So when you look at this picture, I’m sure you think, Awww. Three friends.
Maybe even, awww, three best friends.
You’re getting closer. π
We are, in fact, three best friends who have just had breakfast in the driveway at 6:30 a.m.
But there’s a little more to the story. Because there always is and because I like to be a storyteller. (I think it might be my gift.)
Anyway. π
Missy and Becky are actually sisters. Like, blood sisters…but we’re all sisters because we just are.
We grew up together from the beginning…like, from theΒ very. beginning.Β
I don’t remember a time in my life when these girls weren’t part of my life.Β
Since the two of them are sisters, they are obviously about as close as sisters can be, but they let me be included in that.
They don’t know that it means the world to me to be included in their family. Really.
The three of us got into all kinds of trouble adventures while growing up, and we have so many memories…from summers spent at the community pool to tree climbing to canoeing (one of us may or may not have fallen out of a canoe one day…) to camping out…
We just had the best time.
As happens with most friendships, we’ve gone different directions, but right now, the two of them live within an hour and a half of each other…so when I go back to Iowa, I get to see them both.
Often, at the same time which is pretty much my favorite thing ever…and when it happens, we always,Β always, take a picture.
On this last trip to Iowa, that didn’t look like it was going to happen, though. I’d stopped to see Becky on my way to my hometown, and Missy was coming back to Illinois with me for a few days, but we didn’t think it would work out to see each other at the same time.
Until someone *brilliant* in the group devised a plan. π
Knowing that Missy and I would be passing through Becky’s area around 6:30 a.m., I suggested we meet for breakfast at her house.
The problem?
Was that Becky’s kiddos would still be asleep…and let’s face it, at that hour, it’s always nice if the kids stay asleep. Plus, I didn’t know if Maelie would be awake or asleep or bouncing out of her carseat.
And so we decided to have breakfast together in Becky’s driveway.
Missy and I hit a drive-through on the way for McMuffins and hash browns, and Becky made the coffee and chocolate milk, and we pulled up to her house and parked the van to see…
…something that I wish I had taken a picture of…
Becky had set up the cutest little table and camp chairs in her driveway just for us.
For an hour, we sat there and chatted and ate and drank really good coffee (because Becky makes really good coffee :)) and then ended with the we-need-to-snap-a-photo-of-our-time-together picture.
I treasure these moments, these photos.
I’m so blessed to have these two beautiful women in my life…they are my heart-sisters, and I love them.
And I think this whole breakfast-in-the-driveway thing is kind of a cool tradition.
It’s one I’d like to keep.
Thanks for stopping by for my take on life behind the iPhone camera lens. π I love this link up on Tuesdays over at my friend, Crystal’s place!
Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.
“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.
I hope you’ll hop over for some sweet and crazy and fun and sometimes-sad stories of what actually goes on behind the pictures we share.
And, could I ask a little favor, sweet friends?
If you haven’t had a chance yet to hop over to CausePub, would you take the time to read my story and vote? Β I submitted A Moment of Love,Β and am hoping like crazy that it will be accepted into their book project; the proceeds from this book will go to Blood:Water Mission in Africa.
You can go here to vote for it. Thanks so much!
Hi Mel! I’m dropping by from Crystal’s blog. Such a beautiful story of friendship ans sweet times together. I’m in a similar situation where my three closest friends live far away, so our times together are few and far between. But when we do get together, we always make the most of it. I love the cleaver idea of the driveway breakfast as a way to enjoy the time together without waking the kids. Thanks for sharing!
Aren’t those times just the best?
Thank you for your sweet words and for stopping by…wishing you a wonderful week!
Awe that is so sweet! There is a girl in our neighborhood who is always at our house, who has become inseparable with my two girls! I hope they share a similar story like this one day!
How fun!
Honestly, I don’t know what I would have done without the two of them…God gave me the best friends He knew I needed.
Have a wonderful week, sweet friend!
Childhood friendships that last into adulthood are something to be treasured. Growing up I struggled with friendships but am learning that those girl friends are important. I love that you were able to find a way to still spend time together no matter what.
They are definitely treasures…and really the only two friends from growing up that are still close friends. But I’m definitely so thankful!
Thinking of you this week, friend…I hope She Speaks is fantastic! Blessings. 
Dear Mel
Wasn’t that just the most brilliant idea! Actually you three look as if you could have been quite naught together as well! Yes, these kind of sisters are incredibly precious people in one’s life!
Blessings XX
We definitely had some mischievous moments…but that’s what childhood is for, right? π Blessings and happy week to you, sweet friend!
Don’t you love friends like that? The ones where you can suggest eating breakfast in the driveway at 6:30 a.m. and not only do they not hesitate, they put a table and chairs up? Love this story!
Yep, they’re pretty much the best…and I love that they both thought it was a great idea!
Blessings, Kim!
How fun! There is nothing like have sister friends who know your heart and love you through everything. I will be happy to vote on your story! I’m hopping over there now. Have a great Tuesday!
Thank you so much for your encouragement and for voting, Jennifer! You are so sweet and such a blessing to me…hope you have a wonderful week!
Love this
I have those sweet “sisters” in my life too. You are a beautiful story teller. God always usues your beautiful words and precious smile to make my day brighter sweet friend!
Your words mean so much, sweet friend. Thank you for the encouragement that you always are to me! Blessings and happy Tuesday!
Oh! I love that idea!
Thanks, Paula!
I love this story… and what a blessing to have such beautiful friendships that don’t seem to factor time into the equation. Love you friend. Have a blessed day.
It’s one of my favorite things about our friendship…even if we go years, we can still just pick up again and keep going like it’s only been a day or two.
Love to you, too, friend…have a great week!
yeah you got me to say that! This story was so cute and i’m happy you went a little more into detail otherwise it would’ve been a cliff hanger π
Thanks, friend! Yeah…I like to chatter (and write) too much to leave many cliff hangers…maybe I should work on the suspense aspect of my writing! Blessings…happy Tuesday to you!
Love this – and I know EXACTLY what it feels like. I have one too – one of those girls you’ve known forever; so close; so long – you just call her sister. It’s the best – next best thing to having a for real biological sister. There’s so much happiness and love flowing out here – it just makes my heart smile.
I always wanted sisters, and so I know we were all just meant to be. Those heart-sisters are definitely a blessing to be treasured, aren’t they? Thank you for your sweet words, friend…have a wonderful week!
So sweet. You are so blessed to have those women in your life that know you from way back. Blessings to you, friend!
Thank you, friend! They are such blessings…though they’ve got more secrets (and some pretty good ones, too!) on me than anyone else. π Blessings and happy Tuesday to you!
Wow – that’s just awesome. Lovely to have friends like that in life.
I’m very blessed.
Hope you are doing well, friend! Blessings!
Seriously love this!!! Friendships like this are totally worth fast food breakfast in the driveway with sleeping kiddos in the house and car!! Totally something my best friends and I would do just to see each other!! You should totally make this a tradition
And yes, definitely coffee π
It was so much fun because it was so us…just kind of taking life and adventure as it comes and being our crazy selves. It’s an awesome memory I’ll hold close to my heart for a long time! And…yep…gotta have the coffee!
Blessings, friend!