
The whole concept of grace has co me

up often in my life lately.

First, I was convicted several times about showing grace to others, especially to those I don’t often agree with.

Then, I read two really well-written, thought-provoking posts about it within days of each other. They both echoed so well the thoughts that had been swirling around in my mind.

I spent a few days processing the whole topic and decided maybe today was a good day for it. And honestly, my thoughts only begin to scratch the surface of what’s going on in my heart…but they’re a start.

Several years ago I sang a song, Grace, with another girl at church. The song itself isn’t really my style, but at the same time,

the words and message of it are so good.

So. Good.


Lord, as I seek Your guidance for the day,
I find my thoughts unyielding, confusion clouds my way.
But then when I bow to You, the challenges You guide me through,
Your promises are ever new, I claim them for today.

Your will can not lead me where Your grace will

not keep me,
Your hand will protect me, I rest in Your care.
Your eyes will watch over me, Your love will forgive me,
And when I am faltering, I still will find You there.

Each new day’s design is charted by Your hand
And graciously revealed as I seek Your Master plan.
Keep my steps faithful when from you I go,
Return me to the joy that Your blessings can bestow.

Your will cannot lead me where Your grace will not keep me,
Your hand will protect me, I rest in Your care.
Your eyes will watch over me, Your love will forgive me,
And when I am faltering I still will find You there.


So, if this is Grace…the Grace that has been so freely, amazingly, lavished on me…what kind of Grace I am I showing to others


I often discuss and complain about the lack of grace I felt growing up in a fundamental Baptist church and while attending a conservative Baptist college.

Life was a series of rules and expectations…and there was not room to mess up, to question…really, to even wonder.

That life threw me for a loop and made me want to do a 180.

I don’t think I ever really flipped completely, but I definitely looked for ways to feed my “rebellious” streak without actually hurting anyone.

I pierced my belly button because I could. I went to movies because I could. I listened to whatever music I wanted because I could.

And I laugh when I look back because none of those things were wrong…they just went against what I had been told was acceptable. However, the attitude of my heart was wrong. And I never really desired to do “bad” things…I just desired to be me.

Because God’s Grace gives me the freedom to be who He has created me to be.

It gives each of us that freedom.

Over time, Tobin and I have come to where we stand on things. These choices and decisions would disappoint some people, but we came to the conclusion that we’re done trying to please others. That is not, nor has it ever been, the purpose of a relationship with God.

And in that choosing, I think I let my mind become intolerant of those with whom I strongly disagreed, specifically those who are more conservative. It isn’t like I found pleasure in ridiculing or making fun of them.

Honestly, I just thought they were crazy for not being able to see.

And a few weeks ago I was smacked upside the head with just how wrong and sinful that mindset is.

It has long frustrated me that I have felt so judged in the past for choices that I have made, never fully comprehending that I’ve been subconsciously…or not…judging others in the same way.

Sometimes I wonder…what the world would look like with a lot less judgment and a lot more grace.

Or a lot less hatred and a lot more love. Or a lot less me and a lot more Him.

He guides me; He keeps me; He gives new promises each day. He watches over me; He forgives me; when I mess up, He’s still there. He gives joy. He blesses.

All of these, and so much more, are Grace.

He bestows it to me each and every day.

The least I can do is show this Grace in return.

Father, thank you for Grace, the Grace that you show me each and every day.

Thank you for not taking away that Grace when I fail to show others the same.

Change that in me…make my life a reflection of You, of all You’ve given, of Your perfect Love.



  1. I came from a very conservative background as well, and have had to learn a lot about grace. I have also learned that many of the things I was taught were actually RIGHT ON…they just weren’t taught for the right reasons or in the right way (like I believe that children really DO need to obey their parents but that a parents insistence on it needs to because GOD has said it and we as parents are helping to point kids hearts to Christ…rather than obedience just so we don’t get dad mad at us.) It’s a hard balance…love and grace…truth and acceptance of “what everyone else is doing”. Tolerance vs. accepting sin. Blessings to you as you work through these issues.

  2. Well written my friend! Well written indeed! Our words rarely scratch the surface of our hearts. As you know, I understand. All too well.

    Just this morning I was reading in my all time favorite devotional, Jesus Calling, if you do not have it or haven’t heard of it, I strongly urge you to run to Barnes and Noble today and purchase yourself a copy! Your time with Him will never be the same. But, I digress…..It said(the book is written as if Jesus is speaking):

    Instead of trying to analyze the intricacies of the pattern, focus your energy on trusting Me and thanking Me at all times. Nothing is wasted when you walk close to me. Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through my transforming grace.

    I pray that He answers your prayer in such a way, you can’t help but notice because He’s so busy working through you and your life!

    Blessings to you on this day Mel!

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