It’s Monday morning, and my humongo mug is full of caffeinated brew.
So. Good.
I am packed…as packed as I can be until tomorrow when I throw the last few bits into my suitcase, zip it up…and that’s that. Maelie is packed, too…though I am sure we’ve forgotten a thing or two. It’ll be ok, though.
I clearly have learned a few things from the multiple trips for which I have packed in five minutes.
Paperwork is done for the girl. While we don’t want to think of anything happening (to her OR us) while we’re gone, we have to be prepared. Just in case. Ugh…kinda makes my stomach twist. Thankfully, we have been blessed, over-and-above-times-a-million, with amazing friends who love our daughter and have our complete trust.
She’s gonna have a good time.
And so are we.
So I haven’t really talked about the trip much ’cause I didn’t want to make you all jealous ’cause I haven’t taken much time to actually think about it.
We leave O’Hare tomorrow afternoon and fly into Malaga, Spain, where we’ll take the bus to Marbella, a coastal city about 45 minutes from the airport. I chose it because it’s on the coast and decently near ports to travel to Morocco. When we did a little research, we discovered that Marbella seems to be how we travel.
Beach. Coffee. Surfing. Sun. Making friends. More beach. Definitely more coffee.
And I really can’t wait to surf again. I hope I don’t kill myself. 😉
We’ll check out Marbella on Thursday and then take the ferry to Tangier, Morocco Friday-Saturday. This is my dream. I have always wanted to go to Morocco. I don’t know why…except other cultures fascinate me, and I have a few friends who have been there and loved it. Enough for me. And a big thank you to my hubby for obliging. I know Morocco doesn’t excite him nearly as much.
And we are both definitely looking forward to the food there.
We’ll hop back to Marbella Saturday night and stay til Tuesday morning, when we fly here for a quick 22 hours and 50 minutes. 😉 We hadn’t planned on it originally, but the stopover was free and the opportunity to kiss under the Eiffel Tower was too much to pass up.
Oh, and a random confession…I kinda hope it rains a little while we’re there.
Kissing under the Eiffel Tower in the rain?
Right out of a movie.
(Hey, I can hope.) 😉
We’re so thankful for frequent flier miles so we can do this…it seems like a dream.
So, trip aside, it’s been a wonderful Monday for other reasons.
Going to bed early and getting good sleep…even if I woke up at 5:45 a.m. and wanted tea. So I made some and drank it. 😉
Two wonderful chats with friends from Indonesia.
AMAZING news about a former student accepting Christ!
Encouraging words from a friend.
A couple good ideas passed on from a friend about books to read on our trip.
Workout tonight…I’m gonna need it after my calorie binge this weekend!
Today Mae and I are just home…finishing up a few little things, hanging together, and just enjoying being mommy and daughter. She is full of sunshine and love…and she blesses my heart every single day.
I’m going to miss her so much while we’re gone.
But I also believe with everything in me that Maelie needs a mommy and daddy who invest in each other, too…and this trip is giving us time to do just that.
So I’m gonna spend my day enjoying the most precious little girl…cry a little when we say goodbye to her tomorrrow…and enjoy every single moment.
Well, my mongo coffee mug…the one I refilled once already…is just about empty. 😉
And I should get back to my girl…Elmo is almost over.
I hope this trip is a wonderful time for you and Tobin! Be safe! I’m very jealous
Thanks! We’re really looking forward to it.
You can be jealous ’cause I spend a lot of time being jealous of you and your Indo adventures. Praying for you to feel better soon, too, and that Sea Tribes is amazing! Love you!
What you’re doing, well partially, is on my bucket list. Visiting Spain! Wow! Drink it in, my friend!! Drink. It. In!
Will do…it´s wonderful! And Morocco is tomorrow and Saturday…will let you know all about that, too!
Hope you are well.