A Lesson From a Dead Daisy Plant

A couple months ago I planted daisy seeds in a cute, little tin pail.

I had originally wanted to put several plants in our backyard, but being indecisive, I-don’t-know-what-I-want, ME, a plan was never really made. Plus, those who know me understand that planting anything or keeping flowers/plants alive? I don’t really do that so much. (I just need HELP so if any of you who have a green thumb wanna offer some assistance…well, you know where to find me.) πŸ˜‰

But I was browsing in Target (shocker, I know) and happened to wander through the dollar section. There was this uber-adorable little pink-and-white tin pail on clearance for probably a quarter and then a little tiny package of daisy seeds.

And right there, in the dollar section, I decided that I was going to grow myself a some daisies. :)

I figured it couldn’t hurt to try, though the fact that I purchased my supplies in the Target Dollar Section probably speaks something about the success of the project…keep reading. πŸ˜‰

So my awesome hubby filled up the little pail with dirt for me, and I planted the seeds, plopped that little pail on my kitchen window sill, determined that I was going to have some pretty daisies.

Lo, and behold, several days later those seeds started to sprout!

I am pretty sure I got very excited at the sight of green poking through the dirt. Like possibly do-a-little-happy-dance-around-the kitchen excited.

Maybe that happened. πŸ˜‰

For almost two months the green kept growing taller and taller…and I kept hoping to see that little sign that there was a flower about to appear…

But, alas…

In a moment of frustration a few days ago, I finally pitched the plant outside, giving up all hope that I’d actually get A. DAISY.

I didn’t technically throw it…I just placed it out on the back patio, knowing that Maelie would find it and play with it. (Which she did.) πŸ˜‰

That “daisy” came up in a conversation today, and as I was thinking about it later, I wondered something.

What if I’d been willing to wait longer? I mean, it’s not like I’ve ever grown flowers. I. Don’t. Know. how long it takes for that to happen. I just had “the way it should be” in my mind and let that be my Truth.

Sometimes I’m that way with life. (Or maybe more-than-sometimes…)

I have it in my head how things should be…and I often forget to consider that God’s ways don’t always look like mine.

There are times when He asks me to wait. I think back to a year ago when we were still waiting on our house. He had it all planned out for us, but in that waiting, He taught us a lesson in trust.

I’ve had to wait for other things in life, too. We all have. But He always shows His faithfulness…the kind of faithfulness that makes me wonder why I ever doubted Him.

That poor little daisy “plant” could have been pretty, I think.

But I never consider something that becomes a reminder of Truth a complete waste.


Little Blessings (Pt.39)

:) Sunshine on a park-Thursday.

:) Vanilla Coke Zero.

:) Surprise last-minute visits with friends.

:) Laughing really hard…like, so hard the tears fall.

:) Friends who listen and love.

:) Blogging one-handed with sweet baby Sophie in my other arm.

:) Happy days.

:) The Goodness of my Father.


You Should Just Watch This :)

This could be classic…and even if it’s not, it will definitely make your day.

Love this girl. :) So. SO. MUCH.

Enjoy. :)


It Rained Today

I remember the first time I had to say goodbye to a friend.

I was about six years old, and my good friend from the neighborhood was moving with her family to Texas. I was young, but I remember so much about that day…including the amount of rain that fell.

And we’re not talking from the sky.

She and her family left early that Saturday morning. I sobbed as I watched them drive away…and I never saw her again.

Over the years there have been other goodbyes. Friends have come and gone, hearts hurt, more tears have fallen…because that’s what happens with life and comings and goings.

Our time in Indonesia taught me much about saying goodbye…because it happened all the time. People…friends, students, teachers…were always in transition. And though I am generally an emotional person, I had to learn to control the amount of rain that fell.

I couldn’t let every single goodbye devastate me. And at a not-so-young age, I finally found some way to properly grasp saying goodbye.

One of the most valuable life lessons I took away from our time overseas was the concept of RAFTing. Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell, Think Destination. As we faced many goodbyes of friends who left us and then became the ones who were leaving, these concepts helped us end one chapter of our lives and look forward to the next.

Today I said goodbye to a friend.

When I woke up this morning and realized what day it was, I was briefly tempted to just text her a goodbye, apologizing that I never made it over. Then I caught myself.

We live less than five minutes away and Maelie and I had nothing on our schedule for the day.

So we had no excuses.

Added to that, the one thing that has stuck with me through all the goodbyes I’ve said is that friends need to know that they are valued and loved. They need to be affirmed. And, whenever possible, they need to hear it from us. In person.

So I texted her, we figured out a time, and Maelie and I stopped over.

We ended up staying for over an hour…just talking, catching up a bit, laughing, talking about the future…and crying.

