Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: Home
The word has taken on such a different meaning for me in the past, almost-three, years.
I used to think it was a place…this two-story, blue beauty on the corner of Wisconsin and Charles, nestled into what I think is possibly the best neighborhood in the world.
Surrounded by neighbors who have become friends and friends who have become family, this place is our home.
I smile every time I remember the moment…the time we walked through the door for the first time. We just looked at each other, and we knew. This was it.
And we have been blessed to plant our roots deep and give our daughter a place to call home…and give ourselves that place, too.
But as I look at our lives…though young, we’ve seen a lot. We’ve experienced the temporary of home and the unknown of the journey…and though it’s always nice to have a place, it isn’t a building that makes a home.
It’s people and love…those that surround us each day and love us despite the ugly and imperfect, those who choose to be part of our lives and hearts.
They are what makes a home.
Oh, I love my blue house, number 127.
But my home is just that because of the love I’ve been blessed with.
Almost by accident last fall, I stumbled onto a quote, one now painted (well, it was a rub-on if we’re being technical ;)) on our living room wall.
Life takes you to unexpected places; Love brings you home.
Always. And we are home. It’s good.
Love the quote in your post! Visiting from FMF! have a wonderful weekend. The picture of your home is beautiful!
Thanks, Marlen!
Looks like God had our thoughts of home on the same path today. I love that He is teaching me lately that this life is less about the things and more about the relationships. I thank Him often for you and the other new online friends I have been able to meet recently. Have a great weekend.
I thought that, actually, as I was reading what you wrote yesterday. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet words…thankful for you, too, friend! Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Dear Mel
You have a beautiful house, but as you have said the love of your family and friends, all those who love us through thick and thin, make it a home. I can just imagine our Pappa God feeling so much richer having His children in His home as well!
Much love to you, dear friend
Beautiful thoughts, friend…I love your perspective.
Blessings, Mia!
What a beautiful little place to hang your hat! 😉 Thanks for stopping by on FMF…I’m a somewhat infrequent blogger at best.
Thanks, Lisa! I always love stopping by your blog.
Blessings, friend!