All of us…in one way or another…have dreams.
Dreams in and of themselves are beautiful things. They allow our imaginations limitless boundaries to create ideal and perfect…full of hypothetical rainbows, daisies, and smiley faces. (Well, if you’re me. ;))
It’s when we take steps to turn those dreams into reality that they can sometimes become messy, discouraging, and full of valleys we’d never planned.
For five years, from 2005-2010, my husband and I gave our hearts to a country on the other side of the world. I talk about Indonesia now with fond memories, but to tell you that it was full of those rainbows at the time would be untrue.
During those years I saw my Father take me and painfully chisel away those parts that were getting in the way of His glory.
I saw huge disappointments that caused more grief than I ever thought possible, teaching me that my joy could not be found in what I had planned for my life…but in His perfect plan.
I saw Him take a woman who thought she had it all going for her and bring her to a place where she had nothing to give but what she had in His strength.
When our Indonesia life ended and we suddenly had this brand-new(ish) American existence, I started to write.
I needed to write.
The need to process became necessary for my emotional survival in a country that was mine and yet made me feel like a stranger. I wrote about everything…from learning to park a car again to the perils of choosing a salad dressing from the mile-long aisle, and from my disdain for wearing boots over jeans (which is hilarious now!) to the dozens of coffee creamer flavors I purchased just so I could try them all. I wrote about how hard it was to feel alone and the joy that came from a friend who came to find me, about a heart that broke from starting over again to a Father who redeemed broken and was the Giver of all givers.
It was good processing. More than good.
And as the words found paper and I allowed my heart to bleed, there was this little dream that crept in.
Or, maybe not such a little dream.
As God began taking my stories from Indonesia and weaving them into my now-life, I knew He was asking something of me.
Something that I’ve always wanted to do, but also something that takes Bravery. Trust. Surrender.
Which are kinda scary sometimes.
And I knew it was time to write…really write…that book.
I believe what happened next was completely of my Father.
I read this site often, but sometimes I miss a day or two. And for whatever reason, when I hopped over about a month ago, my eyes fell on this blog post.
As I read Holley‘s words, I felt this little twinge in my heart, the kind that God puts there to say, It’s time. Do it. Be brave. You’ve got Me, and I’m all you need.
So, I applied.
Honestly, I didn’t expect to be accepted. Oh, I hoped…like, a million times a day, but I tried desperately not to get my hopes up.
And when I opened my e-mail on that morning two weeks ago and saw a message saying, Congratulations! I’m thrilled let you know that you’re part of the God-Sized Dream Team!…well, I walked around with a completely-founded, silly grin for the next few days.
In just a couple of days I have the awesome privilege of joining a team of 99 women from around the world who all have a God-Sized Dream. For the next six months we’ll travel this road together…the one of taking our dreams, placing them in the Father’s hands, doing everything we can in His strength to realize them, and trusting Him completely with those hopes that passionately consume our hearts.
I don’t know these women or their stories, but what I do know is that we’re in a similar place of dreaming BIG…and trusting God with it all. I can’t wait to get to know their hearts and to walk this beautiful journey…one of letting God move as only He can…together.
It’s going to be amazing!
Over the next six months, I’ll be sharing more with you. What I’m learning, what He’s doing in my heart, and the way He’s changing me…I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
I really have no clue what to expect, but I know that there’s a reason…and I’m SO excited!
This is a chance to be brave, and I’m ready to step forward.
Thanks for your love and prayers, friends! You are each a blessing to this heart.
Congrats! I’ll be reading… 😉 This year is also that year for me to finish writing that children’s book I always said I would. Somewhere in the flurries it is buried in a winter of snow. 😉 Maybe Spring will come and melt it out! So happy for you!
And good for you…I hope I’ll be reading your children’s book soon! Blessings, friend. 
Congrats, Mel! Now the hard work begins — but it will be a journey to remember! God will bless it!
Thanks! I’m really looking forward to it.
I’ll keep you updated!
Congratulations Mel, you will have to tell me more about it when I see you next!
Thanks! I definitely will
I love, love this post and just read it aloud to my husband with happy tears.
I’m so excited about what God is going to do and thrilled to share it with you! XO
Thank you! What a journey it’s going to be…I can’t wait! Hugs back to you, my friend.