A Post a Day for a Year…Can I Do It?

So I have to admit…I was both excited and nervous to have my own blog.

or~~ –>

Because I shared one with Tobin for six years, I always felt that there was a certain amount of restraint and accountability because what I wrote represented both of us. (Plus, if he ever disagreed, I always knew about it right away. :)) But now, it’s just me…and while he agrees with most of what I write,

it represents me.

Not him.

One of my goals with this blog is to “make it” into the mommy blog circuit…which we’ re slowly working on.

It’s going to take some time, and I’m willing to work hard and be patient. I love to write…it’s how I communicate, at times how I survive, how I am myself. And sometimes…how I spill the contents of my brain. (And please remember, I do have mommy brain.)

But I realized just this week that it’s often difficult to bare my soul when I don’t know who is going to see what I write. My post from this past Monday made my heart pound when I pushed the publish button.

I had written about some things that were very heavy on my heart and I knew there were people who would see what I wrote, disagree, and possibly judge me. But I still felt like they needed to be said and so I found every ounce of courage I had and published the post anyway.

My post for Sunday makes me nervous for a different reason…but you’ll have to wait until then.


Sometimes I question whether it’s ok to share stories that are so personal, and at times I may step over the line between what should be shared and what should stay private. I hope I don’t ever cross that line…but if I do it’s bec ause sometimes I

am so passionate about something that I forget to have a filter. That’s something I need to work on and I know it.

While I hope that my blog will be going strong for longer than this, my ultimate goal is to post something meaningful every single day for a year.

I’m 11 days into the project and have already hit writer’s block once.

(That would be yesterday’s post which took me six tries to write.) It is not the most fun feeling to be staring at a computer screen at 10 p.m. knowing that I need to come up with something in the next two hours.

Thankfully I had a few ideas stored away and was able to pull from those.

All that to say…a post a day…that’s my challenge for the year. I’m excited and looking forward to the things I will come up with, the adventures I’ll write about, and what God will do in my heart.

Thanks for reading what I write.

(And tell your friends!) :)


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