It was good to let the rain fall for my friend, this woman who was part of a group who gave me community when it was my turn to be the new girl. We bonded over Iowa talks and park get-togethers and late, summer-night workouts. She always had a smile, was such an encourager, and I truly value her friendship…even though it will now be across hundreds of miles.

It rained today.

It rained tears of thanks and sadness and JOY all mingled with the hope that we have in our Father.

And though it rained, it wasn’t really a goodbye kind of rain. It was that I’ll see you…soon kind of rain. And I will.

Goodbye, my friend. I will miss you.




Awake. Another late night workout. Hoping my body decides to fully crash earlier tonight than it did last night. However, my daughter has been sleeping in lately. That’s always good.

Entertained. (But only slightly.) There’s a family of skunks living under our front porch. I’m not sure how to process this information other than do my best to avoid that area at all costs. Yep…not really diggin’ the idea of bathing in tomato juice or whatever concoction is necessary to kill the stench.

Slightly Jealous. Apparently, in the middle of kindergarten graduation at BAIS (our school in Indo) yesterday, a 6.1 earthquake hit. My first thought was, Cool! Then, Man, I wish I could have been there! I’m not sure the kindergarteners thought that, though…but it does make for a memorable graduation ceremony!

Thirsty for Coffee. I’m gonna be a good girl and NOT tonight. Ya think that could potentially hinder my sleeping ability? I want some zzzzz’s too badly tonight to risk it. I’ll just drink an extra cup in the morning. :)

Frustrated. Trying to figure out what to do for Mae’s birthday. June is busy, and I know not every year has to be a big shindig, but I want to do something for her. I’ve got about another day to figure out…whatever it is I’m figuring out…and then get some plans going. Can we say “procrastination”? Ugh…I’m disappointed in myself.

Encouraged. I’ve just been reminded over and over lately that God wants to hear the things on our hearts…even if they seem small. I’ve tried to be intentional about talking to Him throughout my day, and it always makes me smile to see a way He’s answered something.

Hopeful. It wasn’t a great day with parenting and my napless wonder of a daughter who decided that screaming bloody murder for an hour was preferable to napping. :( We rarely have days this bad and they are never consecutive, so I’m hoping that tomorrow will be a good day. ‘Cause I love her and on the days she’s oozing sunshine…well, there’s not much that’s better. :)

Sad. Not too sad, just wondering what’s going to happen with a particular situation in life right now. It has the potential to change some things for us. Nothing earth-shattering but definitely makes me think, Oh. With a kind-of sad face.

Thankful. I say it all the time, but I am truly thankful for the Grace that has been given to me…the Grace I need but don’t deserve…that Grace that has changed my life. I love that it never ceases to amaze me. I’m thankful that He keeps amazing me with all He is. That’s cool.

Tired. Maybe. :) Gonna try for some sleep. G’nite, friends!


Running, Half Marathons, and Chocolate Love

So this is that post where I plop down at the computer after 9 pm. The coffee is brewing (really…it sounded too good :)) and I went for a run far too late tonight. When I work out late, I’m up until all hours. It’s really not always a good choice.

I’ve been wanting to extend the length of my normal run for awhile now, but for some reason that extra lap around the park always seemed like more than I wanted to deal with or push through, and if I’m running in the morning, it requires getting up seven minutes earlier. That’s a lot of minutes early in Mel’s sleepy-world.

Today, though, I was itching to get out of the house and burn off some of the way-too-big bowl of chocolate/peanut butter ice cream I had yesterday. And, I was feeling good ’cause I treated myself to a nap this afternoon while Mae took hers. (I think it was about two hours long.)

And it was glorious, just in case you were wondering. πŸ˜‰

So tonight I tacked on the dreaded .8 miles to my usual 2.8, and you know what? It wasn’t that bad. It was actually good. I mean, the last half mile was tough and I was dripping and panting and sweating through my tank top AND T-shirt, BUT…it was good.

I almost let it enter my mind that I could be ready for the half marathon in September that I’d been considering until my knee decided to do funky things. We shall see. If a friend wanted to join me…you know, hypothetically…I might be persuaded to actually follow through.

Why is it that women always have to do things in groups?

Guys are, like, all manly and (insert deep, gruff voice) I-can-do-this-better-by-myself.

I don’t work that way. At all. Maybe it’s just that things are much more fun with friends, and adventures like half marathons are far more tolerable with a good buddy willing to suffer along with you. Yeah. :)

So, all my friends…any takers?! You know you want to. (And if you don’t want to run, I know you’ll want to come cheer for me as I totally kill myself rock the half.)


Enough about that.

