Five-Minute Friday: Small

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Small

Ok, a confession?

In this great, big, bloggy world…I sometimes feel so very small.

Tiny .

And often insignificant.

For almost two years, I wrote just to write…and while it was good, there was always that part of me that wished for a community, the kind that would read my words and invite me to read theirs.

I’m not even really sure how it happened, but one day that changed, and suddenly there was this beautiful and amazing community surrounding me.

It would take much longer than my five minutes to list them all, but they surrounded me with their hearts and words and prayers…and these beautiful ladies have become my family, though I’ve met very, very few of them in real life.

And it isn’t that I became big once I meant them.

It’s just that God used each of my sisters to remind me that I am a small part of it all…but an important part.

All of us…

We each have a voice, and that voice matters.

It may not be one that shouts from rooftops, gets a thousand retweets a day, or that many comments, either.

But it’s still important, and He can still use it to reflect His glory. 

Father, thank you that you can work through the small and insignificant…

Thank you that, despite me, you still choose to use me and my voice.


Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: THE. VEST.

She stood on the American Idol stage in March of 2010.

Didi Benami.


Oh, she had a good voice…and I noticed that a little as I heard her sing her heart out for all of America to hear and vote.

But mostly?

I was staring at her vest.

It was the most colorful, crazy, fun, piece of clothing that this hippie/boho-clothes lover has ever seen in her life.

I swooned.

It might be the only time I’ve. Actually. Really. And. Truly. Swooned. over an item of clothing.

Oh, I enjoy clothes.

But this vest was in a league of its own.

The next day I hopped online, just to see if anyone happened to love her vest as much as I did. It was that short, online, browsing session that confirmed two things for me.

First…Yep, a large portion of the female population of the world adored it.

And, second? Forever. 21.

I couldn’t get to their website fast enough.

I scoured the site and the internet until I found one in my size. (Let’s just say that the U.S. viewers…those lucky ducks…they got American Idol TWELVE WHOLE HOURS BEFORE I did…therefore, they got a huge jump on the cool-vest-shopping.) I found it on the Canadian Forever 21 site, and the price tag ran around $40. Plus shipping to the U.S.

Hubby said no.

He wasn’t mean about it…I mean, we’re talking $50ish.

We were living and working overseas and extra money wasn’t something we had a lot of.

I was pregnant, and my six-month belly was already popping waaaaaaaaay out. (A local thought I was at nine months around then, FYI.) 😉

And $50 from our small salary was a lot.

So I let a tear drip…and then I let it go.


We moved back to the U.S. a few months later, had our baby girl, settled into life here.

But I never really forgot about the vest.

Occasionally I’d pop over to Ebay to see if one had miraculously surfaced. In a potentially bored (or desperate?) moment, I once even checked Craigslist.

I know.




Once every few months…I’d look for a few minutes. Just to see if someone had gotten bored with their wardrobe and needed to rid themselves of the coolest vest the world has ever seen. :)

I always came up with zero search results.

Then, toward the end of June this year, it was about time to look again, so I did it.

Hopped over to Ebay…and GUESS? WHAT?

I’m pretty sure the neighbors heard my joy.

There it was!

In my size!

And, oh…the bidding war that was already happening. (With five days left, there were already ten bids on it.)

Clearly there are other people out there who agree that this vest is fantastic.

Hubby and I (ok, mostly hubby) are pretty good at figuring out Ebay. We don’t bid right away, we simply watch and attempt to trump at the end. I quickly did the math and realized that at the very moment the auction ended, I’d be in the car headed to Iowa.

And so I asked him to please-please-oh-pretty-please watch the auction for me and do our usual, trump-all-the-bidders, thing at the end.

I told him how much of my birthday money I was willing to spend on it. (I’m just throwing out here that it wasn’t that much…because I don’t want you to think I throw money around like crazy. :))

He set a reminder in his phone, I left a few days later for Iowa.

I was so busy catching up with my dear friend early into the wee hours of the morning that I actually forgot about it. (I know.)

The next day, I shot him a quick text.

Remember the vest?

Guess what, friends?

He. Remembered. It…

And? He. Got. It.


I arrived home a few days later, and there it was on my dining room table in all of its rainbow glory. (Pardon the drama. ;))

I waited until our anniversary last weekend to wear it for the first time. :)

I love it.

