A few months ago I told you my husband bought me a Kindle.
Since then it’s turned me into a bigger reader than I’ve ever been before. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that all the books I’m reading are miraculously squished into one skinny, handheld device that fits in my purse. (Ok, that was dorky. ;)) Though, if we’re being completely honest, all of these books…in their paper forms…would fit into my purses. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I said it so one of you wouldn’t! š
Lately, I’ve been “prepping” for our trip by watching for freebies and cheap buys that pop up occasionally. I mean, I need something to read on the plane, right?
So far, I’ve nabbed…

This one, I’ve wanted to read for awhile. I’ve actually started it and need to get it in my head that it’s ok to read about a dog dying.
Then I’m sure it will be a fantastic read…enough people have told me so.

I was excited to score this one for free. Tsh writes for one of my favorite blogs, which also happens to be the one I guest posted on last year. Plus, organization is something I need to incorporate into our lives so we canĀ actually walk through the basement. Purging is high on my list of priorities for the near future. This one will definitely be an airplane read. I’ll probably be dorky and take notes, too. (I really, really hope that last sentence didn’t offend a certain reader…she knows who she is. ;))

This was a recent free find that jumped out at me. I don’t know anything about the author, but I love true stories and history. And in a non-violent sort of way, the WWII era fascinates me.

I also splurged and purchased my most expensive Kindle book to-date a few weeks ago.
(I think it was a whopping $4…something. ;)) I’ve wanted to read this oneĀ for awhile. I don’t thinkĀ it’ll make it to the trip…I know once I (virtually) open it, I’ll read it ’til three in the morning.

Amazon Prime members get a free read every month. This is gonna be my freebie for February, which I can borrow starting tomorrow. I told myself I had to read the book before I see the movie. I’ve heard it’s excellent.
There are a lot more I want to read, but these are just a few. Man, books are awesome…I love to read.
What are some of your favorite reads? Anything good I’m missing?
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