It hasn’t been a horrible few weeks at all.
In fact, life is really good, and we KNOW we’re blessed.
It’s just that sometimes the little things start to get overwhelming, and then suddenly…
The rain just starts to fall.
It’s been a long six weeks for Tobin.
We were eagerly counting down to today, hoping that his cast would come off. Today at the doctor, he was told at least two more weeks.
Thankfully, everything’ s in place.
No surgery.
We (primarily Tobin) have spent a lot of our extra time lately looking for/ at used cars.
We’re thankful that when we returned to the States a year+ ago that we could buy a reliable minivan. We are so, so grateful for that, and for the last year, we’ve been able to get by with just one car thanks to our incredible friends loaning us their extra car for a significant amount of time and beca
use Tobin could bike to work in the summer.
Now that the weather is getting colder and there are more places that Maelie and I can/have to be, it’s just becoming necessary to find another vehicle. (Read: cheap, old, point-a-to-point-b car.)
That’ s not a
s ea
sy as it sounds. In f act, thinking of it these d
ays gives me a headache.
This morning, our most promising one fell through…it needed more work than it was worth.
I’m really trying to focus on the silver lining here.
Though we are becoming desperate for another vehicle, the last thing we want is a car that’s going to drain our bank account.
My get-out-of-the-house job is kind of up in the air right now…because the owners aren’t sure what’s happening with the shop.
I’m really trying to have a positive attitude either way, but sometimes it’s just nice to know what’s going to happen, isn’t it? Yeah. I’m actually thinking of hopping over to Starbucks and working a couple mornings a week there…we’ ll see what happens.
No matter what, I’m giving thanks that Tobin has a good job, and that we’ll be ok if I don’t work.
I’ve really tried to be intentional about choosing JOY lately…both because I know God commands us to be joyful in all things, but also because I want to live that kind of life, just as my sweet friend Sara did.
Some days I’m going to flail and flounder, but I really do want to learn to choose that JOY…and not only to choose it but to live it.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
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