man in our group by the name of Don.

That man could sing.

I’d heard him sing a few times for different services, often on the praise teams, and even once as the entertainer at the Italian Festa put on at our church.

He had a rich tenor voice that wa s ju

st so beautiful.

For the last part of the service, he was standing just a few feet away from me, and during practice I remember smiling as I heard his voice booming out. I turned back to watch him for just a second.

I would have looked longer and stopped to savor those moments of music if I had known.

Just a few hours later Don lost consciousness, never regaining it.

He went to Heaven just a few days later.

I’ ve kind of been going back and forth as to whether to go to the funeral or not for the past few days.

I didn’t really know him or his family and finally decided not to go but will definitely be keeping his

family and friends in my prayers tomorrow as they celebrate his life and say goodbye.

But it’s interesting how, even though I never knew Don, his last moments have had such a deep impact over the last week.

Last night I was thinking about that Sunday and how close I was, physically, to that tenor voice.

Just days later, that same voice (but probably even better, if that’s possible!) is wowing Heaven and being sung to the very face of Jesus.

That’s just jaw-dropping amazing.

And not only is it amazing, but it will continue. He’ll keep singing with that same voice, praising the Father he loves, and someday we’ll all get to hear it again when we’re singing right along with him.

Singing and praising for eternity.

That’s just what I’m thinking about today. I’m so thankful for the promise of eternity and no more tears or goodbyes.




  1. Congrats on your post at (in)courage. Just jumped over here from there. Love reading your bio and discovering a kindred spirit. Another expat gal. We are 2 years into a 3 year assignment in Hong Kong where I have come to feel home from home. (And oh how I love rice). Looking forward to following along. Blessings from abroad, Kim

    • Hi Kim! Thanks so much for stopping by! I LOVE to “meet” expat gals who’ve been there and get it! I’ll look forward to following your journey, too. Many, many blessings! And eat some good, Asian rice for me! :)


  2. Praying for his family, you & his church family. … to go from praising Jesus, to standing before Him – wow.

  3. No doubt you already know this song, but as soon as I finished reading this I thought of it.

    During some of my scariest struggles, I have raised my hands to the Heavens and sang while I wept. Wanted to share it with you here today…….

    Loving you and praying for his family!

  4. Christine Bernacchi says:

    I’m one of the family that was the recipient of your prayers. thank you Mel, for putting your thoughts in words out in cyber space. God is using them to reach others that inturn reached me. REading your blog on this day was one that I searched for. I know you were touched by Don’s voice. As well as I was. It is so hard to listen to any kind of love songs, and there were many that he would sing to me. He loved to sing and i thought he had the best voice. But I am prejeduce, so it nice to hear it confirmed. Now I still enjoy the music he sang, but it come with a price of missing him more. Or maybe a realization that I am always going to miss him. Loss is a deep feeling and it is also a fact, but I know what you said is true and he is singing now face to face with our savior. And when we get there we will join in! What a party it will be! Love you Mel fo remembering him.

    • Your comment brought tears to my eyes. I think back to that time, how I didn’t know you just yet, but I ached for you and your loss. And I still do…I’m so glad you have the comfort of knowing there will be a very sweet reunion someday. I’m blessed to know you, friend. I’m always here if you need a hug. :)

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