
So I posted a song yesterday.

Before I read my devotions for today.

You’ll never guess what it was about. :)

So, I’m gonna talk about that for awhile…I know you don’t mind. :)

A huge part of my personality is the fact that I am very social. I need to be around people often, otherwise I go stir-crazy. (And often get pretty crabby.) It’s just the way I’m wired…I get my energy from being around friends and my hubby and (of course!) my wonderfully social and amazingly talkative daughter.

One thing I’ve noticed is that because I get so much energy (and JOY) from people around me, it’s very easy to find my worth in them. What they think of me is important, often more than it should be…

And as a result, sometimes I look to them to feel complete.

That can be a tall order for a human to fill.

I often think of the day I married Tobin…August 3, 2002. I still remember so many details of it, from the donut I had for breakfast to my awesome hair. (Is it bad that my hair was probably my favorite part of the day?!) And from being sneaky and putting my garter on AFTER the ceremony so I wouldn’t have to wear it to completely losing it when we were dismissing guests and I said goodbye to my adopted parents from college. (I had to sneak into the bathroom to redo my makeup! ;))

Good or bad, those memories make up the day when I was sure that I had everything I would ever need now that I had married Tobin.

Without realizing it, I’d called up a pretty tall order for him.

How does a human possibly have it in them to complete another?

They don’t.

Over the years, Tobin and I have had a lot of mountains and valleys. When you throw four houses, three cities, two countries, and one baby into almost ten years of marriage…it’s to be expected.

I’d often find myself feeling empty whenever we were struggling. This person…the one I had expected to be everything that I didn’t have in me…wasn’t following through.

Wasn’t being what I needed to feel complete.

And yet, I know that I can’t look to people to be what completes me. We all know that.

But knowing it and believing it are two different things.

This is some of what I read this morning…

“…In Me you have everything.”

“…Since I am infinite and abundantly accessible to you, desiring Me above all else is the best way to live.”

“…It is impossible for you to have a need that I cannot meet.”

Firm…but gentle…reminders of

All that He is.

And all that I’m not.

And all that my friends and family cannot be.

Because He wants to be IT…what completes me.

Just where my heart is today.

Thanks for reading. :)



  1. Beth Shepherd says:

    Wow. You have such a way with words! I saw myself in this post for sure! What a great reminder.

  2. Loved this post! It’s so simple, so true, but so easy to loose sight of. Thanks for sharing and for the reminder!

  3. That devotional is one of the best, life changing, and always gentle but firm :)

    • I have to agree…I actually look forward to reading it. I think you’re the one who mentioned it to me first, so thank you! :)

  4. Beth Shepherd says:

    I can’t wait for that hug either! It has been a long time coming! YAY!!!! :)

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