Little Blessings (Pt. 21)

:) My daughter’s newest phrase…belly “butt”. Golly, we laugh hard. Every. Single. Time.

:) Music. Praising God with people I love.

:) Random lunch dates that leave me encouraged.

:) Awkwardly wonderful conversations that I’m sure will make me smile for days.

:) Seasons. I am learning to appreciate winter…in more than one way.

:) Super Bowl fun…the friends were the best part.

And the food. Then the football. Not so much the halftime show…

:) A reason to look forward to Mondays. Got a few of them, actually.

:) My Father, Who is enough for every thirst and every need.

:) His precious promises.

:) Not being able to give up the blog-every-day thing yet…because I needed to count my blessings first.



I had fun

looking through some random pictures this afternoon while waiting for Maelie to take a nap.

Twenty minutes later: she is still fighting. Forty later…ahhh, quiet. 😉

Anyway…we just booked our hotels for our trip (finally!) and it got me thinking back to some of the crazy trips we’ve taken. So, of course, I had to look at pics!

Here are a few I thought you might enjoy. Yeah, we were younger…we definitely look it!

It’s fun to remember.

This is us at Clifton Beach in Cape Town, South Africa…and it just screams happy. It’ s one of my favorite picture

s of us ever. (I won’t tell you how many tries it took for us to get one that was Christmas card worthy.) :)

We unashamedly went to Bali six times while we lived in Indonesia. Yes, we did. (And you would have, too. Promise. ;)) This was from the trip we took at the end of our first year there. Good memories. :)

Here’s adorable us at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. It was cool…and I was sick. Like, horrendously, running-a-fever-on-Christmas-day-but-still-traipsing-throughout-90 degree-Bangkok sick. In fact, after this, I think we got Subway and went back to the hotel so I could sleep. Alas, it was a fun memory, and I had dreamed of seeing the Grand Palace for years. So cool that it happened.

I know it’s dorky, but I think this is one of the coolest pictures ever. When we were in Kuala Lumpur for our visa run several years ago, we had to see the Petronas Towers. And though we don’t look as cool at night, the towers? Most definitely do. That was fun.

I don’t have a photo of just the two of us, but there’s no way I could leave this trip out. In ’08 we took a long weekend beach trip with some of our closest friends. We crammed eight people into an eight passenger car (plus luggage!), drove six hours one way, sang every song imaginable…and we had the most amazing time. This pic tugs on my heart a little…I doubt we’ll all be together again this side of heaven. But what a memory. (And I had to laugh when I saw this, ’cause I realized that the trip was just a few weeks after I’d broken my foot…and begged our P.A. to let me go to the beach without crutches.

Thus, the taped up foot. Haha. :D)

Oh, the beach, how I love thee…even if I am not wearing makeup and got “slightly” sunburned. 😉

Such fun memories.

Here’s to many, many more…whether we’re travelin’ the globe or around the corner. :)

Thanks for letting me share.



I Am…

…a procrastinator. I put off everything until the last possible second.

For a writer, this is particularly not-so-good, especially if there is no set deadline. Hence, my Patch article is still. not. done. Guess who’s staying up late tonight?! Sometimes I frustrate myself.

…a wannabe rockstar. Well, maybe not, but dude, this video is awesome. Watch it now. Don’t you just want to keep your guitar in your car so you can sing how many orders of fries you want next time you go through the drive-thru

? I do. Totally.

…having a sugary week. I’ve been really good…and I’ve only caved once or twice. But I. Want. Sugar. I have no idea why it’s hitting this week. On Sunday (my day off) I am totally baking my favorite cake. And eating it all. Mmmmmm.

…enchanted by my daughter. In the last few days, she’s started something new. Repeating everything. And remembering what she says, which surprises me even more. Today in Target I told her we were going to find honey, and you’ll never guess what word she repeated throughout the store. She was looking at total strangers and saying, “Honey! Honey!” It was so adorable. :)

…glad it’s Friday. Though my days all kind of run together, at least weekends bring fun things like friends and church and praise team. Tomorrow night I am excited to go to the kick-off for my friend, Judah’s, new mission organization he’s starting. Two hours of praise and worship and hearing some of his ideas…I’m really excited. :) And, of course, the Super Bowl…yay for friends and food! And football, I suppose. 😉

…completely loving the show, Shark Tank. We rarely watch TV at night, but this show is good stuff. I love seeing the creativity and passion of people who want to see their products be the next big thing. If you haven’t seen it, you should. 😉 Friday nights at 7:00 on abc. My only other TV love is American Idol…which we may or may not watch this season.

…going to the grocery store. If I have to go, later on Friday night is the time to do it. So I won’t gripe and complain; I’ll just tell you that my list is short, and I may let myself have a little chocolate when I get home. :)

…wishing you all a fantastic weekend!



Today I pulled 3.5 miles on my treadmill, which is pretty great considering the ridiculous situation with my knee. (It hates me.)

But before I run, I always take a few minutes to stretch. If I don’t, I pay for it by the second mile and can’t go nearly as far. I have to take the time to stretch out my legs…otherwise I hurt. I mean, I hurt anyway, but I have far more endurance when I take a few minutes to stretch those muscles.

