What’s a typical day in your life like right now? How can you see God’s hand in the middle of the “small” and ordinary too?
When I first saw the topic for this week, I smiled and started singing a song.
One that, for reasons unknown to me, somehow made it onto my running playlist about a year ago and became a favorite. I especially love the chorus.
Turn up the music, turn it up loud
Take a few chances, let it all out
‘Cause you won’t regret it
Looking back from where you have been
‘Cause it’s not who you knew
And it’s not what you did, it’s how you live
“How You Live” Point of Grace
Though it may sound a bit flaky, I try to live my life in this way…with the music cranked up (sometimes literally), looking for the adventure in every step, and dancing throughout my days, too. (As long as there’s coffee. ;))
On a perfect day, I start with a run. I usually do between three and four miles, but I only did 2.4 this morning…on Monday nights I work out with friends, and our workout went late last night and was topped off by a frappuccino and a chat with my dear friend :), so I didn’t push it. I’m not Super-runner Woman, either (though I would look good with a cape, huh?!)…it’s something I became intentional about in order to shed those baby pounds and turned into something I enjoy.
When I get home from running (before 7 am) I get the coffee going and get ready for the day.
Key word here = coffee. I drink a ton of the stuff. True confession. But not black…always with creamer. Bailey’s Creme Brulee is my favorite. Mmmmm.
I’m a stay-at-home-mom, and it’s the job title I wear most proudly.
I’m mama to the most incredibly wonderful, spirited, sweet girl, Mae. Ever the non-napper, she almost always gives me a wonderful night’s sleep, so she usually isn’t awake before 7:30. (Unless we’re in time change mode. Ugh.) I love that it gives me time to hop through the shower and get ready somewhat before she’s up.
Once Mae is up, it’s the usual. Breakfast, sometimes-playtime, sometimes-Sesame Street. If she goes the tv route, I use that time to do some Bible reading and blogging. It’s when most of my daytime writing gets done. A lot of people start their mornings early. early. early. with spending time with God. I have found that it simply doesn’t work well for me.
I love Him.
But my mind is not coherent enough before my run to focus. Instead, I crank up a pretty sweet playlist of praise songs for my run and worship Him in that way. I love it, and I usually sing along. 😉
The rest of our day varies, depending on the day. Some days we head to church for Bible study or to help with Feed My Lambs; the other days we’ll chill at home and do art projects or read stories or play princesses or bake. (She’s a huge play doh fan right now, too.) We save errands for the afternoon, usually, because my ever-so-sweet girl mostly-dropped her afternoon nap last summer. (She takes about one a month.)
It’s a simple day, usually, and sometimes there will be more writing or catching up online interspersed with what we do.
My main goal as a stay-at-home mama is to simply enjoy her and be the best mommy to her that I can be. The days are already passing too quickly, and she’ll be off to preschool in just five short months. Tear.
My hubby usually gets home around 5:30, and we’ll spend a little time together as a family, eat dinner, and then it’s off to bathtime and bed for the non-napper girl we have. She’s usually in bed and asleep before 7:30 which gives us some time to unwind. Sometimes T and I will play a game or watch a movie; sometimes we’ll do our own thing…me, usually write; him, catch up with his favorite blogs or watch a TV show. Fun fact: we really love playing cribbage. I know it’s an old-people game, but it’s fun! You should try it. 😉
Being a SAHM was not something I ever thought I’d be, but I love it. I’ve realized, too, that it’s something I should never take for granted. My husband works hard so I can be with my girl, and I know there are a lot of mamas who wish with everything in them that they could be home with their kids, too. I am extremely blessed, and so thankful I can spend my days with Mae.
One of the things God has over-and-over convicted me about is my prayer life. I grew up always thinking that to pray, I needed to stop what I was doing, fold my hands, close my eyes, and talk to Him in that way. And while there are times for that, I try to make prayer part of my lifestyle…and I talk to Him throughout the day. Sometimes in a sentence, sometimes longer. While I’m washing dishes, vacuuming, or even changing a diaper.
I love that He hears me…and that He listens no matter where I am or what I’m doing.
I also love that my daughter is learning the value of speaking to her Father, too, no matter where she is in her day. Often, we’ll pray for Putra, our Compassion child…his picture is on our wall in the kitchen, and she likes to look at it. Mae knows that we can talk to God about him, and that we can do it while we’re playing princesses, too.
In relation to my dream(s) and pursuing them in daily life, my biggest goal is to place them in His hands each day and pray for opportunities. Right now, my sweet friend is reading through my book, and I’m good with that…in some ways, it’s a break I can use to reflect on what He’s asking of me and what could potentially be next. As for my other dream of writing for a bigger blog, I talk to Him about it…and just keep doing my thing…
…writing in this space, which I truly love. I really do, even if the number of blog posts a week has dwindled a bit. (I’m trying to focus on content more instead of word count. Please don’t count the number of words in this post. ;))
I’m trying to be faithful with the smaller things…and trust that He’ll bring the big things when it’s time. His time.
More than ever, right now, I’m content with that, and it’s a good place to be.
Just living the life He’s created for me, following Him in obedience, and trusting that His plan will happen.
And it’s Tuesday! Hop over to the lovely Holley Gerth’s place to read more stories of what God is doing in the lives of my dreaming sisters! We’d love for you to join us.
Loved this Mel! Especially the prayer lifestyle. (And the loud music – I love me some loud music. And I love me some coffee, how do non coffee drinkers survive???)
Thanks, Gindi! I know…coffee is a must. I’m a total grump without it!
Blessings, sweet friend.
