Thinking about sleep and how wonderful it will be tonight. Road trips kinda drain me, and I can’t really sleep in the car. The Dodge Caravan makers did nothing to help that situation, either. Two thumbs WAY down for the headrests! Also about how bad that gas station coffee was today. Blech…and shudder.
Wishing for long chats with friends. And coffee dates. And a really, really BIG slice of cake with lots of frosting and two forks. It’s a good thing we don’t have any cake in the house right now!
Wondering how God is going to answer some pretty big questions right now. Struggling to trust, but knowing that He’ll give what we need.
Loving on my girl. Golly, she’s cute and huggable. She is not a roadtrip rockstar, but her sweet smile and general adorable-ness force me love her to the sky and back despite the sleepless hours spent rather un-quietly.
Drinking tea. (Getting over a cold.) Out of my Scotland mug from a friend. Scotland, tea…it works. It’s wild berry, and I put not-enough honey in it. Oh, well…I’ll conserve my energy and drink it as is.
Eating nothing. I wish? I were eating chocolate. But chocolate is better with a friend. So I’ll wait. ๐
Remembering a couple weeks back to a night that I laughed harder than I’d laughed in a long time. Happy memory. Thinkin’ we should all laugh more.
Stressing over not much at the moment. I really try to not think too far ahead, which could be good or bad, depending on who you are. The crazy of summer will be here fast enough…I’ll enjoy my last few weeks of chill.
Fighting myself on submitting something to a blog. It’s daring, it’s SO out of my element…and I think it could be really good. Need to be brave and give up the fight.
Looking forward to putting up Mae’s swimming pool and celebrating two and dates to the park and walks with friends and early-morning running around the park and all things sunshine and summer and wonderful.
Listening to the nightly episode of Blue’s Clues, interspersed with the sweetest little voice letting out a little giggle or sharing what she knows. So good.
Watching a computer screen. ๐ Obviously nothing since Blue is dominating the screen. Thinking about a tear-jerker of a chick flick and snuggling under a blanket once the girlie is in bed. The Notebook, anyone?
Singing a lot in my head. Nothing aloud at the moment, though this is most definitely a favorite lately.
Regretting cruddy days and swollen eyes and words that ruin moments we can’t get back.
Thanking Him that there are such things as forgiveness and grace and that tomorrow is full of new mercy.