We’ve talked a lot about “what” your dream is and now it’s time to tackle the “why” behind it. Why is your dream worth pursuing, fighting for and seeing through no matter what happens?
I shared a few months ago about a dream God had given me.
To take my stories from Indonesia, the good and bad, the ugly and broken, the beautiful…and write a book.
Since sharing that initial dream, He’s done a lot in this heart. And while that dream is there, and being actively chased :), there’s been more defining…and maybe some heart-refining, too.
I’ve always loved to write and dreamed of writing a book, but that answer to “why” doesn’t completely cover it.
So…here’s the more honest answer.
It started with a blog, this space, in January of 2011. My husband and I had gone through an insane amount of change in the previous eight months…being in separate hemispheres for the last six weeks of my pregnancy, leaving Indonesia, the birth of our first child, readjusting to America, and relocating to a brand new city and state.
To be blunt, my head was spinning at a fast and furious, unable-to-focus, rate.
And this space became my haven…a place I hung out every day to share whatever it was that was going on in my heart and life…from the real of heartache and my inability to park a minivan, to the joy I felt over having coffee with a friend for the first time in six months and my confusion over why people wore boots over their jeans. 😉
America confused me, and I think I confused America.
And eventually those stories started to spill out, and God began to give glimpses of His goodness in the midst of ALL…despite the fact that everything I had always known no longer made sense.
Because it wasn’t about life making sense…it was about holding His hand and choosing to walk in His Grace, despite circumstances.
And I felt like maybe my stories were worth sharing…not just the happy and hilarious ones but the ones that broke me, the ones that changed my perspective, the ones that made (and still make) me cry.
And so I decided to write a book.
I’ve finished the rough draft, and I kinda love it. I think it’s one anyone can relate to on some level. (If y’all would like to say a prayer that a publisher will see it’s awesomeness, too, that would be amazing. ;))
But beyond books and blogs, I think the overall dream is encouragement.
I think that’s what He wants from me.
To take the gift He’s given me and use it for His glory. That might often be through words, but it also comes in other forms…listening, prayer, heart-spilling chats. He can use it all.
He can take my words…and make a difference, no matter big or small. It’s a difference and it’s for Him.
That’s the heart of it all right there.
And it’s worth chasing because it’s what He’s calling me to do.
I read these words recently, written by a friend…they are so true. And so what my heart needed to hear again this morning at this stage of dreaming.
Maybe you’re in a place where it seems no one sees you and it feels like what you do doesn’t matter. Maybe you feel like your potential isn’t being used. What are you doing taking care of a few sheep when you sense inside that you’re made for so much more? But you’re being faithful anyway. You’re serving, learning, loving, and growing.
You’re a God-Sized dreamer, and that means you can make a difference anywhere.
(You’re Made For a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You, by Holley Gerth; p. 50-51)
My prayer is that He’ll take this heart and life and use it for His glory…and I’ll leave the size of that up to Him.
And, Happy Tuesday, friends! As always, we’re linking up over at Holley‘s place. Hop by, say hello, and read what God is doing in some dreamer hearts!
All for Him, that’s right friend. It’s easy to get caught up in big numbers and forget about the one person that needs to hear our story above anyone else. You use your gift for encouragement well, I know you have encouraged me many times, so thankful for you! I pray God will show you daily how and who to encourage and use your book to encourage many!
Thank you, Alecia! You are such an encouragement to me, too…blessings, friend.
I have found that although I had stated my dream a few years ago, going through the weekly blogging with my God-sized dream sisters has really begun to also refine not just my dream but my heart.
Prayer go up for you book to get into the hands of the publisher that God intends to see it.
Thank you for your prayers and for the blessing you are to me, Amy!
Love that quote. Praying that some publisher sees your awesomeness (is that a word?) Here’s to letting your light shine!
Yeah…I think we can definitely make it a word! Thank you, Lani…blessings!
A perfect reason:) Those stories in that book of yours? I would love to read them. And you definitely have the gift of encouragement! You’ve blessed me with it over and over. Thank you! ~As for Allume, I long to go, and I am pursuing it, but it depends on my fundraising efforts being successful. I haven’t bought a ticket yet. I keep praying for doors to open:)
Thank you, Mandy! I’ve been praying for you and Allume…maybe for selfish reasons because I’d love the chance to meet you and hang out with you…but also because I know it’s a desire you have…praying that God will fling those doors wide open!
Mel, I love this and I love learning more about you every time I read this (pregnant in a foreign country and then withou your hubby for the last few weeks of pregancy – that’s so kind of strength, girl). I believe that in some ways I am following in your footsteps (2 years behind). I started to blog because I wanted to get a handle on my life (inside and out), and now I feel the beginning of a book inside me. Thank yuu for sharing and leading the way for me. Prayers for the right publisher and the right time and for God’s continued support all the way through. Love, Holly
P.S. I am in Vegas this week with my hubby. He is attending a conference and I am relaxing. Yesterday was a long travel day (hence the very early post and late response to you).
I think it’s interesting that you shared the idea of writing a book because as I’ve read more about your dream, I’ve thought…hmmm, that would make a really great book! I’ll be first in line to buy it, friend!
Thank you so much for your prayers and friendship…you are such a blessing to me! Wishing you an awesome, relaxing week! (I’m a teeny bit jealous from the still-in-the-30’s Chicago burbs…)
It has been nice here, no lie. We get to see Pat Benetar perform tonight. So excited about that, but I am ready to get back to my little guy. Spring is coming for you too.
We did get a day in the almost-60’s today…and I broke out the flip flops.
Spring is definitely on its way! Enjoy the rest of your time and safe travels home!
Praying that a publisher will see it’s (your draft’s) awesomeness!! 😀
Anyway, a part of my childhood was spent in Indonesia too! (Jakarta) 😀
Thank you, Esther! This made me smile…Indonesia is beautiful and part of me forever.
Beautiful post, Mel! I am praying that God will send the right publisher your way very soon….:) Thank you for opening your sweet heart and for writing down your story! Praise the Lord for your dream!!
Thank you Hannah…your sweet words made my day! Blessings to you!
Please let me know if you’re looking for a author for your
blog. You have some really good articles and I
feel I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of
the load off, I’d absolutely love to write some articles for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine.
Please shoot me an e-mail if interested. Many thanks!