We are neighbors and fellow Dreamers today over at Holley’s and I’m so glad I stopped by this morning! You had me at coffee… (honestly – you really did!) I took up running several years ago and was surprised at how much I loved it – but it seemed to stop my weight loss and I had a few knee injuries so I stopped. But your post has me rethinking that and I just may add a little running back in to my routine now that Spring is starting to actually show up around here! Praying for all of your God-Sized Dreams… and yes, – I have been a SAHM for nearly 18 years… it goes so fast… drink it in! (and I LOVE that you play so much… we can forget to do that but it is so vital!)
Thanks for stopping by, Karrilee! Gotta admit, it’s a lot easier for me to love running when there’s not snow on the ground, but it’s become a part of my day that I love.
(Well, minus the knee injuries…I’ve had one or two of those, too.) Thank you for the prayers and encouragement! Blessings to you!
Honestly, caffeine is my constant companion. Without it, I would not be the mother I am today. I love that I am not the only one who unashamedly totes it around in equal measure with the children!
I love your practice of prayer. I try to remember to catch a few minutes throughout the day – I’ve also learned that stopping for a thirty-minute prayer marathon isn’t usually feasible – but sometimes I forget. Your post has convicted me to put up little reminders so I have a more full praying life!
Thanks for stopping by, Carlie…and for being a fellow coffee drinker that I can relate to! While I don’t want my daughter to remember me for just coffee, I know it will definitely be something she DOES remember. I suppose there are worse things.
Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement…blessings!
I like cribbage too.
I loved this peek into your life.
It’s such a fun game, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by, friend!
Mmm, Bailey’s Creme Brulee…that sounds divine, and a must for this never-black coffee drinker:) I think we approach prayer much the same way, minus the running;) Your Mae is beautiful, just liker mama. Blessings, Mel!
I think you hit the nail on the head-contentment. Rather it’s being a sahm or small blogger or book author. Being content in whatever place we are in life, and keep doing our thing. I like that you’ve found your own rythmn and what works for you, I think that’s important.
I’ve never heard of the game cribbage! I’m going to have to google that
Thank you, Alecia! It’s so easy for me to dream really big, and I do have hopes that one day those dreams will happen, but the truth is…life is good. I love where He has me.
And, yes, you should learn cribbage. It’s kind of addicting.
Blessings, friend!
I laughed a little as I read you post today because you and I seem so different yet I somehow always fell connected to you (and God) when I read your words. I am not a runner, not a coffee drinker, was never a SAHM but God has also spend the last few months loving calling me into conversations(prayers) with Him at the strangest times and places. Places I can’t get down on my knees or close my eyes. I love that He has created us so differently yet so much alike in our need for Him.
Yes. You made me smile, Amy. I think that’s the beauty of friendship…in real-life or online…being able to learn and grow from each others’ differences.
You bless me and challenge me, and I’m thankful that our paths crossed online…and I hope we’ll get to meet in real life someday, too! Blessings, friend! 
Isn’t it amazing how full our lives are when we stop to reflect on them. I don’t mean full of the busyness of life, but full of moments where God’s grace is there – if we take time to look. I love how you have incorporated prayer into your daily lifestyle – it is inspiring me to look for ways to do that too. Stay content!
Thanks, friend! He has blessed me so much…in ways I never dreamed of. Thank you for being part of this journey with me! You are a blessing!
Seriously, that all sounds dreamy. Looking forward to living out the full time mama dream! With Joy, Carey
I will pray that for you, friend, and trust that it will happen! Blessings!
Oh, this post made me smile for you! I remember (and miss) those sweet days of my girls being little and being home with them. Oh, they had their challenges (ummm…potty training, wink), but looking back, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. She is a blessed little girl to have you for a momma!!
Oh, and a side note, if we ever meet in(RL), we will have to play a game of cribbage!! We taught our girls how to play last year. 😉
Thank you, sweet friend.
I have to laugh this morning at what I wrote, especially since I pushed the publish button and Mae and I went on to have one of the worst days we’ve had in a long time…thinking I could write a whole post about it! (I probably will. ;)) Despite that, I still love being home with her, and we’re hoping for a better day today! And I’d love to play cribbage with you someday…can’t wait! Blessings, dear friend!
I’m a coffee lover and runner too (well, I’m not running right now, due to nerve issue, but I ran the half marathon locally the past two years, and love a nice 3-4 mile run, especially when the weather’s nice). I’m always on the lookout for good, upbeat praise music. Maybe if you have a chance you could message me your playlist? That would be so awesome 😉 My new fav is Jamie Grace. My girls (8 and 10) love her upbeat, pop style too.
Sure…I’ll do that in the next few days! I’ll warn you that not all of them are super upbeat, but there are definitely some good ones in there.
What an inspiring post, Mel! I adore that song, and when I commuted an hour each way to work—
—I used to sing along to it at the top of my lungs. But really, you had me at coffee, but my fav is French Vanilla. And cribbage, even though my hubbie and I haven’t played for years. Perhaps it’s time to get the board back out…
Being faithful in the smaller things is important, and I believe it will lead to bigger things, whatever those may look like.
Thanks for your words today, Mel!
Thank you, Kim! Reading the post that Kris wrote at Allume today was a good reminder for me, too. (I saw you had commented on it, so I knew you’d understand. ;)) I’m really trying to be faithful with those small things and remember that they can be just as wonderful as the bigger things, too! So blessed by this community and you, my friend! Have a fantastic day!
Hi Mel, I love your post!! I could see you dancing and singing as you take your run…and playing with your little princess Mae!
Every week I look forward to reading your Tuesday post…thank you for your commitment to follow your Savior as you pursue His dreams for you!
God bless you dear one, Judy
Thank you for your kind words, sweet friend! God’s blessings to you, too.