I’ve been on a huge chocolate kick lately.

I realize that stating that is comparable to letting you all know that I have two eyes.

No, really on a chocolate kick. I kind of can’t stay away from it. In fact, I’m headed to Target sometime tomorrow to try to find a couple new protein bars that have a good dose of chocolate in them and don’t taste like cardboard…quite a tall order to fill. But maybe that will curb the magnetic force that seems to be pulling me to the Ghiradelli bag multiple times a day. Golly. I’m gonna need to start running 12 miles a day just to burn it all off! Ugh.

But, seriously, isn’t chocolate just SO good? I think it goes with everything. With oatmeal at breakfast, with coffee after that, with Diet Coke all day long (that’s my favorite combo)… I’ve even been known in recent years to spread Nutella on bread and call it a sandwich for lunch. Oh, that sounds good. I need to stop talking about chocolate.

I’ve been really challenged in the last few days to spend time looking for little pieces of JOY in each day, and it’s been so good. Today’s joys? Lots of ’em. :) Seeing friends at church, my favorite pizza, playing frisbee with my hubby, cuddles and giggles with my girl, a visit and chat with a friend, a nap…it really was a great day. Lots to be thankful for.

Well, it’s late…and even if I’m not tired, I should probably try to get some sleep. :)

Love to you all, my friends. Hope your weekend was wonderful!


Through Leaves

The sunshine is back. That’s very good news. :)

And it was one of those days…just sunny and nice enough to be comfortable but not warm enough for my standard summer outfit…shorts and a tank top. (I tried but was way too cold.)

So I settled for jeans and my current-favorite black warm up jacket over that tank top, grabbed my guitar, and plopped down into my favorite chair out on the back patio while Maelie played this afternoon.

I strummed for a bit, worked on a few new chords, quickly lost my patience for learning anything new, put my guitar down, kicked my feet up, and stared into the trees.

I love the feel of the full-on sun on my face. I’m not the bronze-obsessed girl I used to be, but I still love a little color and the sun’s warmth as it beats down on me. Unfortunately, because of the time of day it was, all I could have were the little strips of golden sunshine poking through tree branches and leaves.

It frustrated me for a minute, but as I kept my eyes fixed on those leaves, it hit me.

While I might not have been getting the sunshine I wanted, what I had was still beautiful.

Life is kind of like that. We have this expected idea of all that is beauty and good, and it’s all we want. Today…it was worth it. To let go of my desire for sunshine and to see the beauty, instead, through the leaves.


So Many Blessings (Pt. 38)

You know those lists of blessings that I post about once a week?

Now that I think about it, it should be time for another one soon. Maybe I’ll add it at the end of this. :)

This is why I write them down…

Often, when those lists are compiled, I’m not having a great day. It’s my way of looking beyond the things that don’t necessarily make me smile to see the beauty and love surrounding me. A way to choose that JOY that I so desperately desire in each day. A way to find the small things that truly make up the big moments in life.

If I were making a list today, I would probably sit for quite awhile and think about the week. It’s been up and down, definitely…but taking that time to reflect makes me thankful.

One of Maelie’s favorites lately is Veggie Tales, and she almost daily requests the episode, Madame Blueberry. It’s a lesson in thankfulness, and while I’m getting sick of the story…the message is something that’s good for anyone to hear.

Things don’t make us happy and money doesn’t buy a fulfilled life. It’s all about being content with what God has given and choosing JOY in all things.

As Maelie watched that episode tonight before she went to bed, I felt myself tearing up at the end (I know, I know…over an animated movie. Golly, Mel.) when Madame Blueberry says that she finally figured out what she wants…A happy heart.

Because a thankful heart IS a happy heart.

As I think through life and marriage and Maelie…that’s my prayer for us. That we will learn to be thankful no matter what He gives…and that thankfulness will produce JOY in all circumstances.That we’ll have happy hearts and be able to soak in the many blessings that surround us.

God is so GOOD. Even if things in life are hard, we never have to look far to see the goodness He’s showered down.

Here are a few for today. :)

:) A spur-of-the-moment date with my hubby and daughter tonight…one where she sat still in a restaurant, colored on her kiddie menu, ate her dinner, and didn’t cry or fuss. We had a really good time together.

:) Afternoon naps.

:) Friends that make me smile.

:) Cookies (or just a cookIE) for breakfast.

:) A random day to wear my combat boots again.

:) Cute, little-girl clothes from a rummage sale.

:) Reading new books and being amazed at how much my girl is soaking up.

:) Being reminded of God’s perfect plan again today.

:) Weekends and summer and hopefully some warmer temps on the way!

:) Polka dots and stripes and flowers.

:) Hugs. I love hugs.
