I had to bribe her with two jellybeans to get this photo.
This girl, the light of my days and complete sunshine of my moments…she and I have battled.
Almost constantly the last few days.
For whatever reason, she is fully embracing the three-ness of toddlerhood, and I?
Well, I am spent and have tapped into the very limited reserves of my patience tank. It’s not exactly going well.
And, yet, on a sunny Sunday afternoon she was hopscotching on the back patio, and I was bumming nearby with a salted caramel mocha in one hand and my phone in the other, and I thought,
I need more pictures with her.Β
Not just ones that are taken on the happy days, but also the pull-my-own-hair-out ones, too.
Hence, this photo.
Yep, there’s a lot of rough going on behind it, but I love that it’s there. Here, for me to see and remember.
Remembering that, even on the ugliest and most painful mommyhood days, the sun still shines.
And if it’s not shining in the sky, it sure is shining in the form of my girl.
Friends, can I ask prayer? I’m jetting off to Allume tomorrow. I’m uber, over-the-moon, joy-filled, excited to go…and yet my heart aches over being separated from her.
So much of me knows that I need the break…and that it’s just time to go and take this step closer toward a full-on chase toward my dream of publishing a book. But there’s a little piece (and maybe it’s not quite so little) that worries. I just need to wrap up all that fear and give it to my Father.
I know He’s got this…and now I’m praying that He’ll pour on the peace, too.
Thanks, y’all…looking forward to hugging SO many of you in just a day or two! SQUEEEEEEEEE!
Β **************************
Happy Tuesday, friends! Today is the day when I join some sweet friends at Crystal’s space for Behind the Scenes. We’re sharing the silly and sweet and sometimes-tear-jerking moments that happen behind the camera lens…I hope you’ll take some time and pop over to read some great stories.
Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.
“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them.Β The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.
Oh sweet Mel, this is my life. I had always been told it’s like a switch gets flipped on their third birthday, and that’s what we experienced with our boy. You definitely have to take these pictures on those hard days — oh, and sometimes, the best way to stop a temper tantrum is to release all your frustration with tickling
(Doesn’t work all the time, but getting them to laugh can really help :)). I will be missing my kiddos this weekend, too… it will be hard for many of us, but He’s got this. Love to you!
The tickling thing works for hubby with her but not so much for me…usually I try to capture her in a giant hug, and that will do the trick. But there are always just those days…I keep telling myself it’s a stage. π Two days til I get to hug you!!! Love you, friend!
You two are beautiful! And those patience tanks….they never really run dry. You get extra ones…especially when they are 17
Trust me! Soo very excited for your adventure sweet friend!! Have a great time and I know you will be nothing short of amazing!! Love to you and can’t wait to hear about your trip!
Aw, thank you, friend! Your sweet words and encouragement are so good for my heart today…love to you, sweet sister.
I can relate to needing more pictures with my kids, the everyday moments not just the “stop what you’re doing and say cheese!” kind. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your time at Allume, I hope to be able to go sometime in the future.
Thank you, Victoria! I hope that for you, too. Blessings on your week!
I totally get jelly bean bribery. May you build a huge album full of jelly bean photos. (I did a photo behind the scenes thingy on my blog, too, but it’s not as cool as yours).
What a so sweet picture !!! I regret that I was always the one behind the lens when pictures were being taken.
I am praying for you as you go to Allume and your husband and little one as mommy is gone. I hope you have so much fun, relaxation and encouragement. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Give everyone extra hugs for me.
I will definitely pass out the extra hugs…and think of you often, too. I can’t wait until the day when one of those (in)RL hugs is exchanged between the two of us.
Blessings and love, friend…thank you for your sweet encouragement and prayers!
Praying for you and your trip! You’re gonna rock it. π
Thanks, friend.
Cuteness! I love how this picture came about, haha, she knows how to satisfy her sweet tooth π
I love that even when the sun is behind the clouds, you can make memories like this
Safe Travels!
Thank you, Katie! Blessings to you, friend…have a beautiful week!
Lovely, cute girl. I remember going through this with my own daughter. She’s nearly 30 yrs old now and I miss her today. God is awesome!
Yes, He is! Thanks for stopping by today, friend! Many blessings.
I love jelly beans. I love this photo. I love your words. And I can’t wait to hear about Allume. Have a great time!
Thank you, friend…you are such a blessing. I hope I can give you a hug soon.
Dear Mel
Oh, I always say that if our children don’t test theit boundaries and their mothers’ patience to the utmost at that age, there is surely something wrong with them! Enjoy your time away at Allume!! I am quite jealous that I cannot be there too!
Blessings XX
Oh, I wish you could be there too, friend. Thank you for your sweet encouragement today. Blessings and hugs to you!
Love this – that you have pictures of the everyday. Pictures that maybe aren’t of the style, all-the-time smiles moments. The ones where you take a break and smile anyway. That’s real life. Real motherhood. So excited for you as you head out to Allume – and YES! I will be praying for you and all the other women I hope to meet up with some day (next year?) as you learn, write, worship, and fellowship together. Have such a wonderful, refreshing, rejuvenating time!
Thank you, friend, for your prayers and encouragement. And, YES! Hoping that next year (or even sooner!) I’ll get to hug you! Love to you…blessings on your week.
Mel, I love coming here and just reading. It’s a blessing- your words and heart.
Happy Travels! I pray that you will continue to walk toward your God-sized dream and that the outcome will be better than you imagined.
I remember the days of three-year olds. Spencer and I breezed through the “terrible twos” and I thought I had the defiance thing licked until he turned three. We battled like crazy that year. We still do go head to head sometimes (he is as strong willed as his mama), but I can reason better with him now. Good luck and God’s blessings to both of you.