It’s been a long time. A really, really long time.
And I don’t know why this morning is any different from the other mornings other than I feel like there are some words. So I should write them, yeah?
Potentially it’s because I browsed facebook for all of five minutes this morning and dissolved into a puddle of tears twice because of Humans of New York and CBS. (Thanks, guys.) And then I watched a story last night, too…this one. And it made me weep because that’s just what I do these days, apparently. (Though…major tissue alert. Just sayin’ that right now.)
Maybe those tears are pushing the words out, I don’t know.
Or maybe it’s that the last two nights I’ve been out cold before 9 p.m. (Actually, the first night was 6:30. SIX-THIRTY, y’all.) Clearly I’m catching up on sleep. This is sort of funny, but I fell asleep in my puffer vest and leggings last night…the night before it was in my jeans and hoodie. Who needs pajamas?! π
At any rate, it’s not even 6:30 a.m. 7 a.m. and I’ve already had two three (and a half) cups of coffee and am considering stock in Kleenex.
So it might be that kind of blog post. We’ll see. But I haven’t written in a long time, and I miss it sometimes. So I’m guessing there will be a lot of words this morning. (You’ve been warned.)
It’s honestly been a random sort of existence lately.
I don’t so much remember this with Mae, but I’m sure it happened then, too. It’s just that with her, I never had to be anywhere. We never had to do anything. So our normal was whatever the day brought. With Mac…it’s different.
We have a first grader to keep up with…and she needs to get to school, be picked up, have her mama there for certain things. It’s all good and it’s all beautiful, but it’s changed the baby game plan I had in my head. The kind that looked like two solid naps a day, sleeping through the night…all that good stuff with which I was so incredibly spoiled with Mae. (But I’ve tried not too compare my kids. Too much.) π
The truth is that I’ve loved watching my daughter grow up, even though it’s bittersweet. Every day I take her to school, and my heart pinches and explodes at the same time…leaving her there. Knowing it’s right, but accepting that it’s going so, so fast. I mean, look at this girl! Seriously. So. Grown. Up.
She’s such a cool person, in my incredibly unbiased opinion. π She writes plays that make us laugh our heads off, she fills up journals at the age of six, she’s asked to “real blog” (though I won’t let her use her domain just yet), she’s rocking the big sister role, and she’s reading chapter books with her reading light, late at night when she’s supposed to be sleeping. She’s got such a tender heart, always praying for others and hurting when they hurt.
I don’t know God’s plans for her, but I know they’re going to be amazing. I just love this girl.
And watching her be Big Sissy to this Little Man? Oh, my heart. (In a puddle all over the floor.) I was so, so worried about two kids, girl and boy, six years apart. And, yet…Mac completes our family…and these two. Just the best.
Baby boy keeps growing and changing because that’s what little boys do, and it seems like it’s already going way too fast. Flying.Β HOW is he four months old already?!Β He’s rolling over and moving around tons, and I think he’s getting ready to crawl. OY. And, judging by the amount of drool he produces, I’m pretty sure that teeth aren’t too far off either. WHERE is time going? Ah, this face. Melting again.
It’s Thanksgiving week, and I really love this time of year. It’s starting to get colder, which might not be my favorite…but a change in seasons always makes me stop and think about life and how there are always changes. Challenges. Sometimes pain. But a lot of joy, too.
On Saturday, fall-ish winter finally arrived. I (somewhat painfully) put the flip flops away and put on an actual coat as the temps dipped into the 20’s and 30’s…and I was forced to reconcile with the fact that my toes will now need to be covered for approximately five months. (Give or take. And here in the bi-polar Midwest, it will probably be give.)
Sometimes I gripe about change, but the truth is that I enjoy it most of the time. I like the surprises of life, and I love a good adventure. Sometimes change brings hurt, too…but I’m learning to deal with that. Just like I’m learning to put on a winter coat. Because…reality. I live in Illinois, and it’s November. π
Our last year has been full of change, for sure.
Sometimes I look back and am amazed we survived. Or, me at least. π A year ago, I’d just seen the positive pregnancy test, and a few days later I was already vomiting my guts out. (Sorry for that bit of graphic information.) And as the weeks progressed, it became apparent that, if baby was going to make it, I needed help. (And IVs and lots and lots of medication.) We were scared…there are side effects and unknowns that come with those things, and I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I was worried there would be something wrong with my baby boy. But God…He’s good, and Mac is healthy. Though I do wish he’d take naps! (We’ll save that post for another day.) π
Sorry for my freakishly large-looking hand.
Selfies will do that to ya. π
I truly have so, SO much to be thankful for, and no doubt, topping the list is a sweet little boy named Mac. My little family, my friends…many of whom ARE my family, a place to live, more than I will ever need, prayers answered beyond what I could have imagined by a Father Who loves me more than I will ever understand.
Life is really good, even if it’s really random.
And thank goodness there’s coffee to help survive the random. π
This has always been one of my favorite songs. It’s been around awhile now, but…I still love it. Maybe having a listen will bless your day, too.
I’m so thankful for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Oh friend I love this so much!! Glad you are finding your rhythm and anxiously awaiting the day when I get to meet your sweet family in person!!
I can’t wait for that day, too.
Love you, friend!
I get this. Between the passing of my sister at 33 weeks pregnant, and 4 days later finding out I had cholestasis which was putting the baby’s life in danger. Tears and fears. And the things we do for our kids and babies—But well, even in the sadness and tears and fears God has been present and real even if it has been in the night when I can’t sleep and I continue casting the burden on Him. I crashed sitting up in the rocker this week. Never done that before. So yeah. Totally getting the exhaustion and beauty of life and change and all of that.
Sending you hugs, my friend…it’s been such a hard and good season for you, and I’m sorry and happy for you at the same time. Giving thanks for your sweet new one and saying a prayer as you grieve and process. And celebrate the gifts, too.
Love to you.
I’ve missed your writing. I love the song you shared, truly a blessing.
It’s such a good song, isn’t it? Thanks for being here, friend.