I think God is doing the same thing to me.

He’s got me in this season of life that I’d rather not experience.

You see, I like spring and summer. I like it when things are turning green and flowers are appearing and the sun is shining. I like taking walks and drinking coffee on the porch and playing at the park.

I like those happy times.

Yet I’m not so much a fan of winter…when things are dead and buried…often being repurposed, but still.


The gray, the wet, the slush that too often follows a beautiful snowfall. De. Press. Ing.

I’ve been hanging out in winter.

For some reason there are things God is asking of me right now…ways that He is stretching me.

He’s stretching my Trust in Him.

He’s stretching my Obedience to Him.

He’s stretching my Faith in Him.

And if we’re being honest here, it hurts.

There are days when I feel like my faith is crumbling to the ground, moments when I don’t feel like trusting, even those times when I don’t want to obey.

Times when I feel like I’m dying more than I’m living.

But just like those stretches that are so necessary before a good run, I have to believe that He’s taking my heart and turning it into something better.

That He’s taking me and using me for something greater than I could have imagined.

That He’s making me a little more like Jesus.

If I’m willing to endure the stretching.

And I am.


Reading List

A few months ago I told you my husband bought me a Kindle.

Since then it’s turned me into a bigger reader than I’ve ever been before. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that all the books I’m reading are miraculously squished into one skinny, handheld device that fits in my purse. (Ok, that was dorky. ;)) Though, if we’re being completely honest, all of these books…in their paper forms…would fit into my purses. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I said it so one of you wouldn’t! 😀

Lately, I’ve been “prepping” for our trip by watching for freebies and cheap buys that pop up occasionally. I mean, I need something to read on the plane, right?

So far, I’ve nabbed…

This one, I’ve wanted to read for awhile. I’ve actually started it and need to get it in my head that it’s ok to read about a dog dying.

Then I’m sure it will be a fantastic read…enough people have told me so. :)

I was excited to score this one for free. Tsh writes for one of my favorite blogs, which also happens to be the one I guest posted on last year. Plus, organization is something I need to incorporate into our lives so we can actually walk through the basement. Purging is high on my list of priorities for the near future. This one will definitely be an airplane read. I’ll probably be dorky and take notes, too. (I really, really hope that last sentence didn’t offend a certain reader…she knows who she is. ;))

This was a recent free find that jumped out at me. I don’t know anything about the author, but I love true stories and history. And in a non-violent sort of way, the WWII era fascinates me.

I also splurged and purchased my most expensive Kindle book to-date a few weeks ago.

(I think it was a whopping $4…something. ;)) I’ve wanted to read this one for awhile. I don’t think it’ll make it to the trip…I know once I (virtually) open it, I’ll read it ’til three in the morning.

Amazon Prime members get a free read every month. This is gonna be my freebie for February, which I can borrow starting tomorrow. I told myself I had to read the book before I see the movie. I’ve heard it’s excellent.

There are a lot more I want to read, but these are just a few. Man, books are awesome…I love to read. :)

What are some of your favorite reads? Anything good I’m missing?


Don’t Ya Love It…

…when your awesome, thought provoking, blog post for the night completely messes up the formatting of the entire blog and you have to delete it


NO clue what I did wrong, but yeah. Good times.

Bummer, ’cause I was excited to tell you all

about everything I’m reading/planning to read… all that stuff.

(Yeah, that’s what I wrote about…but it had some fun Mel humor in there, too.) 😉

Honestly, it’s been a cruddy week. I wish it was full of smiles and laughter, but I feel like the gray that chased the sun away this afternoon kinda matches the funk I’ve been in for a few days.

Looking for some JOY tonight… I think

I know what I need to do to find it.

We’ve been studying the Beth Moore book on the fruits of the Spirit in Thursday morning Bible study, and honestly, they’re all thought provoking. But this past week, the one on the faithfulness of God really stuck out and made an impression. I don’t remember her exact words, but she basically eluded to the fact that when something in life is hard, God will often deliver us through it rather than from it.

He’s teaching me. I’m learning. I don’t know if I’m learning enough yet, but I know He’s doing things. Changing my heart. Making me a little more like Him.

It hasn’t been a great week, but it does encourage my heart to know that my Father, the Giver of all things good, loves me, cares for me, wants what’s best for me.

And is faithful to me.

Just a little thought tonight. Hey, tomorrow’s Wednesday. Halfway there.

Love you all.


Scattered Purpose

So, I couldn’t do it…I almost did.

I almost consciously let the day go by without writing.

And I couldn’t. I was watching the clock tick later and later, knowing that I had to make the decision soon.

Honestly, the first time is going

to be painful. I’ll probably cry.

And then I’ll find it easier to take a day off here or there.

I decided I couldn’t take the pain tonight. (Mostly ’cause my abs are killin’ me from last night’s workout, perhaps?!) No, really…I just couldn’t.

I spent the afternoon writing my next article for the Patch…I think it’s around 80% finished though I definitely need to work on some grammar issues I’ve got going. Does anyone else use the word really way. too. often.?

