Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: Comfort
I remember the first time I left my comfort zone for parts unknown. (Oh my goodness, did I just rhyme? I totally didn’t plan that. AT ALL.) 😉
I was twenty years old and dying to get out of the country…Peru was my destination, the northern Amazon region. For three weeks, several friends and I spent our days teaching Vacation Bible School, singing for different groups of people, hanging out with streetkids…and our nights on a houseboat on the Amazon. All of it was out of my comfort zone, and I
Loved. Every. Single. Second. Of. It.
I was completely smitten with every aspect of the adventures I had there…and realized only when I returned home that I hadn’t really missed my comfort zone.
In fact, I kind of didn’t want to go back to it. True story. 😉
That trip taught me so much about the things He can do with this heart and life when I’m willing to step out and do something new, sometimes-crazy, and almost-always scary.
And it led to some other pretty big steps of faith…marriage, five years in another country, more crazy adventures than I can count, having a daughter, moving “home” to a place when I didn’t know a soul, making a home in that place, beginning the writing journey…the kind where I’m not sure how it ends.
Or if it does. Probably not. (Will we have laptops and Five-Minute Friday in heaven? I’m thinkin’ so…) 😉
Life is full of those steps out that make my heart pound with fear and anticipation…may I always be brave enough to take them, knowing that He is all the comfort I will ever need.
And when I remember that…well, He can do anything.
That’s pretty awesome.
Yes. There will be FMF in Heaven. But the Word will always be Jesus. #seewhatididthere
This is also like an awesome mashup of Brave and Comfort. GREAT
Thanks, friend! And awesome…yep, Jesus.
I like the way you embrace a lot in this post- I feel like your adventurous inner child has stepped out of her comfort zone and is living large. Nice take!
Thanks, Dawn! Blessings and happy weekend to you!
Why am I not following you? All these weeks I read your FMF posts, and I feel like we’re chatting over coffee (or chai, in my case)… Love love love this post of yours.
I did a devotion about stepping out of comfort zones… although I’ve never lived on the Amazon (eek! I think I’d have nightmares about Anacondas every night ;)), just getting up in front of 70 other women to tell them to “step out and answer God’s call” was uncomfortable enough. But you’re right – he can do so much with our hearts… all we have to do is take that step out…
Happy Friday…. I need to go subscribe to you now I think, because I’m surely missing out on some great writing and a great friend!
I would totally chat over chai…yum! Funny that you mentioned anacondas…on my flight to Lima I sat near a man who asked where we were going. When I told him Iquitos (the city), that was the first word out of his mouth. “Anaconda!”~in a slightly alarmed tone. We didn’t see any, though. 😉 Keep stepping out, friend…He’s got good plans for you. And thanks for subscribing/following! Happy weekend!
Hey buddy – 😀
Lets make a point to FMF in Heaven together.
Ps – I’ve “ideas” running crazy in my head for you.
Can’t wait to show you. My day got away from today too. Yikes!
#washerneededrepair #surprises
Yes, absolutely we will FMF in heaven! Can’t wait to see what you came up with, too!
We’ll talk soon? Have a great weekend, sweet friend!
Such a good post.
Thank you, Denise…have a great weekend!
All we have to do is have faith enough to step out, and He is there to lead us on the journey. Have a lovely weekend!
You too, friend! Thank you for stopping by today!
Only when we step out of our comfort zones do we know who we truly are. Well done! And, again, BRAVE!
Thanks, Tam! Hope you have a great weekend!
I guess we can never really know how large our comfort zone is until we take those steps out of it. it may be much larger than we think. Thank you!
Yep…I think mine has gotten pretty big, but that’s ok. I’m good with giant leaps.
Have a beautiful weekend, Amy!
God is community…I think He takes great delight in watching His daughters connect over words and computer screens
I love this & your heart for adventure!
I think so, too…and I love this community, especially the FMF crew.
Thank you for your sweet words, friend…enjoy your weekend!
I just love your heart for others and the way you bring comfort to so many!!
Thank you, Kristin! I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family!
“Life is full of those steps out that make my heart pound with fear and anticipation…” One step at a time! Nice post!
Thank you, Donna! Blessings to you!
Hey Mel … the smile on your face says it all, my friend!
You are sweet…thank you.
WOW! What a great experience at 20! I’m 36 & don’t even have a passport, *blush
Dear sweet Mel
I am sure we are going to have FMF in heaven and for a special treat, I think Jesus will be the host a few times. I find it never to be comfortable when I look at the future, but I know that whatever happens, our comfort and security always are in Jesus alone!
Blessings to you too, sweet friend. Enjoy your weekend!
” the things He can do with this heart and life when I’m willing to step out ” He can do so much more. I love that you have stepped out so many times in faith trusting at his comfort is always there. Your faith encourages me to strengthen my faith. Thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Thank you for your sweet encouragement, friend. I’m so thankful for you! Blessings!
I too discovered my comfort zone was far wider than I’d imagined. God can do exceedingly more than we imagine…I have learned not to throw down road blocks to the life He wants for me. Have a wonderful weekend!
I love that…not throwing down road blocks that get in the way of what He wants. Thank you for sharing! Blessings to you, friend.
There is nothing like seeing God when we step out of our comfort zone. That when I see and feel Him more distinctly. Love this!
Alene, you are someone who inspires me in the way you have stepped out of your comfort zone.
