Yesterday I took her to ballet for her first-ever class.
Gotta admit that, even before we stepped out of the house, she’d already melted my heart with her sweet dancing around the living room as she tried out her new, black, sparkly leotard and borrowed shoes. (Amazon decided not to deliver hers on time…so thankful for friends who have danced this road before us.)
Mommy, I’ve always wanted to be a ballerina! Thank you!
Of course, she is THREE.
We’re not signing her life away just yet…but for the last year, we’ve known that ballet was something she wanted to try, and so we patiently waited until she was old enough.
We arrived at the class a little early, and her slight-timidity kicked in just a bit. She hovered back for a second and grabbed onto my leg, so I walked her over to a little bench where she shed her yoga pants and socks and put on those sweet, little pink shoes.
That was all the magic she needed.
It was time, and she was ready to go.
Time to begin chasing her dream of being a ballerina…however long it lasts.
I think back to my own dancing days, and those were over in just a year or two. Not really my thing.
And dancing might not be her thing either…but it might be.
And because we can and because Mondays are open and because we want her to have opportunities, and we want to let her dream…ballet it is.
And as I looked at the mass of pink and sparkles that gathered together in the room in the form of sweet little girls, I thought about how dreams so often start out just as my sweet little girl’s dream did yesterday…
Just that. A day to begin and to chase it.
We’ll cheer her on, however long it lasts, even if it’s forever. (Or, more likely, not.)
And if her dream changes down the road, we’ll buy those drums (heaven help us) or set up an area for her to paint pictures, pay for those singing lessons or spend hours writing stories together.
There are so many dreams out there, and I love…LOVE…that the world is wide open to her.
And as long as her heart is open to her Father, there’s nothing He can’t do in her life.
No dream that can’t come true.
Linking up with two of my favorites today!
On Tuesdays, I hang out with some of my favorite friends at Crystal’s place, where she hosts Behind the Scenes.
“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.
And I’m also linking up at God-Sized Dreams, with my favorite dreaming sisters!
I hope you’ll join us for the sweet, sentimental, and silly stories that make up our days.
I am so excited to see if Karlena wants to do dance…I didn’t have that opportunity as a child and would love to give my girl a chance at it!! Mae is adorable!
Oh, thank you, friend…I hope your girl wants to dance, too. It’s just fun to let them be all girly, isn’t it? 😉
Dance was a dream I never had the opp to pursue. So happy that I could give that gift to my girls. Have fun dancin’ with your girl!
It’s definitely fun to dance with her, but I kind of thing she’s already more graceful than I am! Haha. 😉
So precious!! I love how you are willing to let her dream and do a million different things if necessary to let her find her thing. You’re a great Mama!
You are a sweet encouragement, friend. Thank you.
Found you through God-Sized Dreams…loved your blog today. Beautiful.
Thank you for stopping by, Charlotte! Blessings and happy Tuesday!
I love that you are encouraging her to try any dream she has no matter if it is a forever dream or not. My kids have found what their dreams were by first realizing what dreams weren’t meat for them. I can’t wait to see how this dancing dream grows her.
PS Even though I have only seen her in pictures, I can’t believe how much she has grow over the last year that I have been following you. Enjoy every minute.
I think she looks so much older in this picture, too…but she really has grown up. It flies…I’m determined to enjoy every moment.
Thank you, friend…you are a blessing! (((hugs)))
love this.. i love the reminder to..: that when open to the Father there is no dream that can come true. And that dreams change. Lol.. it also reminds me how i got kicked out of ballet class for talking to much.. lol!
Oh, sweet friend, you always bring a smile to my face.
Blessings and hugs!!!
LOL Love your sense of humor in the line about how your daughter has ALWAYS wanted to be a BALLERINA BUT she’s ONLY THREE! LOL haha…sweet story! I wish your daughter all the best as she grows up and discovers her God-sized Dreams! Wouldn’t it be amazing if that dream to be a ballerina stayed with her and she became one of the best pros ever?!
Thank you for your sweet words, Alexis…it’s fun to think about what her dreams might look like. I can’t wait to see what God does in her life! Blessings and happy Tuesday!
It’s fun to watch our kids try things with that sort of open hope that they’ll find the thing they love, that makes them dream and hope. Visiting from Behind the Scenes.
Thanks for stopping by, Kirsten! Blessings to you!
I loved reading it. I haven’t read your blog lately and missed it. Wished our girls could have a play date. Ballet drams are worth dreaming
Hey, friend! Wouldn’t that be fun…and the mamas could have some coffee/chatty time. Aaahhh, sounds wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by and blessing me with your words! (((hugs)))
Oh! What a beautiful ballerina!! Do they do a little recital at the end of the year? Just you wait. Bring lots of tissues. They are so sweet, all “dancing” together (more or less!!).
Thank you, friend, you brought back memories! It seems like I was just taking those 3 year old, first day of ballet pics – and now my ballerina is in her 6th year of lessons!!
They DO have a recital in May…all the mamas were telling me about it. Basically an uber-adorable explosion of pink and sparkles. I can’t wait!!! I had forgotten that you have a ballerina, too…so fun! It will be fun to see how Mae does with ballet…maybe it will be the start of something wonderful for her…though I think in her mind, it already is wonderful!
Hugs, friend!