A few weeks ago, I signed up for Stitch Fix.
The concept is pretty cool, actually. You go online, fill out your style profile, sizes, preferences, etc…and then one of the designers picks out five clothing or accessory items for you. They ship it to you, you try things on, keep what you like, return what you don’t.
It costs $20…which can be applied toward any items you decide to keep; if you decide to keep everything, they knock a cool 25% off the total price. Returns are free (return envelope included!), and you can schedule your “fixes” anytime.
Really, for $20, it sounded appealing. Even fun. A few of my blog friends have tried it out and had mixed reviews…some loved it, some not-so-much. I was intrigued.
So here are my thoughts and opinions…completely unsolicited. Just my Target lovin’, bargain shoppin’, cute clothes adoring, opinions.
So when the box arrived, I was pretty excited. (But I totally made myself clean up our bedroom first so I could properly take photos without you seeing any potential messes I’ve created in the last few days due to my clothes throwing tossing habit. ๐
Even the inside of the box was cute. Stitch Fix really knows how to get a girl excited about clothes!
The first item I pulled out? These beauties.
I swooned. Really. I would never have picked out a pair of cantaloupe-colored skinnies, but I was actually happy with the color choice. Unfortunately, at least with these pants, they fit like juniors. And this normally-size-six girl doesn’t wear that size in juniors. I could get them on, but I really shouldn’t post that picture for y’all. I guess, from reading other reviews, it’s not completely uncommon for things not to fit, especially the first time. So, a little bummed,ย but I’m gonna be honest…no matter how much money we have, I can’t justify $88 jeans.
So I slipped into my favorite skinny jeans to try on the rest of my fun fix!
Next up was an adorable, gray tank top. This is totally something I would choose…at Target. Meaning, I’m probably not going to pay this kind of price for a tank top, even if there are some adorable beads around the neckline. But it was cute under my turquoise-y cardigan with the bubble necklace they also sent me.
Honestly, I adore bubble necklaces. But I don’t adore gold jewelry…so while it was fun to model, I’m not going to keep it.
This one was actually my favorite. I’ll be honest…when I saw the bird print, I cringed. I’m am, almost always, NOT a print girl. I like my stripes and polka dots and the occasional flower…but this is cute. I really love the style, but again…I can’t swing $68 for a shirt.
When I saw my fix, this last one was the one I thought I’d keep if I kept anything. I do like it, despite the fact that I have exactly one red item in my closet currently. But it looked too much like a Target shirt to me…agree?
So, in the end, I’m out $20…with the conclusion that Stitch Fix probably isn’t for someone like me. I love clothes, but I love actuallyย going shopping for them. I also love a really good deal…which makes me a bargain shopper, I guess…and also makes their prices a little too high for my taste. But it was a fun way to spend a little moneyย one time.
And…I can see how it’s a good thing for really busy moms who either don’t have a ton of time to go shopping or would prefer not to take their four kiddos along. I get that and I only have a little girl. So…it is a really great thing for some people.
Just my opinions…what about you? Have you tried Stitch Fix? Or been thinking about it? I’d love to hear about your experience!
And if you use this link to sign up, I do get a $25 credit to use for another fix, if I decide to try again. ๐
Thanks for posting that!!! I’ve been very curious…but I have a funny feeling my experience would be similar to yours. Love those jeans…too bad they were more like jrs size…I’d have to return them too!! And love the necklace.
I was really bummed about the jeans…they were a little out of my box but such a fun color.
I love the concept…but I’d just rather go shopping, I guess! But good luck if you decide to try it out…I’ve seen some super cute things that people have gotten from Stitch Fix. (I may or may not have been a little jealous!) ๐
I signed up on the waiting list…we will see. But I too love a bargain and am guessing that even if I loved a shirt – if it was $50+ I couldn’t justify buying it. A dress/tunic – maybe but I’d have to love it!!
Ooohhh…I can’t wait to see what they send you! (Please post pics on your blog!)
The prices were a bit shocking to me, but their redemption is that if you keep it all, you get 25% off. (If I had, I would have paid $160…which is high but not completely outrageous, I guess.) Was fun to try it out once!
I’m so glad you posted, my first Fix comes next week just before Bray and I take our romantic get away trip to the Wine Country – I would pay $60 for a shirt if I loved it, but I’m most concerned about fit. I gave them my size but am carrying some weight in my middle these days and will totally pay $60 if they figure out a way to hide that!!!
Make sure you post pics! I have to admit it’s fun to read about everyone’s Stitch Fix experiences. True about the size thing…the one time I really will splurge is if an outfit makes me look awesome. ๐ Looking forward to seeing what they send you! (And have a great trip, too, friend!)
The whole idea is intriguing to me, but holy cow! I’m way too cheap for those prices. If I were working, I guess it would be different, I could justify it then, but not on my current salary ๐ The clothes are really cute though! Even the cantaloupe skinny jeans:)
It makes me feel better to know I’m not the only one who won’t spend a fortune on a pair of jeans. Especially when I nabbed a pair of green skinnies for $4 at Kohl’s last week. Just gotta wait for the clearance sales + a 30% off coupon! ๐ (And I’m sorry my host moderated your comment…it’s not you. Akismet has been funky lately…I think it’s time for another update.) Happy Monday, friend!
Ladies, I so love to know we are of the same mind here… I’m a bargain hunter here, and since I’m not contributing to the family income, I would probably never be able to swallow these prices either. That said, I just dropped a chunk of change on two new swimsuits recently (hey, I didn’t buy a new one last year, so I figure I should have two ;), because swimsuits are soooo impossible, and cheap swimsuits do not flatter my figure.
There are certain things worth spending money on…and a good swimsuit is one of them. Also, you needed one. Or two. ๐
I have tried it twice. The first time I kept a green shirt that was really cute and not too expensive ($38) and a boho sleeveless cardigan (hard to describe, but really cute and not something I would ever pick off the rack). So first experience was good. So, I tried it again. No luck with the second time. Three of the five things did not fit (too tight in bust which happens in real shopping). The major disappointment was that the one shirt I did like was missing a buttonhole! Seriously for a $60 splurge, I expect quality. I sent everything back and asked for a different shirt, but I go no response. Radio silence. So no more stitch fix for me. I do love the concept though.
Ok, that boho cardigan sounds way too cute…post a picture? Or let me borrow it?! ๐ I’ve heard such mixed reviews, and I really wanted to give a completely positive review, but I just couldn’t. I do get why it works well for some people…I just do better picking things out myself. Definitely worth a try, though.