Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Friday.
Join me!
The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.
Today’s Topic: Bare
It’s an early and cold winter morning, and the first thing I do is wiggle my bare feet into my slippers.
Being a tropical-at-heart girl, I’m not so much into being cold, and those slippers, strangely, make my entire body feel about a hundred degrees warmer. Even though they’re only covering my feet.
I remember the blizzard we got two years ago, and how I couldn’t wait to jump around in the almost-two-feet of snow that fell. At one point, I got this crazy idea to take my boots and socks off and run around barefoot in the snow.
It was cold…like, I’m not sure I’ve ever been that cold. And, honestly, I had a hard time warming up for the rest of the day.
When we walk around with bare feet, our senses are heightened. We notice those things we may have missed with shoes or slippers or even a pair of socks.
That lovely, little dribble-puddle of apple juice my daughter has left on the floor.
The sticky peanut butter that somehow escaped from her sandwich and made it’s way to the bottom of my foot.
That tiny little rock on the sidewalk that, had I even been wearing flip flops, I never would have noticed.
And sometimes? What we’ve experienced while we’re barefoot affects us longer than foot-stickiness or a moment of pain.
I named my blog what it is for a reason.
While slippers are awesome…especially in the frigid-to-me, Chicago-burb winters…I never want to get too comfortable with those foot-coverings.
God tells us in Scripture that we should rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
Basically, I feel like He’s telling me I should feel…as much as possible.
Go barefoot.
Even if my feet end up freezing while I’m doing it. 😉
Mel~I think we are on the same writing schedule…LOL. This is the 2nd time in a few weeks I’ve linked up right behind you sweet sista!
I love your post today. Thank you for the beautiful reminder that we must go barefoot with Him. Be blessed!
Ok, that’s funny…what are the odds?! And I almost always blog later at night…it’s just easier to get my thoughts together once my girl is in bed and I can breathe.
It’s fun to “see” you here again! Blessings!
I love this post and your blog , I will be reading more !
Thanks, Amanda! Blessings
Isn’t it funny how God made our feet so sensitive? I agree with you about warm feet making the whole body warm (and the reverse too). I agree with the idea that God wants us to feel.
Have fun in the snow!
Thanks for stopping by, Holly! Hope you’re having a great week.
Hi Mel
I am a bit late visiting from FMF, but nevertheless, better late than never! Yes, going barefoot keeps us grounded in our Lord. All the trappings, like the “shoes and socks”, can easily distract us from allowing Him to live His resurrected Life in and through us!
Much love
Thanks, Mia! Blessings on your week!