I know there are probably a lot of people out there who look at it and think, Wowza, that’s kind of crazy. I’d never wear that.

And that’s ok.

It’s totally cute.

It’s totally me.

And it makes me break into a silly, cheesy grin (possibly accompanied by a song…) when I see it. 😉

And I have the sweetest-ever hubby, one who went out of his way to make sure I could have a completely unnecessary, once-in-a-liftetime, in-his-words, psychodelic…vest.



Happy Tuesday, friends! This is one of my favorite parts of the week…the Behind the Scenes link up at my sweet friend, Crystal’s space.

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

I hope you’ll take some time to stop by and read about the crazy and fun, the sweet and sentimental, (and sometimes the vests!) of life behind the camera lens. The writers are some of my favorite people, and I know you’ll love their stories! :)


Five-Minute Friday: Lonely

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Lonely

It was one of those days.

The kind when she would pack her bag and trudge to school, not sure who might be there to greet her.

Say hello.

Notice her.

Something. Anything.

And, like so many other days just like it…the loneliness abounded.

And she built a wall around her heart, wondering if anyone would ever want to tear it down.

Sometimes, friends, I let myself think back to that time in my life when I was so lonely.

It was hard and is not a time I revisit often.

But, truth?

I think we all have those lonely moments.

I still do, sometimes.

The challenge for me now…and it really is a challenge sometimes…is to not let them be a bad thing.

Yes, this extrovert thrives SO. MUCH. when she is around her friends and those who love her.

But there can be so much beauty in the lonely, too…the kind of beauty that comes with allowing myself to be wrapped in my Father’s arms.

When I let Him take my loneliness and teach me to rest in Him and the fact that He is enough.

I often just look at all He’s done…all He’s given…the ways He has blessed me with So. Much. Community…and I smile.

Yes, there are lonely days.

But there are so many blessings, even then.

MomsBibleStudyI love this picture of my amazing Bible study friends…truly a gift from God. They’ll never know how much they mean to me. :)

Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: On Anniversaries and Selfies


Just throwing this out there…

I’m not a selfie taker, typically.

I’ve got nothing against those of you who can magically hold out your iPhone and, almost instantaneously, snap the most perfect, flattering, photo of your gorgeous face and hair and then post it to facebook for all the world to see.

I’m just not that person, usually, but it’s all good.

I can appreciate your gifts.

Anyway. 😉

So we went out on a date to celebrate our 11th anniversary on Sunday night. (A day late…BOO on migraines. Yay for babysitters who can do a last-minute switch on nights.) 😉

As most of our anniversary dates tend to be, this one didn’t turn out quite like we envisioned. (If I told you some of the unique ways we’ve spent our anniversary…let’s just say it would be an entertaining series of blog posts. ;))

However, that’s ok…we’re learning to embrace the surprises that come along.

So we started our big night out at Costco.

Yes, we did.

We got ice cream and then walked around and bought some cleaning supplies that we needed because, let’s face it, the key to a happy marriage is making sure the bathrooms are clean, right? 😉

Then we made our way over to a restaurant we’ve driven by a hundred times. And every time we’ve driven by, I’ve said, We need to go there for dinner sometime.

So we did.

It was this little Mexican place, El Molino, and while it’s not in my top ten, the green salsa was pretty awesome, as were the enchiladas. I’d go back. :)

The service was super fast, and after dinner, we were faced with almost two hours before we told the babysitter we’d be home.

What to do, what to do?

Hmmmm…remember that time three years ago when we had a four week-old and were looking for a place to live and we saw a bunch of houses, some that were in slightly sketchy areas of town? Let’s go find them!

Guys, we totally did.

Pulled the GPS up on the phone and drove all over town. (Technically, all over two towns.)

We managed to find the first house we looked at, and the sight of that one only made me breathe thanks over and over that God had other plans for us.

We think we found another one (but the new owners had painted it rusty-icky-brown…really?!), and we’d liked this one a lot, but it didn’t work out. That’s more than ok…we love where we are. :)

And after that we were kind of over the whole, let’s-go-find-the-houses-we-didn’t-end-up-renting, thing. (Especially because I felt like a total creeper… ;))

So we went to Dunkin’ Donuts. We wanted coffee because we just did.

