This is a fun one. I did it ages ago…we’ll see if my answers have changed.
- Ice Cream Flavor: it sounds so good, I could go for anything right now! Something chocolate.
- Sport: running, volleyball
- Season: still fall
- Hobby: crocheting, painting
- Song: I have a lot right now. Probably Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting. Such a beautiful picture of life for me right now.
- Band: Um???
- Female artist: Mandisa, Kari Jobe
- Male artist: Mark Schultz
- Place to Hang Out: still coffee shops! Coffee, anyone?
- Musical: still WICKED!
- Book: Just got my hands on The Kite Runner and A Secret Kept. (Thanks, SS!) Can’t wait!
- Color: orange/gray/lime green; brown/lime green/cream
- Animal: still my golden retrievers! Love them and the crazy they add to life.
- Food: pizza (pretty sure that one might never change!)
- Drink: um, coffee? Duh… 😉 Diet Pepsi comes in at a close-ish second.
- Subject in School: English
- Flower: daisy
- Veggie: eggplant (yeah, I know I’m weird)
- Fruit: jeruk bali (from Indonesia…kind of like a grapefruit)
- Music: praise and worship
- Store: tough one…lately, Goodwill…so many fun possibilities!
- Day of the Week: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday…all of them?
- Number: don’t really have a favorite
Though the number 17 seems to have had a repetitive significance in my life.
- Movie: Confessions of a Shopaholic, Steel Magnolias
- Pizza Topping: pineapple and roasted red peppers. (Yes, together. I’m weird. :))
- Fast Food Restaurant: Chipotle
- Vacation: probably still Bali…love me some sunshine and surfing!
- Dessert: cheesecake…mmm, cheesecake.
- TV Show: Um, TV? What’s that??? Kidding…I just don’t watch many shows. You know, it’s probably Little House on the Prairie. How can anyone NOT love Ma and Pa and Mary and Laura?
- Place: Wherever I am. Really, really blessed that God brought us here.
What about you? If you’ve got time, leave your faves in the comments!
Happy Monday!
Female artist: JJ Heller, Sarah Groves, Sandra McCracken
Male Artist: Fernando Ortega, Andrew Peterson, Michael W. Smith (I can’t pick one….)
Place to hang out: Home…always open to having people over and conversation in front of our gas fireplace
Book: A Severe Mercy, The Problem of Pain, anything Dickens
Flower: Hydrangea
Veggie: roasted cauliflower
Fruit: berries
Store: Goodwill, although Kohl’s takes a second…so many good bargains in both places
Movie: I have trouble sitting through them these days. I really like anything history based….Valkyrie, Life is Beautiful and lots of others but I can’t think of the titles right now.
Dessert: Pumpkin cheesecake. 😉
P.S. by the way, I think the English word for the grapefruit like thingy is Pomelo. (In Chinese it was you zi…but yes, that stuff is WONDERFUL!)
Love your choice of dessert…one of my favorites.
Thanks for the fruit tip, too…I googled “pomelo” and it looks like the same thing! Now to find it in Illinois!