Ok, I’m a funny girl.
Potentially the kind that doesn’t realize she’s funny until two days later.
Take, for instance, the post I wrote two days ago. Death by Dum-Dum?
Though it was election night (and, by the way, there was no dancing in our house :() I was not referring to my president when I titled it. Just wanted to clear that up there, though it did kinda make me smile when I thought about the irony of it all.
The fact is, Obama’s our president for the next four years and, like it or not, that’s the way it is. No amount of foot stomping and tantrum throwing from people old enough to vote is going to change things.
So I accept it and pray extra hard for our country because we really need it.
And I may, or may not, crack an extra-big smile when I think of the completely un-considered title of Tuesday’s post. π
I laugh at myself for other reasons, too.
Like today when I was just belting out a song with the radio and realized the guy at the stoplight next to me was totally watching.
Yeah, yeah, dude…you just wish YOU could look half as cool while hosting an impromptu karaoke session in your vehicle.
Does anyone ELSE do this? Please tell me I’m not alone in the I-wanna-be-a-rock-star concerts that take place each time you get into your vehicle?
At any rate, I turned the corner and laughed a little. Didn’t bother my self-esteem at all!
I have SO been in the mood for any-and-all-things gingerbread. Candles, lattes, my favorite cake. And, today, Mae and I were walking through the store, and I caved. I completely broke down and bought gingerbread cookie mix.
I don’t think I’ve ever bought a cookie MIX.
Cookies are just something you make from ingredients. Not everything thrown into a bag.
But, we shall see. Cookie baking is on the list for tomorrow, and I’ll let you know if they’re any good. I have a feeling, since they’re gingerbread, they’ll totally hit the spot.
So I’ve been on a running break this week…think I mentioned it once or twice. π
I hurt my foot. I’ve had two stress fractures before (one in my leg, one in my foot) so I knew what to look for and would bet a lot that’s what’s going on. It makes me sad because I’m itching to run…get out there, pound the pavement, and shatter my not-so-wonderful 5k time from Sunday’s race. Can I blame it on the chocolate? Never mind…that was AFTER the race. π
Anyway, I posted a 29:01 on Sunday, which was frustrating. (And it has taken me that long to be able to talk about it.) I can run it in 27:30 when I really push myself, but for some reason, that particular morning I just couldn’t get through the pain. It was a bummer…a few tears even dripped.
One of my friends is going through the I-really-shouldn’t-run phase now, too, because of a different injury, and we chatted yesterday about how crabby it was making us that we just couldn’t run.
For me, it’s knowing when it’s ok to push it again. I’m thinking I may try intervals sometime next week, but until then…yay for Pilates?
WOO HOO!!! Ok, that was forced exuberance.
I’m trying to look for the good in it, and though I miss that time of cranking up the music, tuning out the world, and praising Him, I have enjoyed, just a teeny-bit, sleeping ’til seven. But I’ll be ready to go at 6 a.m. next week for sure!
Hope you all have had a good week, and guess what?!?!
Tomorrow’s Friday…gotta love that.
Joy Of Cooking has THE BEST Gingersnap cookie recipe! Will let you know when they are made!
Happy Friday!
As a running replacement, you can come for Zumba at my house. I will have to dust off the dvd, but it would be fun! Mae could even get down!
Ooooh, you know where to find me when you make those cookies!
I’ve done Zumba once before, and I can’t say I was a star, but it’s definitely worth another try. Will have to take you up on that soon. Happy weekend!