Do you ever have one of those weeks?
I’ve kinda had one of those months.
And it’s not that this is a huge pity party…because I’m really fine. My days are full of smiles and laughter, often thanks to the sweetest little girl who can brighten the darkest room.
It’s just been a season…one where my desires and plans don’t match up with what He’s got for me.
And that can be hard.
In some ways, it’s been a strange paradox of death but life, of laying down but embracing, of letting go but choosing hope.
And that’s what I need right now. All of this.
But, a confession? It’s been hard to pray.
When my heart is just heavy and tired, I don’t feel like praying. Pray for others…absolutely. But pray for me?
It’s tough.
And maybe that’s why I’m so thankful that He’s there and He hears and He answers cries we don’t even speak…
And He answers them like this…
…a sweet note in the mail from a dear dreaming sister, just to let me know she’s thinking of me. Oh, if she only knew how perfectly timed those words were. Still are.
…a little book that has been exactly what my heart needs each moment I open it. My sweet friend has no idea how much these words have meant to this heart, especially in the last weeks.
…a Friday morning text…”Can I buy you a Starbucks?” She doesn’t know how long it’s been since someone asked me that…or how much it meant.
…a book that most of the world has already read, (or it seems like it, anyway!), and I am just now diving in. Coincidence? Not at all…my heart grips each word a little more tightly than the one before.
…Hello Mornings and challenging verses and before-sunrise discussions and prayers that make me breathe thanks for sisters who walk this journey with me.
…just-because texts that bring a smile in the midst of a hard moment.
Each of these felt like God was reaching down to wrap me in His arms and tell me, It’s going to be ok.
The funny thing is, I know that…but sometimes it’s nice to be reminded.
I’ve been showered with blessings in the past weeks, both by my (in)RL community and my online one as well.
Blessings…it’s a word He keeps bring back to me.
And I’ll write more about that next week.
For today, just thank you.
Thank you to those who love me so well.
Thank you to my Father for the countless blessings.
Happy Tuesday, friends! Today is the day when I join some sweet friends at Crystal’s space for Behind the Scenes.
Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.
“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.
If you’ve got time to hop over, you’ll find some stories that will definitely make your day. From the sweet and silly to the sad and sentimental, the stories that happen beyond the edges of a picture are truly worth sharing. Blessings and happy Tuesday, friends!
It really is hard to pray and dive in sometimes. And that is okay. Thank you for your sweet words this morning. I really needed to hear them.
Thank you, Laura…blessings to you!
You are loved so dearly and so deeply, my sweet friend! Sometimes I think that we feel this way (*GaSp!* We?! Yes .. we … I’m having “one of those months”, too!) because we’re under attack for leading the Hello Mornings group. It’s hard to pick my head up and push through it – but it’s so necessary. I will pray for you today! Hugs
Thank you for the prayers, sweet friend. The enemy sure likes to attack us when we’re neck deep in the good stuff, doesn’t he? Thank you for the encouragement…I’m glad I’m not alone, in this or with HM. I love leading it with you! (((hugs)))
I’m so thankful for both you ladies and your willingness to lead despite what you feel in this season you’re in. Brave, friends!
Thank you, friend…you are a blessing, and I’m so glad you’re part of our HM crew!
Love you sweet friend. That was beautiful
You make me smile, dear friend. Thank you.
Hey, you are such faithful prayer partner, so generous in your prayers for me. Please allow me to reciprocate!
Popping over from Crystal’s place…I was lamenting how badly my week was going so I forced myself to go for a walk. I also had to kind of force myself to pray and thank God for my blessings. Why should this be so hard at times? When I started to recount them, I did realize that I am truly blessed. The enemy, however, would love to have us focus on what’s going wrong. Trying, along with you, not to get caught in his snares. Really enjoyed your writing and your perspective. So glad I stopped by!
Thank you for your sweet words, Bev, and for stopping by! I think it’s so good for any of us to take that time to intentionally look for the blessings. There are so many when we stop to count them! Blessings, friend!
Oh Sweet friend, I wish I had the words to say how thankful I am for your words. It is as if you have been walking through these last few weeks by my side and dictating from my life. I am also thankful that He is also always there for us.
Sending you hugs, sweet friend. I’m so thankful for that, too.
Oh Mel… He is just so good to pour out blessings, isn’t He? That photo up there is just FILLED with some of my very favorite things!!!
Praying for you… counting gifts right along with you, friend! One of those – is getting to meet inrl next month!
Can you believe it’s just a MONTH away? Not even? I can’t wait to give you that (in)RL hug!
Blessings manifest when we need them. In Nichiren Buddhism, we believe in what we call Shoten-Zenjin. Guardian angels would be the best translation. These angels are not just confined to heavenly beings – these are also living beings in our daily lives. People we know or not. During those tough times, the Shoten-Zenjin step up to the plate and organise a little grace and blessing so that we know our lives are not lived alone and that miracles – even just the miracle of a cup of coffee from a friend – are indeed possible. It restores and renews one’s faith.
We are all part of the same system of love. It moves through us and manifests mostly in little ways.
We often expect miracles to be huge and dramatic with bells, whistles and water turning into our favourite cocktail. I believe that miracles happen in the small things: the encouragement from a friend at just the right moment, being paid a day early when you really need to be paid a day early, a hug.
It sounds like you are surrounded by angels. 😀
I love what you said about the miracles, the blessings, being in the small things. Definitely.
Hope your week is beautiful! Blessings to you, friend. 
Amen to this post, so true!
Thank you, Ashley!
I love those hidden blessings that He pulls out just when we need them! So very glad that you are feeling loved and cherished by those around you
Thank you, Aurie! I hope you’re having a beautiful week…blessings!
I love how God had his hand all over that card I picked up and write to you. Hang in there, friend. This too shall pass and another season will come.
Thank you, Kristin.
I’m so thankful for you, friend.