A beautiful, sunny day that was NOT in the 90’s.
Taking Mae to the pool for the first time, and watching her love it.
And I do mean L.O.V.E. it.
Sharing a sno c one with her
on the above outing.
It was her first one, and I believe there was more L.O.V.E.
Being reminded, through other friends’ experiences and losses, that God’s ways
are perfect.
Birthday daisies that still look beautiful (mostly) a week later.
A good, solid hour of working on the book tonight… I love being productive.
A bit of anxiety, but also peace, as we wait (and hope!) for the closing on the house that should happen on Thursday.
A slight sunburn… is that a blessing
? Um… no, not really.
I’m just choosing to see it that way.
Seeing the body of Christ surround my brother-in-law and sister-in-law in prayer as they watched their nine-day-old son have heart surgery today.
PRAISE GOD…the surgery went well, and Baby Nolan is recovering.
Taking a situation I found frustrating and being able to examine my own heart through it.
Cooking dinner two nights in a row.
Blogging by the light of white Christmas lights strung around our back porch.
(My hubby is SO cool!)
Cheez-Its and peanut butter.
Magnum ice cream bars which they NOW sell in the U.S. Hallelujah! (Go find them…seriously. They’re life-changing.)
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