It was later in the afternoon, but the sun was still beating strong. And, in the summer, we so love to play outside so we grabbed our sunglasses, put on our shoes, and hopped out to the backyard. (Probably literally…she’s quite the jumper.)
There’s the playhouse and the Cozy Coupe and the slide…those are the faves. Many, many hours have already been spent with them just this summer, and we can’t wait for more.
She makes a beeline for the pool, the one we put up on Sunday (and accidentally overflowed…oops), and I give her the gentle reminder that she should never touch it if mommy or daddy aren’t next to her. And then I also stick in that reminder that it’s still freezing and we should wait a few more days before we try to swim. (Poor thing…she’s been ready to dive in since it had about an inch of water in it. π
She cooperates and heads to the sandbox.
We love the sandbox.
We do, but it’s not usually what she wants to play with first. (I guess because it’s there year-round, and we’ve been known to let her play in the sand in February. π
I flip the lid off and toss it in the yard, expecting her to sit down next to me to dig and make tracks and fill buckets. She looks at me as I dig with the blue shovel but doesn’t join.
Instead, she walks around and grabs a few things.
The squirt guns we’d been playing with earlier, the plastic bag of accessories she’d been carrying around all day, the pink shovel from her sandbox.
Then she climbs into the middle of the lid, sits down…and thinks for a moment.
Mommy, may I have the blue shovel?
I hand it to her, curious at what that little mind is working on at the moment, but she doesn’t keep me in suspense for long.
In fact, I don’t even need to ask.
One shovel in each hand, she moves them back and forth and starts to sing.
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the STREAM!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a DREAM!
(She likes to emphasize the ends of phrases in songs. Perhaps loudly. And, by perhaps, I mean always.)
A little imagination, and my girl is rowing her boat to Uncle J and Aunt K’s house across the street…or, at least, according to her that’s her destination.
Because, really…when you’re a toddler with a huge blue flower on your head, two squirt guns by your side, and a bag full of necklaces and bracelets, what more do you need before you head out on a new adventure in a sandbox-lid boat?! π
Somewhere in there, I dive for my phone to snap a picture before it’s too late, and soon it is.
Just a few minutes later, she’s moved on to something else. We throw frisbees, chase the dogs, and even fill a bucket with sand.
But, secretly, I’m hoping that we’ll row her boat to another destination soon.
Happy Tuesday, friends! So my regular Tuesday posts with the God-Sized Dream team ended last week. I have to admit that I was a little heartbroken and dreading Tuesdays just a tiny bit. But…Crystal to the rescue! I met this sweet friend through the dream team…and she had a fabulous idea for a new way to connect on Tuesdays.
In her words…
Isn’t their imagination wonderful? I wish I could capture it and their energy for just a few day. I am sure you get tired of us older moms telling you,”enjoy each moment. It will be gone before you know it.” But it is so true. Soon the sandbox bost will be a car and she will be off. Blessing to you dear friend.
You can keep telling me because it’s something I want to do every day. It’s overstated but true…the days are long but the years are short. I don’t want to miss a thing.
Blessings back, sweet friend!
I love it! Time flies when they’re little and before you know it they’re off to school, then off to college, and then with kids of their own. I remember the toddler days with my girls and how I envied their imaginations. Thanks for sharing this little moment in time with us.
I envy her imagination SO much…I just think she’s the most wildly creative little girl, though I’m sure all mamas think that about their littles. π Thank you for your sweet words, friend…blessings!
Love this so much! So glad you linked up
Thank you, friend! And thank you for a fantastic reason to look forward to Tuesdays…love this link up!
Mel I love this. Friend.. I just love reading anything you write. speaking of.. I would so be honored and love love to read your manuscript sometime.. when you feel up to it! praying for you dreamer friend
You are so sweet, my friend…thank you. And I would love for you to read it someday. I’ve got some major tweaking to do, and I’m trying to figure out what needs to be done next, but I will let you know! Have a beautiful week, Jenn!
Oh I love this. Who doesn’t need a sandbox lid in their life???? Sort of like a magic carpet ride – anywhere the imagination will take you!!
Absolutely…LOVE that you mentioned a magic carpet. And my girl is totally a Jasmine fan…I’m guessing a magic carpet ride isn’t too far off! π Blessings, friend!
I love it! She looks so fashionable in her little band while sailing on her boat! So cute:).
Thank you, Jennifer! Blessings!
Tres cute, Mel! My summer just got started. Looking forward to more writing and sharing!
Aw, thanks, friend! Happy summer to YOU…you’ve most definitely earned it!
What an absolute grand adventure! And what a wonderful way to combine what she can’t have (the water) with what she can have!
That’s a great way to look at it…I hadn’t connected boating with the water thing. Thanks so much for stopping by, Anita! Blessings!
I love what their little minds come up with
Love love love this picture and the story behind it
I wish my kids and I could come sail away with you guys — or should it be “row away with you”? 
Thanks, friend!
That would be so fun…I’ve thought recently how fun it would be to just have a huge blogger hangout and we could all bring our kids for one giant play date. (Helloooooo, chaos…good thing I thrive on it! ;))
Love the look into the amazing imagination of your little girl…and how you totally soaked it up and helped her grow in it!
What a momma!
Thank you for your sweet words, Sarah! And thanks for stopping by, too…blessings!
Beautiful! I am very much reminded how quickly the sandbox top travel turns to travel in their own car…..before you can get to the camera it seems..thank you for your words sweet friend!
Thank you! Oh, I know…she turns three next week, and I have no idea how three years went by so quickly. (I kind of want to protest it all…) π Blessings, friend!