Or, maybe I did.

That’s because I’m breathing. 😉

Our mistake was that we went INTO the store instead of just doing drive-thru. So, of course, we walked out with donuts, which we totally needed after ice cream and too many chips-and-salsa-plus-dinner.

It is a good thing we went in, though, because it gave us the perfect opportunity to document our adventure-filled, so-not-predictable, anniversary date With. A. Selfie.

Complete with a very-slight, sneak peek of my, in-my-husband’s-words, psychodelic vest.

The same vest he went practically-to-the-moon-and-back to get for me. (Thinking that might be another post in itself, though…come back next week?  Trust me, it’s worth it. ;))

In all of this, selfie-pic-taking-included, I smiled.

We haven’t had an easy road. This marriage thing has been a lot of things…and easy hasn’t been one of them.

But the smiles in this selfie? They’re real.

For all of the hard moments, the days when we wondered whether we should even keep doing this anymore…this year.

This moment.

I’m thankful.

We know it’s worth it and that it always will be.

I love this guy, I do.

I’m so blessed to walk this thing called life with him by my side.

And I could gush and gush here, but I hope the smiles say it all instead.

Here’s to selfies that document what words often can’t.


On Tuesdays, I link up at my friend, Crystal’s place, for Behind the Scenes.

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

Take some time and stop by for some of my favorite reads of the week written by my sweet, blogging sisters. They’ll make you laugh, cry, and remind you of how good life is and how fun the stories can be behind the camera lens. :)

Thanks for stopping by today, friends!


Five-Minute Friday: Story

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: Story





For years, this is how I thought my story would end up.

For years, I lived with the belief that I was these things.

Oh, how wrong I was.

You see, He was using those moments, those tears to write my story.

He took the ugly pieces, the messy ones, the ones that made me feel like I had no place at all…and He wove them together into something I could have never pieced together on my own.


He gave me a man (the one I celebrate 11 years with on Saturday!) to love me and take care of me.

He gave us a sweet, precious, gift of a daughter.

He gave us community and family and friends…a place for our story to be written.

A place to belong.

He’s led us step by step…sometimes with just enough light for the next step, but always leading.

My Father?

He’s the best author.

Because He can take any story…any storyand turn it into a beautiful one.

And no matter how long this chapter is, or where the next one lies, I know something.

I know that it will be good because He is Good.

Five Minute Friday


Behind the Scenes: Sometimes We All Just Need a Nap

photo(14)Look close.

Cute. Little. Girl. Alert.


She really is. Cute, that is. Adorable, kind, completely funny, silly…just a wonderful little princess of a girl.

She also stopped napping around the time she turned two.

Friends that means for about a year, she has taken about six naps TOTAL. (That includes the four she took last week when she had the flu…)

Needless to say?

This mama is tired.

I so love being mommy to Mae…she is truly my sunshine, and the mommy/daughter bond we are building is something I hope will grow for the rest of our lives.

Having a daughter is the most amazing, incredible, dream come true.

But sometimes?

Oh, how I looooooooooong….sometimes with even more o’s…For. A. Nap.

A nap from her so there can be one for me, too.

That may sound lazy, but Oh. How. I. Miss. Naptime.

After a particularly trying day last week, my husband pretty much mandated something. (In a kind way, though.)

An hour-long rest for our Maelie-girl every day.

Oh, I’m pretty sure the angels sang. In fact, I probably joined them. Loudly.

This picture was taken the first day of our new let’s-take-a-rest experiment.

I almost felt guilty as I rested the gate against her door and saw that cute, little, slightly curious, smile come to her lips.

What are you doing, Mommy?

Remember, Mae? You’re going to take a rest for an hour. You can play or read quietly or even sleep.

And so began the hour.

Things were good for the first 20 minutes or so…and then, Mommy? I’m hungry.

I caved and went downstairs to grab a little snack for her.

That seemed to satisfy her, and she continued playing with her dollhouse while I crept back to our bedroom across the hall, crash-landed on the bed, and virtually-cracked open a book on my Kindle. I made it about three pages before my eyelids started to close…

and I woke up an hour later.

Everything. Was. Quiet.

Gotta admit, I’ve never bolted out of bed faster.

