Running, Half Marathons, and Chocolate Love

So this is that post where I plop down at the computer after 9 pm. The coffee is brewing (really…it sounded too good :)) and I went for a run far too late tonight. When I work out late, I’m up until all hours. It’s really not always a good choice.

I’ve been wanting to extend the length of my normal run for awhile now, but for some reason that extra lap around the park always seemed like more than I wanted to deal with or push through, and if I’m running in the morning, it requires getting up seven minutes earlier. That’s a lot of minutes early in Mel’s sleepy-world.

Today, though, I was itching to get out of the house and burn off some of the way-too-big bowl of chocolate/peanut butter ice cream I had yesterday. And, I was feeling good ’cause I treated myself to a nap this afternoon while Mae took hers. (I think it was about two hours long.)

And it was glorious, just in case you were wondering. 😉

So tonight I tacked on the dreaded .8 miles to my usual 2.8, and you know what? It wasn’t that bad. It was actually good. I mean, the last half mile was tough and I was dripping and panting and sweating through my tank top AND T-shirt, BUT…it was good.

I almost let it enter my mind that I could be ready for the half marathon in September that I’d been considering until my knee decided to do funky things. We shall see. If a friend wanted to join me…you know, hypothetically…I might be persuaded to actually follow through.

Why is it that women always have to do things in groups?

Guys are, like, all manly and (insert deep, gruff voice) I-can-do-this-better-by-myself.

I don’t work that way. At all. Maybe it’s just that things are much more fun with friends, and adventures like half marathons are far more tolerable with a good buddy willing to suffer along with you. Yeah. :)

So, all my friends…any takers?! You know you want to. (And if you don’t want to run, I know you’ll want to come cheer for me as I totally kill myself rock the half.)


Enough about that.

I’ve been on a huge chocolate kick lately.

I realize that stating that is comparable to letting you all know that I have two eyes.

No, really on a chocolate kick. I kind of can’t stay away from it. In fact, I’m headed to Target sometime tomorrow to try to find a couple new protein bars that have a good dose of chocolate in them and don’t taste like cardboard…quite a tall order to fill. But maybe that will curb the magnetic force that seems to be pulling me to the Ghiradelli bag multiple times a day. Golly. I’m gonna need to start running 12 miles a day just to burn it all off! Ugh.

But, seriously, isn’t chocolate just SO good? I think it goes with everything. With oatmeal at breakfast, with coffee after that, with Diet Coke all day long (that’s my favorite combo)… I’ve even been known in recent years to spread Nutella on bread and call it a sandwich for lunch. Oh, that sounds good. I need to stop talking about chocolate.

I’ve been really challenged in the last few days to spend time looking for little pieces of JOY in each day, and it’s been so good. Today’s joys? Lots of ’em. :) Seeing friends at church, my favorite pizza, playing frisbee with my hubby, cuddles and giggles with my girl, a visit and chat with a friend, a nap…it really was a great day. Lots to be thankful for.

Well, it’s late…and even if I’m not tired, I should probably try to get some sleep. :)

Love to you all, my friends. Hope your weekend was wonderful!


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