Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s topic: Story
For years, this is how I thought my story would end up.
For years, I lived with the belief that I was these things.
Oh, how wrong I was.
You see, He was using those moments, those tears to write my story.
He took the ugly pieces, the messy ones, the ones that made me feel like I had no place at all…and He wove them together into something I could have never pieced together on my own.
He gave me a man (the one I celebrate 11 years with on Saturday!) to love me and take care of me.
He gave us a sweet, precious, gift of a daughter.
He gave us community and family and friends…a place for our story to be written.
A place to belong.
He’s led us step by step…sometimes with just enough light for the next step, but always leading.
My Father?
He’s the best author.
Because He can take any story…any story…and turn it into a beautiful one.
And no matter how long this chapter is, or where the next one lies, I know something.
I know that it will be good because He is Good.
Oh He is the best author, isn’t He?
I’m amazed at what He has done in our lives… yet sometimes I wonder why more hasn’t happened. Our life feels so blah sometimes, so uninteresting, so ordinary. so ho-hum… yet I know to others they may think I’m nuts for feeling that way. Deployments, traveling, giving birth in a car?!? How could those things be uninteresting and ho-hum? Thanks for the reminder to trust the author of my story, and have faith that He will make it beautiful and amazing in His sight!
Love you, friend! (And yes, I’m totally commenting early. I don’t care about rules!)
So funny…until our twitter conversation, it didn’t even dawn on me that I shouldn’t post it until the linkup. Or comment. Ooops. 😉 In my opinion, I think you have a pretty epic story being written…and there are always adventures. Sometimes we just have to look a little harder for them.
Blessings, friend…hope your weekend is awesome!
“And no matter how long this chapter is, or where the next one lies, I know something.
I know that it will be good because He is Good.”
This. is. beautiful. As is your story! Love it.
Thank you, Sarah.
Blessings and happy weekend to you!
Oh I love these words… I love how you pictured Our Father as the Author of our stories… and how He can make all things beautiful… a life full of poetry and prose!
So true…each story He writes is beautiful! Blessings and hugs to you, sweet friend…Allume is getting closer and closer. Can’t wait!
I love how He always redeems our story and changes it in our hearts. I can’t wait to share in watching the next chapter He writes for you
Thank you so much for your sweet words, Amy. Blessings and hugs…and praying that Allume ticket next week is meant for you!
Have a beautiful weekend, friend.
You and I are on the same page tonight, friend. He is definitely writing our stories. He knew them before the beginning of time…the ugly and the beautiful, and it all makes up His story of His redeeming work. His power. His love. His glory. Amen, sister!!
Thank you for this, friend…it’s so good to be reminded that ALL of it is part of the beautiful story He’s writing for each of us.
Blessings and happy weekend…hope it’s wonderful!
Oh, that is an AMEN! Beautiful!
Thank you, friend!
‘Because He can take any story…any story…and turn it into a beautiful one.’
AMEN girl!
I know that it will be good because He is Good.
Oh, how I love this tonight! He redeems our story and makes it sweet. He uses the characters of our lives and makes them whole! Thank God for that!
Beautiful Words! Beautiful you!
You are so kind…thank you for your words of encouragement, friend. Here’s to our stories and the beautiful way He’s writing them! Blessings and happy Friday!
Honey Girl- I do not know how you do it! You are in the top 10 every week and I am jealous of how fast you wield your words! love you post..and by the way, I put a new post in my nose and bought a handful of extras just in case I have another mishap! =)
Yay! Honestly? I love my nose ring just because I love it…not because I’m trying to be rebellious or to stand out, just because it was something I wanted to do for years and finally jumped in and endured the pain. It’s just fun! 😉 Thank you for your sweet words, too. Hope your weekend is beautiful!
Hi Mel! What a beautiful story you tell, complete with a picture! God must have made a beauty of your story, because that picture speaks a thousand words alone!
Thank you, Ceil…it’s been amazing to watch Him work. Most days aren’t perfect, but I’m loving that He can do so much with imperfect.
Blessings to you!
“He can take a story..any story…and turn it into a beautiful one” oh yes…thank you friend for this reminder. visiting from FMF
Thank you for stopping by, Janel! Blessings and happy weekend to you!
Hi Mel, we are all what you described yourself to be, and i know HE has His own new version of me as well. i praise Him for His faithfulness and goodness! — April
Dear Mel
You know, dear friend, once we hand the tatters of our lives into our Pappa’s hands, it is wonderful to see the beautiful stories He weaves from our ashes!
