For years, I’ve stared at it.
The boring space that is A Barefoot Life. Really, friends…it was boring. I’m just being real here. 😉
Maybe what I wrote wasn’t always boring, but there’s so much that’s appealing about a pretty blog. And as a polka dot lovin’, flip-flop wearing, fashion-adoring girl, it just seems right that the place I live online should be cute too, huh? Can I get an AMEN?! 😉
And my sweet friend, Lisa? Well, one of her callings in life, at least according to me 😉 is to design pretty blogs. And she did an amazing job, didn’t she?!
Oh, I’ll be coming back here all day (and probably all of forever…) just to gaze at the beauty that SO not my gift at all. I’m so very thankful that someone I love is gifted in this area.
In thinking through my blog redesign…the one I’ve been wanting to do for a year, at least…it was hard. I had no direction because I was going through that kind of season. You know, one of those.
What’s my purpose? Who am I exactly in this great, big, bloggy world?
Because let’s be honest, friends…this bloggy world IS big. And it IS easy to feel like a tiny drop in a sandbox bucket.
Over the past few months, God has been whispering something. It’s not always been something I’ve wanted to hear, but He’s been pretty loud and clear.
He’s not calling me to write a book (right now, at least) or to be some big, awesome, word star. He’s just calling me to share my words.
Beautiful or messy, profound or just chatter…for the people who need them. And that probably won’t be the entire world…though that would always be nice.
He just wants me…Mel. My heart, my willingness, my words…for me to take those and use them for Him and let Him do the rest.
It has taken a long time for me to embrace that and not just be ok with it.
But today?
Today I’m completely owning my new tagline…Live the Adventure. Tell the Stories. (<====Tweet this!)Â
And there’s actually a funny story about how He gave me that tagline. It was somewhere, in the air, between Doha and Chicago, as I fretted over situations and processed a dream that had come to an end when I opened my email during our layover in Qatar. It was in those moments of grief and even a little fear that I heard my Father whisper…
Live the Adventure…it’s what I’ve created life to be. And then Tell the Stories…the people you love, the places you go, all I’m doing in you.
That’s it. And I kind of love it. A LOT.
So welcome to my new place…same site but a whole lot prettier. Thanks again, sweet Lisa! Â
I can’t wait to share the adventures with you…the ones that happen as I slowly traipse my way around the world and the even better ones that happen in my own backyard.
I hope you’ll join me for all of them!
Here’s to a new space for a new journey…I can’t wait! Â (<====Tweet this!)
I’m so glad you’re here, and I want to say thank you with a happy, fun, summer giveaway. Use the rafflecopter below to enter to win some of my favorite things! (Sorry…U.S. residents only.) Â
First up…what’s summer without COFFEE? (Really, what is LIFE without coffee? But we might have to go into that another day…) 😉 And, psst…Dunkin’ Donuts has any-size iced coffee for 99 cents all summer from 3-6 pm! WooHoo!) And if, for some sad reason, you are nowhere near a Dunkin’, let me know, and I’ll throw in $10 so you can get yourself some good coffee. It’s not like that gift card won’t get used around here…ahem. 😉
Finding Spiritual Whitespace…it’s one of my new favorite books. In fact, I’m reading through it for the second time so I can journal it out in detail. (I never do that with books. I’m doing that with this one, though…it’s that good.) It will probably take me six blog posts to talk about why it’s my favorite. But if you’re craving rest and intimacy with Jesus, you need to read this…Bonnie shares a journey of heartbreak, healing, and hope. It’s inspiring. And I think, no matter who you are or where you are in life, her words will resonate somehow.
My sweet friend and blog designer also has an Etsy store with some of the most beautiful prints I’ve ever seen, and Lisa is offering a free print from her store to the winner…you get to choose! Be sure to hop over and check out her amazing designs…they are seriously gorgeous. (I need more walls in my house just so I can buy more of her prints!) And as a bonus…the money raised from all sales goes to help fund her family’s adoption. How cool is that?!
