This is a hard thing to admit, but I struggle opening my Bible some days.
Many of the days.
It’s been a struggle for years, and I attribute-without-blaming it to the fact that I attended a Bible college for five years, where the Bible inadvertently became more of a textbook than a gift.
I’ll never forget the first week of my freshman year…the one when we were required to read the entire book of Genesis. I caught myself audibly grumbling as I stayed up well past midnight to finish the required reading. While I’d never been super-crazy-Bible-reading woman, I was pretty good about reading my Bible…and I sure wasn’t enjoying any of this.
Plus, it was a total “On Your Honor” system…did I read it? Yes or No. Circle one.
Oh, goodness, there were days when I was tempted to fudge…but who lies at a Bible college?
And so I squandered sleep and fun and many other things in order to tell the truth about my Bible reading.
And while the whole required reading thing isn’t what this post is about, I know it’s a lot of the reason why I still don’t always view reading the Bible as an enjoyable activity.
It’s just that I don’t always crave God’s Word like I should.
Today I’m over at God-sized Dreams, sharing about a surprising way I’ve learned to enjoy reading the Bible again. Will you join me there?
And, P.S. There’s also a giveaway you won’t want to miss!
[…] This is a hard thing to admit, but I struggle opening my Bible some days. Many of the days. It’s …read more […]