Sunny days, just-a-little-pink shoulders, and flip flops.
Catching up with friends I don’t see often…but friends who will always have a special place in my heart.
Afternoon naps when it’s dark and stormy outside.
Caribou Coffee.
Cuddling and seeing the sweet smiles of my precious nephew…the one who had to have heart surgery when he was just a week old. So incredibly thankful that he is here with us.
Family time and my favorite dessert ever. (Ask me about it…I’ll gladly make it for you as long as you share with me. ;))
The cool ways that God answers prayer.
Having good memories of a place that used to be home.
A huge AHA! moment…one that you will probably be hearing about very, very soon. 😉
Sleep…eight hours of it coming my way.
G’nite, friends.
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