Because when you’re the mama of a toddler, silence is not golden. It’s just plain suspicious.

But I didn’t need to bolt out of bed at all…because one little peek into her room gave me the answer I needed.

The one I had almost never dared to hope for.

There she lay, curled up under her purple blanket…Napping.

Yes, folks, nap #7 of the year.

It was lovely, and I flipped off her light and let it continue for yet another half an hour or so.


It hasn’t happened again, but hey.

I’ll take it.

And my nap was wonderful, too, since I know you’re wondering. 😉


It’s Tuesday…the day I link up over at Crystal’s place for Behind the Scenes. I love this link up! :)

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

If you’ve got a few extra minutes in your day, I hope you’ll stop by and read what’s going on in the hearts and lives of my amazing blogging sisters…they’ve always got some sweet and silly stories to share about what goes on behind the camera. 😉


Five Minute Friday: Broken

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: Broken

The word hurts.

It does.


There are so many things in life that I have allowed to break me…from hurt feelings to parents splitting up to struggling for a baby to being forced to start over in a new place.

And I think sometimes it’s ok to break…to get to that point where there’s nothing left to lean on but my Father.

Because that’s what He does…He takes those who are broken, and when we let Him,

He fixes us.

Heals us.

Glues those broken pieces back together in the way that only He can.

I think back a few years ago…when we stared down so many unanswered questions…life just felt broken.

So broken.

And now I look back, and I just smile…because He knows what He’s doing.

I see that in the little girl who fills my days and the new place that has become our home; in the ways He has led our family and the things He does each day in our lives.

And I’ll take those pieces of life that have been put back together by my Healer any day.

Because they’re beautiful.

Thank you, Father, for taking the broken and making it so much more beautiful than I ever could have dreamed.


Five Minute Friday


And, could I ask a little favor, sweet friends? :)

If you haven’t had a chance yet to hop over to CausePub, would you take the time to read my story and vote?  I submitted A Moment of Love,  and am hoping like crazy that it will be accepted into their book project; the proceeds from this book will go to Blood:Water Mission in Africa.

You can go here to vote for it. :) Thanks so much!



Couch Rebels: Buy the Book, Change Lives

So unless you’re a new reader to my blog, you know that I’m involved in a project right now.

At least, hoping to be part of the book project that will Change. A. Lot. Of. Lives.


Cause Pub is an organization that is putting a book together called Couch Rebels: Because Stories Like These Aren’t Told By Potatoes. It’s a book of short stories submitted by people all over the world who have dared to get off the couch and make a difference.

The book comes out August 14th.

I know, that’s practically tomorrow! :)

And I want to help spread the word, not only because it’s going to be an incredible book, but because this incredible book is also going to influence the lives of so many people. For each book sold, THREE people will be provided with clean water for an entire year through Blood:Water Mission in Africa.

Honestly, friends?

I can’t imagine a better way to spend $10. (Actually, $9.99.) 😉

In exchange for two trips to Starbucks, you can change the lives of three people for a whole year.

I hope you’ll think about this amazing opportunity to make a difference and be a Couch Rebel yourself!

You can go here to buy the book.*


And a HUGE thank you to the many of you who have taken the time to read, encourage, and vote for my story, A Moment of Love.

I’ll find out on August 3rd if it will be published in the book. (That would be an awesome anniversary present! ;))

And you can go here to vote for my story.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support, friends…and for being part of this incredible, life-changing book!

*Affiliate link included in this post.


Behind the Scenes: Oh, the Places We Eat Breakfast…

photo(13)Becky, Mel, & Missy

So when you look at this picture, I’m sure you think, Awww. Three friends.

Maybe even, awww, three best friends.

You’re getting closer. 😉

We are, in fact, three best friends who have just had breakfast in the driveway at 6:30 a.m.

But there’s a little more to the story. Because there always is and because I like to be a storyteller. (I think it might be my gift.)

Anyway. 😉

Missy and Becky are actually sisters. Like, blood sisters…but we’re all sisters because we just are.

We grew up together from the beginning…like, from the very. beginning. 

I don’t remember a time in my life when these girls weren’t part of my life. 

Since the two of them are sisters, they are obviously about as close as sisters can be, but they let me be included in that.

They don’t know that it means the world to me to be included in their family. Really.

