photo credit:
A sweet friend has been encouraging me lately to find my words again. I’ve known I need to, so why not today?
Oh, words. You are both a gift and my nemesis. Why must it be that way?
But I’m sitting here in my Superwoman t-shirt, the juniors size large that I bought and stretched over my belly even though it is SO. NOT. a maternity shirt, and maybe the silver logo is helping me feel a little more super-ish. So we’ll try and see where this all goes.
It IS May, after all. And baby is due in two months, and I haven’t written a word here in over four.
It’s definitely time to talk again.
Like I said, baby is due soon-ish. Which means that Mel’s belly is more than a little big-ish. I feel huge, even if people keep telling me I’m all baby. (I’m not…there is definitely more in, AHEM, other places.) But in the interest of keeping readers and because I haven’t taken a single belly shot, here we all go. (At least my hair is/was sorta cute today.)
I’m feeling a lot better. Two months of IVs and a medicine pump did wonders, and sometimes I’m just incredibly amazed at how good I feel. There’s nothing quite like feeling death-ish (man, I really like -ish today) for months to make a person appreciate the good days.
The coffee love is back (thank you, Jesus) as is the burrito love. And other things. Like baked potatoes and steak tacos and french fries. And salad because all things need balance, yeah? But I will just tell you that this little guy is making me HUNGRY. (He’d better be cute to account for all the extra pounds I’ve packed on.) π
So now we’re really just in countdown mode. (And paint-the-nursery and buy-a-new-stroller-and-carseat modes.) Guess what? If you wait too long between your kiddos, their carseats expire. Who knew? Now we do.
Sadly, though, baby S will still be stuck with a pink pack and play. But I’m sure he’ll survive.
So I road-tripped it down south this past weekend. It was my longest to-date, and to be honest, I’m kind of surprised that I did it. And now that I’ve actually driven 13+ hours one way, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
I met up with a friend in Chattanooga, and then we drove down to Auburn, Alabama, to meet up with a couple more friends. I had no idea how far I actually drove (1,798 miles round trip!) until I looked at a map. It was long! And, surprisingly…a lot of fun.
Honestly, I needed some good alone time…to process, to pray, and, yes, to hold my own little concerts. (Funny story…I forgot that my hubby’s dash cam records everything. Ahem. I made him swear he wouldn’t go back and listen.) π And by the time I’d survived (and YES, I mean SURVIVED) Nashville rush hour, I was so ready to see my friend.
Two more hours of winding mountain roads that made a gorgeous drive, and we were reunited.
We laughed, we talked late into the night…and it felt like I’d known her forever even if this is only the second time that we’ve met face to face.
photo props to Jenn and her awesome selfie skills π
LOVE HER. (This pic is from our first meeting…coffee several weeks ago.)
And the next morning we headed down to Alabama, and then our group was complete. We had three days of girl time and deep chats and laughter over some of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard, times of prayers and tears, and even a little shopping in one of the cutest towns I’ve ever seen.
Oh, and lots. LOTS. LOTS. OF. FOOD. (How did I not photograph this?) I guess I was too busy stuffing my face with mac ‘n cheese, chicken casserole, cinnamon rolls, pickle wraps, pepper jam on crackers, banana pudding…are you drooling yet? π
In all honesty, the whole weekend was an incredible gift, one that I didn’t know I needed so badly. These women are such a sweet blessing.
photo props to Jenn…again. π
I hadn’t realized how lonely I was until I spent this time with friends. This pregnancy and all it’s brought with it…has been lonely. And just really, really hard.
That’s nobody’s fault, really. It’s just this phase of life and where we are. I choose to be content with the days as they fall, but sometimes it’s hard. And so when I get a gift like this past weekend, coming off it is almost a little depressing.
Distance is hard, and I miss them already.
But in the meantime, between visits…we pray, we Vox, we connect when we can. And you’d better believe I’ll be making some banana pudding soon…you know, in honor of my friends. π And I also got myself hooked on dill pickle flavored peanuts…I had no clue they would be so good, but I sort of inhaled them. π Sadly, I could only find the cashews on my drive back, but I’ve still got one bag left.Β And, heck, they’re so good, maybe they’ll get their own blog post. π
So life has been busy, it’s been full…and God is good.
In all seasons, in every day…no matter what it all looks like.
Here’s to words again…thanks for being here.
Yay for words again! And you and your sweet belly are adorable.
You are so sweet…thank you for being here, friend.
You look great! Oh but Dill Pickle Cashews? Eeeewww! Glad you are writing again.
I thought they’d be gross, too! But nope…give ’em a try. I promise they’re yummy!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, friend.