It’s like a disease. 😉

And as I sat at the computer this afternoon writing about life and blogging and everything in between, there was a word that kept nagging me.


To be honest, I’m struggling with finding mine right now.

I know I’m supposed to be a wife.

A mommy. A friend. A sometimes-writer, always-blogger.

A follower of Him.

But I have this nagging feeling that there’s something more, something I’m missing.

I pray and ask Him for more direction, but I just feel so scattered. Some days I’m convinced I’ll write the next best-seller, others I think I’ll go a completely different direction and go back to teaching. And still some, I’m content with life as it is, convinced that it’s His purpose for me.

But today’s not one of those days.

I have to continually remind myself that my Father’s purpose for me is far greater than I can imagine and that He simply asks me to trust.

I truly believe that this season for me is meant to be exactly what it is…being home with my family. Writing for free when I have time. 😉 Being a friend. Loving others…or trying to. Living a life for Him.

If it’s meant to be more, then I’ll know it. At least I trust that I will.

Reminding myself of that tonight…that there’s a time for everything, and each of those times are planned by Him.

He knows. He sees. He’s good.

And He’s enough…even when I feel scattered.


Just a Talk

I didn’t really write much yesterday…so it’s been almost two days since I’ve shared any deep thoughts.

Confession? I was dying to sit down and write tonight, even if it IS closer to 11 pm than it is to 10. 😉

I’m having my post workout bowl of oatmeal with chocolate chips, finishing off a diet coke…and dying for a chat with you all. I think it’s funny (and ironic?) that though last Tuesday is long past, I still want to write every day.

I think I could be certifiably nuts.

But, as a side note, you really should put chocolate chips in your oatmeal. It takes away the need to add sugar and makes the really, really healthy, grainy stuff I eat (’cause it has a ton of protein) taste WAY better.

Now I’ll quit talking about oatmeal ’cause, chances are, you really don’t care. :)

Though you might care about the chocolate chips.

I do. 😉

Andre is lying at my feet…and it’s moments like this that I soak up.

I so rarely have cuddle time with him withOUT Sammy. He is still the sweetest, happiest dog in the world…and I find myself wondering where the last 8 1/2 years went. I know it’s the inevitable when you get a pet, but at the same time, I think every pet owner always wishes they could be the one exception. He’s wonderful. And healthy…and while there are no signs of him even slowing down, it still makes me sad to think that he’s getting older.

Ok, enough of that. I do NOT need to cry at 11 pm.

So I’ve unofficially committed myself to a 10-mile race in May.


That’ s a loooooooot of running.

So far I’ve talked two friends into joining me, and I think it will be good. (aka: I won’t die.) I’m planning to do a half in June, so really, it’s perfect timing.

And the fun part? I get to write about it after!

Yeah, I know I’m dork.

I’ll just admit that yes, I find JOY in running and writing.

Could I get any dorkier


Don’t answer that. 😉

Unfortunately my training needs to start for that race sooner rather than later. I should probably make a plan, oh, tomorrow. I am a teeny bit excited. :)

We leave for Spain five weeks from Tuesday. I haven’t booked hotels. I still tear up when I think of leaving Mae. I have no shorts that fit. (Very true.) We don’t have rides to the airport yet. (Anyone? Anyone? ;)) It feels surreal.

But at the same time, it feels good. Tobin and I have needed to do this for awhile. Not necessarily go to EUROPE…but take some time to invest in us. In all honesty, we’ve spent most of our anniversaries traveling between here and Indo or moving…I think six out of nine.

We always said we’d do something big for our 10th…and here it is!

So as uncertain as I am about a few details, I have to remind myself that some of the crazy trips we’ve taken in the past have left us with some of the best memories we have as a couple. No marriage is perfect, and we’ll be the first to tell you we’ve had our challenges. And nine day trips to Europe don’t fix things.

But they do give intentional time to focus on the relationship. And the good stuff.

There’s SO MUCH good. And I’m really thankful for that.

And now that I’ve spilled my heart about pretty much everything…

Go have some oatmeal.

And don’t forget the chocolate chips. 😉

G’nite, friends.


Grin… :)

Tobin spent some time the last few days organizing our photos on our new desktop.

And, lo and behold, there are pictures I had no clue we had in digital format.

This one?

Just made me grin…

Gosh, we’re cute. Hard to believe it’s been almost ten years.

Love this guy.


Little Blessings (Pt. 20)

:) Cuddle time with my favorite little girl. And giggles…lots of giggles.

:) Ghiradelli dark chocolate chips.

Oh. My. Goodness. They need to sell them in smaller bags.

:) A ten-mile race in May to train for.

Choosing to see this one as a blessing.


:) Reminders this week that God is faithful.

:) Prayer and what a blessing it can be to pray for people I love.

:) Watching my daughter’s vocabulary continue to explode… new words this week

? Cello (I know!), pinecone, puzzle. (All while pointing to pictures of them. It’s so fun to watch!)

:) Missing Indonesia a lot today and thinking of so many reasons why I loved it.

:) Good coffee, good chats, good friends.

:) Eight hours of sleep…straight.

:) American Idol auditions…fun to watch and bring back some amazing memories.