The three of us got into all kinds of trouble adventures while growing up, and we have so many memories…from summers spent at the community pool to tree climbing to canoeing (one of us may or may not have fallen out of a canoe one day…) to camping out…

We just had the best time.

As happens with most friendships, we’ve gone different directions, but right now, the two of them live within an hour and a half of each other…so when I go back to Iowa, I get to see them both. :)

Often, at the same time which is pretty much my favorite thing ever…and when it happens, we always, always, take a picture.

On this last trip to Iowa, that didn’t look like it was going to happen, though. I’d stopped to see Becky on my way to my hometown, and Missy was coming back to Illinois with me for a few days, but we didn’t think it would work out to see each other at the same time.

Until someone *brilliant* in the group devised a plan. 😉

Knowing that Missy and I would be passing through Becky’s area around 6:30 a.m., I suggested we meet for breakfast at her house.

The problem?

Was that Becky’s kiddos would still be asleep…and let’s face it, at that hour, it’s always nice if the kids stay asleep. Plus, I didn’t know if Maelie would be awake or asleep or bouncing out of her carseat.

And so we decided to have breakfast together in Becky’s driveway.

Missy and I hit a drive-through on the way for McMuffins and hash browns, and Becky made the coffee and chocolate milk, and we pulled up to her house and parked the van to see…

…something that I wish I had taken a picture of…

Becky had set up the cutest little table and camp chairs in her driveway just for us. :)

For an hour, we sat there and chatted and ate and drank really good coffee (because Becky makes really good coffee :)) and then ended with the we-need-to-snap-a-photo-of-our-time-together picture.

I treasure these moments, these photos.

I’m so blessed to have these two beautiful women in my life…they are my heart-sisters, and I love them.

And I think this whole breakfast-in-the-driveway thing is kind of a cool tradition.

It’s one I’d like to keep. :)


Thanks for stopping by for my take on life behind the iPhone camera lens. 😉 I love this link up on Tuesdays over at my friend, Crystal’s place!

Social media and online relationships can make us feel like everyone else has it all together. We’re edited, proof-read, Pinterest-perfect versions of ourselves (or so some might think!) when – in reality? There is an unfinished pile of laundry around the corner. That cute toddler smiling for the camera just had a massive meltdown seconds ago. That yummy breakfast-for-dinner you just showed us on Instagram? It’s because the cat licked the chicken that was supposed to be for dinner.

“Behind the Scenes” is a fun link up where we show those photos – but tell the real story behind them. The sneak peek behind the scenes, a look past the edges of the photo to the real life behind it.

I hope you’ll hop over for some sweet and crazy and fun and sometimes-sad stories of what actually goes on behind the pictures we share.


And, could I ask a little favor, sweet friends? :)

If you haven’t had a chance yet to hop over to CausePub, would you take the time to read my story and vote?  I submitted A Moment of Love,  and am hoping like crazy that it will be accepted into their book project; the proceeds from this book will go to Blood:Water Mission in Africa.

You can go here to vote for it. :) Thanks so much!



A Wall to a Foundation: A Guest Post

rebuilding the walls logo

I was never that girl…

…the one invited to sleepovers and parties, the one who had boys lining up for her, the one who was beautiful and had the latest, most perfectly-tight-rolled, Guess Jeans or Keds with the Real. Blue. Tag. on the back of them.

Gotta love the 90’s. 😉

Life in a public school was difficult and so was feeling like I had that group of friends who understood me and had my back.

I remember that day in freshman choir when I realized just how much I wasn’t accepted.

She stood behind me in our second soprano section of singers and kicked the back of knees.

Over and over.

For fun.

I’d always known she was mean, but this seemed like a new low, even for her…and when I turned around with tears in my eyes, she laughed.

The other girls joined her.

And the bricks?

Well, I started to build with them…

Please click here to read the rest of my post, A Wall to a Foundation.


Today I’m so excited to be guest posting at my dear friend’s space.

Christine is one of my God-Sized Dream sisters, a powerful prayer warrior, and an inspiring dreamer. She writes at Living Joel 2:25, and I was so excited when she asked if I’d like to be part of her Rebuilding the Walls blog series! Please stop by and check out her space…I know you’ll leave inspired and encouraged. :)

Thanks for reading today, sweet friends!