I want to go on your next mission trip. Blessings, friend…happy weekend to you!
Comfort Zones… oh how we love them and oh how they can hold us back from really living! Love this post! And I agree… definitely Five Minute Fridays in Heaven – all in the same room!!! (oh wait? Isn’t that sort of like Allume?)
Haha…I’ve gotta admit that the FMF at Allume already has me sweating! Crazy crazy…but the good kind of crazy, right? 😉 Have a great weekend, friend!
Oh what He can do with a willing heart!
Comfort zones are overrated, don’t you think?
I backpacked Europe straight out of high school. and LOVED it. Now, when I think about it, I can’t believe my parents let me go…but I pray I’ll be able to let my children go when comfort zones can’t contain God’s Plan for them anymore! {HUGS}
That’s one thing I haven’t done yet…we’ve been to a few places in Europe but never backpacked it. Jealous! 😉 We want to start traveling with our daughter as soon as possible…we’re hoping to take her back to Indonesia in the next year. Yikes but cool all at the same time, I think.
Happy weekend to you, friend!
Thanks for the reminder about stepping out of my comfort zone. I am stepping back (possibly way back) from my job on Monday. To have a more flexible schedule for me and my family. While I am trying to be brave and confident in God’s plan, part of me is quaking in my boots. Thanks for the reminder that change can do good in unexpected ways!
I’ll pray for you, friend…good for you for taking that step and trusting that He will work it out! Have a great weekend…blessings!
It is a blessing to have those opportunities – to have parents who point out those paths – and allowed you to soar down that road of adventure – out of your comfort zone – and, yes, I hope they have lap tops and 5 minute Friday in Heaven, too – I can’t imagine writing without my fingers directing – and I can’t imagine not writing:)
Ditto…I couldn’t have said it better myself. I can’t imagine not writing.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I loved your take on this- interpreting comfort zone. Beautifully written.
Thank you, Brie! Have a great weekend!
I love this, Mel. I am enjoying everything you write!
Thank you, Jennifer! Blessings!
Very brave…keep it up! I know you will always be brave. And what an awesome trip that must’ve been. Blessings friend!
Thank you, sweet friend…blessings! Enjoy your weekend!
I love your post! I can relate to you in a major way and I want to hear more! I also moved to the Amazon region on the other side of the border from Peru in Brazil….just after college for a year. I was in the capital city of the state bordering Peru and Bolivia. I did not want to come home either…it was around a year of being there and I think I had more culture shock going home than going there. Funny how one adventure starts the next. Now I too am married with kids and have stepped out to write (which I never thought I’d ever do) and I’m riding on this crazy God adventure. Missions is still in my heart in a major way. You said 5 years overseas? Where else did you live? I’d live to hear. Blessings to you!!! I’ve read your blog several times, but today’s post just made me feel like we have kindred hearts.
Thanks for commenting, Kirsten! You’re always welcome here, whether you comment or not.
Peru was my first time overseas and was just for about a month. I loved it, and I’ve always wanted to go back, but God hasn’t opened that door. My husband and I spent 2005-2010 in Indonesia as teachers…it was an amazing mix of wonderful and crazy, and it changed us forever. My “new” adventure is writing a book about our time there.
We still have a huge place in our hearts for missions, and I do wonder if there might be something else for us down the road, but for now we are really trying to live well and fully where we are. We are blessed with a great community, one that we love, and we are putting our roots down deep, and it’s SO good. But there are still those days when my heart longs for the crazy and beauty of life overseas. I guess it’s all about being content and trusting that He’ll lead if it’s meant to be…He’s Good no matter where I am.
And I would totally agree with the culture shock thing…I was far more shocked coming back than I ever was going.
Blessings back to you! I’m good with us being kindred spirits. 😉 I hope you’ll stop by often!
“He is all the comfort we need.” Beautiful post. Keep stepping out of your comfort zone. You’ve inspired me today. Blessings from FMF. Oh…love your comment on laptops and FMF’s in heaven! I also loved your picture! Happy Mothers Day.
Thank you for your sweet words, Beth! Blessings to you!
Hi Mel,
I love that you thought of comfort zones for this. I told my 18 yr old daughter (I’m too young to have an 18 yr old daughter, btw…I think she skipped a few years or something.) Anyway…recently she was considering taking a GAP year in Costa Rica or Dominican and I told her it would be really good to step out of her comfort zone. She looked at me, smiled sweetly and said, “But mom, my comfort zone is so comfy.” Yes. Yes it is. But we never realize how little we need it until we step out of it! As always, I love your post. Thank you for sharing and reminding us about all ” the things He can do with this heart and life when I’m willing to step out and do something new, sometimes-crazy, and almost-always scary.” So true 😉
I love what you shared…because comfort zones ARE comfy. I have a bad habit of growing way too comfortable in them. 😉 Did she end up deciding to do a GAP year? Gotta admit that if I could go back, I would take one…although I’m sure if I had, my life would look so much different now, and I’ll take the blessings of today! Hope you are doing well, friend…thank you so much for your sweet words.
I love those times when God calls me far away from my comfort zone and into the place where He needs me to be, comfortable or not. Those places are full of the most blessing.
They are…it’s amazing to see the blessings rain down when we simply obey and take those steps that can sometimes seem scary. Blessings, Amy!