I am so excited to do a giveaway!
So, here’s the little story behind this first one.
I sort of came home from
Indonesia with A LOT of bags and purses. I didn’t know how many I actually had until I unpacked and hung them all in my purse closet.
Yes, I have a purse closet.
And very…ahem…full.)
Most of them I’ve never used…I just picked them up here and there whenever we went on
a trip or I found a cute one.
So, in an effort to help myself get rid of some things and to spread some Indo-love, I am giving away one of my bags.
Th is one
is a be
ach bag from Bali.
I love it…but don’t worry, I have more.
You can fit just about anything in it…I even have one like it that I’ve used for a diaper bag, and it actually holds everything I need!
(I’ve never found an actual diaper bag that can accomplish that feat.)
So, here’s how to enter…it’s simple.
Leave me a comment on this blog and tell me a blessing God has given you recently.
Big or small, just share a blessing!
(Oh, and for those of you commenting for the first time…don’t worry if your comment doesn’ t show up righ
t away. I have to approve it first…then, once you’ve been approved, you can comment anytime.)
On Friday I’ll randomly choose a winner!
Please enter! And selfishly, I’m curious how many people actually read my blog…so this might help give me an idea.
Happy commenting…and good luck!
I have to admit, I don’t read many blogs, but your “purse giveaway” enticed me. Maybe I’ll actually start reading! 😉 I’ve had SOOOOOO many blessings lately it’s hard to pick just one. I would have to say though, that my kids are my biggest blessing as a stay-at-home mom! I love how a 2 & 3 year old can really keep you in check with God! Daily I am reminded of how blessed I am to have each of them and to see them growing in the Lord!
so would you ship one back to indo. 😛
have fun with your drawing/giveaway….
i love your blog…
we miss you
hope you had a great half birthday a little over a month ago.
jeff remembered it was your half birthday 😀
shoot i forgot a blessing.
we have been so blessed lately by reading His Word and letting it minister and convict us….
My Blessing occurred this morning. While attempting to get out the door on time with the girls, my older daughter, Kyndall, was being extremely difficult. It got so bad that I spent the car ride to school (which is only 1.3 miles) disciplining her for her behavior. I threatened to keep her home from karate lessons tonight; not let her attend a play date today; and told her (which I secretly hoped would work) that I was going to discuss her behavior with her dad and he would decide her punishment. Nothing, she would not apologize, she had no reaction at all. This weighed heavy on my heart as I dropped her off for school. While driving to work I was overwhelmed with an urgency to call her classroom and speak to her. I knew if I didn’t my day would be consumed with thoughts of our fight. More importantly, I was concerned how Kyndall’s day would be. While walking into work I called her Kindergarten classroom and spoke to her. I told her how sorry I was that we had argued and that I hope she had a good day. We ended the conversation with an I Love You. God blessed me this morning by guiding me towards forgiveness and compassion for my daughter.
One of the first blessings that comes to mind is God’s direction to Dave Tebbenkamp to accept the position as our new senior pastor. We are thrilled with him and his family and can hardly wait to see how God uses him in our church.
I really enjoy reading your blog Mel. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! One thing I have been blessed with latelybis coming back to Mom’s group and my friends there.
I’m sort of a blog-aholic. I love to read about what other people are doing! My biggest blessing is that this saturday marks 4 months till I get married and my best freind is coming to meet my fiance and celebrate with us!! Yay!! God is good!
Iam Blessed by my friends in my life and the science fair is over!
Blessed this week by memorizing God’s Word! Enjoy reading your thoughts
Hi from MS!
Hey Mel,
I don’t need the purse — just wanted to say hi and let you know I read your blog and love knowing how you’re doing. You bless me
Hiya! I’m with Theresa! I don’t need the purse but wanted to check in……see waz up!
My blessing is a beautiful, near 70 degree February day in Denver! And a husband who continues to grow, change and make my heart swoon over his maturity. Whooda thunk?
Have fun with your giveaway!
Oh, Mel! You know I have enough bags/purses that I should have a closet for them, too….might have to work on it! So, I am just sending a note to tell you that I love keeping up with you by reading what’s been laid on your heart or what’s been flying around in your pretty little head!!
So, no purse needed here!
Thinking about blessings…this spring like weather and knowing that spring is right around the corner (hopefully!).
Mel, your blog has been a blessing to me. Reading it makes me miss you and feel closer to you at the same time. My other blessing is my family and friends. Their love and support is constantly amazing me.