Sometimes I feel a heavy responsibility, being the mama of a girl.
Or, maybe, just being a mama in general.
True, we have a blast together. Seriously? Being her mommy is so much more awesome than I ever could have dreamed. She’s just the best.
And, for now, she’s three.
A copycat, sort-of three…whatever Mommy does, Maelie does.
This is good and bad…I break into a song from Beauty and the Beast? She’s right behind me singing backup…or, more likely, taking up the lead. 😉
I have an ugly moment and raise my voice? Chances are, her reaction will be similar.
I sit down to write? She’ll pull out her “laptop” or another device and do the same thing.
I’m helping out with bread at church on Fridays? She’s right next to me helping, putting bags of it into the big, orange tubs and delivering them to the head-start with me.
She’s watching…and doing…all the time.
That’s why it’s so on my heart to set a good example for her…in words, in actions, in how I am every day. Oh, I don’t do it perfectly AT ALL…but each day, there’s an opportunity to teach, to love, to be Jesus to someone. And pray that God will grow her heart to love and show compassion to others…and to have a giving spirit. I dream those things for her.
And, friends?
There’s an opportunity to give right now. One that, I hope, will somehow, someday, make an impression on my little girl’s heart. I don’t know how, but I do know it will make a difference right now in the lives of some beautiful women and their babies on the other side of the world.
In Kenya.
I’m so excited to be part of this: Raising the money for a new home in Kenya for young moms and their babies. For Christmas, we’re building them a HOUSE!!!
Yes, a house. And I completely love it.
This…THIS…is a way to be Jesus to women with one of the most basic needs: a place to live while they raise their sweet blessings.
The Mercy House Kenya fundraiser has been happening for several months already, and what’s exciting is that four of the projects have been fully funded already! So far, we’ve raised money for a new vehicle, a classroom addition, a computer lab, and a new generator. The final phase is raising $53,000 for a second home to help more moms and babies.
Would you like to join and give even a little?
I was thinking the other day of how many times I make a quick drive-through stop for coffee. What if I gave that up for the month (or even the week?) and donated the money to Mercy House Kenya? Every little bit helps, and that’s my challenge for each of you today.
Can you give a little to be part of something HUGE…something that will change so many lives forever?
photo used with permission of Mercy House Kenya
To donate, you can go here or click the link on the sidebar of my blog. (That link will also automatically update if you’d like to track the fundraising progress, too.)
To learn more about Mercy House Kenya and all God is doing, go here.
AND…for those of you who need to finish your Christmas shopping, Mercy House also has a store. Proceeds from all sales go to benefit MH…I love that. And I love the beautiful items for sale, too. In fact, I splurged and ordered this T-shirt. (Sshhhh, don’t tell my hubby…though he’ll find out soon enough because it’s going in my stocking! ;))
And, as always, thanks for stopping by, friends! What a gift you can be this Christmas! Will you take up the challenge?
photo used with permission of Mercy House Kenya
*UPDATE* The second house has been completely funded! (It was, in fact, almost completely funded in about 24 hours, give or take a few.) Y’all are Awe.Some. And, because there are so many generous hearts out there, we raised (or rather, GOD raised) an additional $10,000 to furnish the house and money is still pouring in for books and educational materials for these women! (The link still works if you’d like to click over to keep tabs on what is happening or to see how you can help.)
WOW. Watching my Father bless over and over in the last days is such a tangible reminder that He really does MORE than all we ask or imagine.
Praise Him for the Christmas these beautiful mamas and their babies are going to have this year!
Happy Tuesday, friends! Today is the day when I join some sweet friends at Crystal’s space for Behind the Scenes. We’re sharing the silly and sweet and sometimes-tear-jerking moments that happen behind the camera lens…I hope you’ll take some time and pop over to read some great stories.
Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.
“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.
Oh yeah! I learned early on that what I do gets mimicked right back at me. OUCH!
I love your blog title/url! Funny, the post I linked up with Crystal today is about my daughter’s bare feet. She hates to wear shoes! (Actually, all of my kids do and so do I. I guess it is a side-effect of living the first years of one’s life in the tropics.)
Thanks, Sharon! We spent several years in the tropics, too, and I have to admit that, often, I’d rather be barefoot. 😉 But I also get really COLD in the winter…and really cute boots make it easier to actually cover my feet! Thanks for stopping by, today…wishing you a wonderful week!
This is awesome, Mel. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by, Kimberly!
Beautiful post, as always, Mel! The Mercy House project has captured my heart in so many ways. It’ s a true privilege to have the smallest part in it. God bless you today, friend!
It is a privilege, isn’t it? I’m still smiling over the millions of ways God is pouring His blessings all over Mercy House.
Have a wonderful week, sweet friend!
Dear Mel
I am so glad and exited to hear that you have raised enough money for all these projects. And I hope that next year I will be financially able to make a contribution.
Blessings XX
I love your heart, sweet Mia. God is really pouring His blessings on Mercy House…it’s such a blessing to be a tiny part of it.
Sending hugs and wishing you a wonderful week!
Love this so much
They never outgrow the copying. I am reminded of that so much. Love to you sweet friend!!
Love YOU, girl! It made me smile so big to see you here today. Sending you gigantic (((HUGS))).