Last up…check out one of my new favorites. Ok, so it took me a loooooong time to embrace dresses and skirts again…five years of being forced to wear them might do that to just about any woman. But gotta admit that they’ve stolen my heart this summer, and Target has some cuuuuute dresses right now…this one was an awesome $11. Ok, ok, I had a $5 gift card and got a sweet 20% off with Cartwheel. 😉 Take this $20 gift card and pick up something fun to wear. 😉
Thanks again for being here, friends. I wouldn’t want to walk this journey with anyone else!
(And I’ll pick a winner on Sunday. Or, rather, Rafflecopter will.) 😉
Photo credit: plugged mind
Love your new space friend!!! Just love it!
Aw, thank you, friend!
Love it! It looks beautiful!!
Thank you, Karen!
You and your space are lovely!!!
You are so sweet…thanks for being here, my friend.
Adorable space! LOVE the tag line (AND the focus and attitude)! Good for you girl!! Congratulations!!
Thanks, friend…for the sweet encouragement and for being here!!!
Hi Mel! What a great space you have here! Love the blue wood strips on either side; so homey
I hope you’ll fall in love every time you visit, and pass that love along to us too.
Thank you for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes too. It’s a party!!
I love what you said…about falling in love every time I visit.
I hope that, too…and I hope He continually uses this place to remind me why I love to write. And that it’s for Him, too.
Have a beautiful day, friend!
Love the feel of this! It’s so very you!
Aw, thanks, sweet friend!
Love, love, love your new space, your tagline, your picture!! Everything about it!! And I so want to win this prize package!! LOL Can’t wait to read the words you are gonna share here, my friend.
Haha…I was (jokingly) telling my hubby to enter so *I* could win! 😉 And thank you so much for being here, friend…you bless me!
Love the new look here !!! And your tagline seems to be a perfect fit. I can wait to visit with you here more and more.
Thank you, sweet Amy…you are always a blessing.
EEEK! Love it, girl! Stunning work, Lisa
I’m so thrilled for you and can’t wait to hear about the adventures that will fill this space. Love and (((hugs))) to you! I’m SO entering your giveaway.
Thanks, girl! I’m so grateful we’re walking this journey together…love you!
I love the new space! Absolutely beautiful and inviting! Bookmarked!
Thank you, Brittany!
Love the new look Mel. Interesting that I have been struggling with my blog and haven’t posted in awhile. Thanks for sharing what the Lord has spoken to your heart. Keep pressing on with your words and His Word. Love you!
Love to you, sweet friend…thanks so much for being here.
Celebrating with you on your new site- it’s ex-site-ing!;)
That made me smile so big! Thanks, friend!
Congratulations on your new place! It looks beautiful!
Thank you, sweet Diane!
WOWZA!! I LOVE IT! This is SO you!!! Oh wow!
Great job, Lisa, and so excited for you Mel!!!
Thanks, girl…I know. Isn’t Lisa amazing?! She’s got SUCH a gift! Love you, friend…so grateful for you.
I never thought your space was boring, but oh I LOVE your new space!!!
Oh, you are so sweet, my friend…thank you!
Gorgeous graphics, love the colors! I too have been struggling with what my place is in the blogging world. Thanks for sharing!!
It’s tough, isn’t it? Just keep writing those words, friend…when they’re there, anyway. He’ll show you His purpose. And I’m grateful that you’re part of my community! (((hugs)))
Love love!! She did a wonderful job – as we all knew she would!
She did, didn’t she? Thanks, girl!
This new space? GORGEOUS!!! Oh my goodness – I just LOVE it!
Thank you, sweet friend!!!
Mel, I’m SO happy you love the new design!!! And the words your wrote today, girl…this is my heart- these are the exact things I have been struggling with too… a complete loss of words and not knowing how to make sense of everything or where I fit in. But, just recently I’ve started writing about our adventures as a family, and it has revived my passion. If for nothing else, {even if another soul never reads what I write}…I know that someday my children will, and they will love reliving the sweet/funny/hard moments we shared together, that made us a family. So grateful to have you in life and cannot wait to read all about your adventures!! xoxo
I love that I have a little piece of my sweet friend in this space…you truly did a job more beautiful and perfect than I could have dreamed up. Thank you.
