Linking up today with one of my favorites.
And it’s a FUN one today!!!
In my opinion, Tuesday 10 is perfect for this morning/day that has required an insane amount of coffee for this girl. Hoping Mae and I will pull ourselves out of the house for at least a little while. We need diapers or, more specifically, MAE needs them 😉 so a trip to Target is inevitable. Maybe some grocery shopping if I’m feeling super brave, but let’s not push things here.
In the meantime, I bring you, in no particular order, though they ARE numbered…
My Top 10 Pet Peeves
Oh, Boy!
10. Superficiality.
9. Mean people.
8. Light blue jeans. (sorry…)
7. People who are late/waste my time.
6. Being really cold. (though I don’t mind running in the cold…)
5. People working at cash registers who have better things to do than talk to me.
4. Climbing into an unmade bed at night. (I have been known to make the bed at 11 p.m. just before I climb in. :))
3. That flap of baby belly fat that I think will never, ever go away. No matter how many crunches I do and how much chocolate I deprive myself of.
2. Drivers who follow me too closely. “Get OFF my tail!” That may or may not be a phrase I use frequently while driving…
1. The sound of fingernails being clipped. In my opinion, there is never, EVER a reason that it should be done in public.
Golly, this sounds negative. I think I’ll have to post my ten favorites tomorrow.
What about you? Any burning pet peeves you’ve just got to get out there?

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