Date Night

To preface this story, you need to know how few date nights Tobin and I have had, just the two of us, since Maelie was born. I think three, counting tonight.

So it’s kind of a big deal.

And we really have no problem with taking Mae along with us when we decide to go out. She’s part of us and we love her! But sometimes, it’s nice to just be the two of us.

So I decided on Thursday that the $20 I had in my wallet would best

be spent on hiring a babysitter

for tonight. Then Tobin and I could go to the kids’ musical at our church’s school, just the two of us, and

then even out for dinner afterward.

(Ok, so half of it would be romantic.) :)

We hired the babysitter, told her we had to be out the door by 6:45, preferrably a little earlier, and that was that.

Or so we thought.

6:15 rolls around, and I start to have this feeling. I just know she’s not going to show up.

6:30. Still no babysitter. Tobin tries to call, gets her voicemail a couple times.

6:40. Mel starts to get mad. Really, the flames were ready to shoot…I had to squelch them, and I think I did a pretty good job of holding in the fire.

6:45. I decide to take Mae with us and just go, at which time our sitter finally calls to say she’s on the way. But we’ve got to get out the door, so it’s too late.

I literally snatched the diaper bag as we were running out the door, hoping that we had what we needed, and thankfully I had already made a bottle.

And Maelie was great, she really was.

She sat through the first half of the play and did pretty well, just getting a little fussy. (Which I can hardly fault her for…it was past her final feeding and bedtime.) After intermission, Tobin took her to the back of the gym, and she had her bottle and, for the most part, was happy for the rest of the show.

My sweet friend offered to watch her for us so we could go out to dinner, which made my night.

So Tobin and I went to Emmett’s, a local place, and spent an hour or so just chatting and enjoying being together.

We have missed that aspect of our relationship…and I was so thankful it worked out that we could still have our “date”. We talked about a lot…from an issue we’re thinking through to baby names, which we do NOT need to be thinking about yet. Just sayin’. 😉

It was good…and I got home tonight (late) feeling very blessed.

By friends who will step in to help you salvage a bit of sanity, by kids who sing their hearts out and make me smile just listening to them, by a church that we love and are excited to be part of, by a sweet daughter who blesses our lives in countless ways every single day, by a husband who loves me despite my less-than-stellar moments.

(Like the times when flames are about to start shooting…) :)

I’m beyond blessed.

And so, so thankful.



  1. How frustrating a beginning. How fun an ending.

    I will say this, having raised 2 daughters and could probably count on my 2 hands how often we had a “date night” when they were babies up to grade school……

    I beg you to never, ever feel the need to explain or defend your need for time away. Whether that time is by yourself or with your husband. When you are with Mae, you love her, guide her, play with her, discipline her (obviously not so much right now), and all around parent her.

    Time away is very positive for her and you!

    That, my friend, is my 2 cents. Coming from a mom who dealt with guilt any time I was away from my girls, because a “good mom” never needs a break.

    Have a great day!

    Love you!

    • I do love how God worked it out. :)

      Thanks for the sweet words and reminder that it’s ok to take a break. It means a lot coming from someone who’s been there and understands!

      Hope your weekend was wonderful, too. :)

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