Luv XX
He’s so good at that, isn’t He? It is a beautiful thing to see. Blessings and love to you, dear friend!
What a wonderful testimony of how He transforms our lives!
Thank you, Monica!
Happy Anniversary!! Yay! Love this post!
Thanks, Jennifer!
So true! I just need to remember to stop making my own edits in His story. I need to retire the red pen and just see what unfolds. Easier said than done, though; right?
Oh, definitely…I’m way too much of an editor. Gotta trust the Author, instead! Blessings to you, friend…have a great weekend!
Oh mylanta…just so much yes!~
God is so good…that He can make something out of…me! 😉
(happy anniversary, friend! That i something worth celebrating!)
Thank you, sweet friend! Can’t believe it’s been eleven years already!
Blessings and happy weekend to you…hope it’s fantastic!
Love this, God has a love story for each of us, we just have to have patience, something I had to learn, but it was so worth waiting for. Happy Anniversary
Thank you, Rachel!
Blessings to you!
Mel, your blog always blesses me. I find myself coming here a lot to get refreshed. Have a beautiful day!
You are so sweet, friend…thank you for that. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, too…blessings!
I loved reading this today! It was a great story 😉
Oh my….today I am so very grateful that you, sweetest friend, share the gift of your words. They have washed over a very tender heart. How He always uses you to whisper such things that I hold so tightly and let Him work His healing. Thankful that He made such a beautiful treasure in you.
Thank you so much, Kimberly. Your words are a blessing and so are you…praying you have a wonderful weekend, friend!
Your words are special. You touch many people with them! Thank you for being my friend!
Hugs, friend…and thank you, too. You are a blessing!
“You see, He was using those moments, those tears to write my story.”
This line is so beautiful…It is only our God who can take our the products of our pain and use them to produce something that is for our good. (Rom 8:28 is by the way my MOST favorite text) Thank you so much for sharing….I enjoyed this post tremendously!
Thank you, Tiffany! I’m so thankful that’s His plan…always for Good.
Blessings to you!
Oh how I need that reminder right now: whatever happens it will be good because He is good. He can take all our uglies and weave them into the most beautiful story, can’t He? Love this post!
Absolutely…and it’s such a beautiful promise to me, that the pain is worth it always.
Thanks for your sweet words, friend…blessings! 
Lovely my friend! You are a master of reminding us all who the author is. Thank you!
Thank you, friend…blessings to you!
Beautiful! Happy Anniversary!!!
Thank you, friend!
It’s beautiful to read about the depth of your connection with your spiritual practice. It’s magnificent how that connection can completely reshape our perception of life and of ourselves.
Thank you, friend! It truly does reshape my perception…that is, when I remember He’s the one writing my story.
Sometimes life overwhelms us and we forget that our purpose here is greater than what we think it is.
Hey there pretty lady,
As always, you inspire me.
This post struck a chord. Me and the Author have been struggling through some things. This was a really good reminder that He’s got the end in sight, no matter what chapter I’m struggling through. And it’s a good ending
Oh, friend…thank you for your sweet words. There ARE those chapters, aren’t there? Those when we’re so tempted to snatch the pen from His hand? Prayers for you, friend. He’s writing a beautiful story for you…promise! (((hugs)))
Great story, Mel! How often we have all felt those same ways! Thanks for the reminder that God is always working in our own stories.
Thank you, friend! Blessings on your week.
Just found you through FMF. I’m looking forward to this coming Friday and participating in my first one!
Oh my goodness! Your words are so touching and speaking to my heart in a very dear time right now. Yes, He is our author, and what peace we can claim as our own when we remember who is writing our story when we do not try to control the pen.
I’m so glad you stopped by, Jennifer! Yes, please do join us…you are welcome, and we’d love to have you link up!
Thanks so much for your sweet words…blessings to you! Hope to connect with you again this Friday! 
I needed to be reminded of these words, thank you my friend~
He’s the best author.
Because He can take any story…any story…and turn it into a beautiful one.
And no matter how long this chapter is, or where the next one lies, I know something.
I know that it will be good because He is Good.
Love you, friend…they’re good for me to read again, too…something I need a continual reminder of.
Blessings and lots of hugs! 
“For years, I lived with the belief that I was these things.
Oh, how wrong I was.”
Love this — because I was wrong, too. Thanks for sharing your story, and for reminding me that He’s writing my story, intentionally, and just right.
AND … typo’ed in my link. HA HA. Is it Friday yet?