And I love your blog, too…the way you share the sweet and simple moments of life with your precious kiddos and husband…it’s just perfect. And it’s you, and I love dropping by to visit.
And maybe that’s a reminder we all need…God just asks us to be ourselves, even in our words and to do what He’s created us to do. And, friend…you are following Him, and it’s so beautiful.
Love you tons!!!
Gorgeous!!! You did an amazing job. You’ve created a happy space with Mel’s style all over it. You are gifted and a gift. And I love the way God is calling you too to be YOU!! Love you!
Congrats Mel! Will look forward to some girl time in this pretty place!
I love that…girl time.
Love you, too, friend!
Love the new look of the site, Mel! It is fantastic. I always enjoy reading your posts. Thankful to continue living life with you from afar!
So thankful you’re here, Rachel!
Love the new look and the tagline, cheers to many wonderful adventures!
Thanks so much, Andrea! Thankful to have you here, friend.
Absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!! As I am in my own period of quietness on my blog, it gives me pause to remember that when I come back, God will bring it back better than before. I have the words to write….I’m just not being given the go ahead to write them, right now. And I am curious to see what God is doing, and excited a bit to see what will happen, even while I question the need for a break.
That time of rest and quiet is sooooo hard, isn’t it? I’m thankful for the reminder you shared…that when it’s time, God will bring the words back. Blessings, friend, as you wait on Him…I know He’s got a good plan for you! (((hugs)))
Oh Friend, I LOVE your new blog design! Lisa did an incredible job!
This post just made me smile. It seems ‘perfect’ for this season of life you are in!
Thank you, friend…I feel that way, too. I’m excited to see what this next season looks like! Thanks for being here.
awww I love love this new blog. I agree she did a great job on it and I like everything you wrote. I also feel like God wants me to write and spread his word but in different way like, I love to write poems and they always end up being Christian poems. Good luck with all of this and id love to keep up with it.
I love poetry! I hope you will write it and share it…I’d love to read your words!
Blessings, Brittany!
It’s beeeutiful!!! Wow…what a perfect site! Lisa Larson has done it again (not that I’m in any way surprised)! Enjoy your new place, friend!
Yes, she HAS done it again! She truly has the most beautiful gift.
Thanks, friend…you are a blessing. Love you!
Mel – this is fabulous! Love this new place! Also, love that you are being so faithful in following God’s leading in your heart. Sharing your words and sharing your story – that is perfect. And that is what we are called to do. Thanks for being that example for others.
Thank you for your sweet encouragement, Amy.
So grateful to have you as part of my journey! Blessings!
Beautiful new look! The color is so calming!
Thank you, Joanne!
Oh I love it! So fresh and new and beautiful!!!
Thanks, Kaitlyn!
And thank you for your heart for community…you are a gift!
With you all the way honey! Love love love your new site…Lisa is amazing. Both of you are making me cry as I have chills when I read what God is calling you to. What an awesome God we serve. He’s just asking you to be YOU…He loves YOU just as you are…today…where YOU are. Oh I am excited for you…I believe He is blowing a wind of revival and refreshing as He just asks YOU to share YOU with US. So happy for YOU. So thankful for our God who often asks such simple things of us. Yay yay yay. Love you!!!
I love you, sweet friend. Reading your words made me tear up and miss you all over again. Is it time for another reunion yet?!?! Thanks for being such a sweet blessing in my life!
Seriously Mel – LOVE this! Love the tagline & the redo. I love that God gave you something specific for you! Own it girl!
Thank you, Jolene…you’re so sweet. Totally owning it!
I love the new look, Mel, and I,can’t wait to enjoy your adventures through your stories
Love your new space and all the words you share with us. Reading your posts gives me time to stop in my busy day and just relax
I love this space! Such a great design. Love you!
I really like this new site, Mel.
Hope you feel right at home here … in His arms
Bless you,
Hahaha… Those question marks were supposed to be a heart. Lol
Love your new look. This is my first stop by, and what a fun day to visit. I was supposed to be sweeping the floor, popped over to the computer to put on some music, checked my email, saw the twitter recommendations…and clicked. Go figure. I’ll look forward to connecting with you in this bloggy space and reading what stories you have to tell.