I’ll be the first to admit that mommyhood has not at all
been what I thought it would be. In some ways it’s been far better…in a few areas, I’ve struggled.
But the one thing I can’t get over is the Love.
Oh. My. Goodness.
I Love my girl so much.
She just makes my heart pitter patter.
I love it when she gives me that snarky, I’m-so-up-to-something-naughty look along with her 7-tooth grin…and I just melt. I love waking her up in the morning and seeing her cute little get-me-out-of-this sleep-sack stretch. I love her morning playtime in her pack and play when she sits there and talks to herself in the sweetest, high-pitched voice. I love the few snuggles she will give me just before I put her down for a nap. I love it when she giggles at the dogs while trying to grab fists full of their fur.
I love the Daddy-Mommy-Maelie hug we all have toge
ther before bedtime.
She also cracks me up.
Oh, she makes me Laugh.
She is going to be a really funny kid…and I’m not sure how I feel about that. 😉
She makes me laugh when she clamps down on her spoon when I’m trying to feed her.
(It takes some muscle to wrestle it away from her, too!) I laugh when I pick up a toy that she’s dropped and she looks at me, kind of does this weird thing with her eyebrows, and then drops it again. (Of course I pick it up!) She makes me laugh when she crawls backwards and ends up with her butt under the couch.
(It’s only happened a couple of times, but boy, is it funny!) She makes me laugh when she sings with me…which she does several times a day.
She makes me laugh when she gets excited and waves her hands back and forth at incredibly high speeds. I love it when I get her to giggle, and then I giggle back, and she giggles back…and we just keep going. It’s hilarious.
I love it when she makes me Laugh.
Sure, I haven’t had more than six hours of sleep without waking up since June.
Sure, my baby belly is still slightly pooching over my jeans nine months later. Yeah, on the days she goes napless, she makes me want to bury my head under a pillow
to drown out the noise. (Sometimes I do.
Shhh…don’t tell. ;)) And yes, since having her, the number of times that Tobin and I have sat through a church service together, I can count on one hand. (And don’t even ask me about the Lent service two nights ago.)
But there’s just so much…Love.
And Laughter.
And Love.
I love what she’s brought to our lives.
I’m pretty sure that being mommy to this girl is the best thing ever.
I’m so thankful.
Serious sweetness! Oh my goodness! Those cheeks Mel….those eyes…..I can just smell the baby poweder *smile*
You are so sweet.
Yeah, she’s pretty sweet, too. I swear the cheeks keep getting bigger and bigger!