Crying Out to Him

Maelie’s naps have kind of been hit or miss lately.

This week was ok…she napped plenty but usually woke up once or twice, crying, and would then go back to sleep.

Today she went to sleep around 1:30 in the afternoon, and other than crying for a few minutes, was out immediately.

I figured she was so tired she’d sleep for hours.

So I was surprised when she woke up around 2:00…screaming. And it wasn’t an I-completely-protest-this-nap cry…it was an I-need-to-be-held cry.

I went up to her nursery, where I found her peeking at me over the rail of her crib, tears streaming down her cheeks, arms held out to me.

(Yes, it did melt my heart, since I know you’re all wondering!)

I picked her up, and she immediately snuggled as close to me as possible. I sat down in the chair with her and rocked her for awhile, singing a few songs, while she held me and cuddled up.

And I have to admit that as much as I was sad that she was upset, I absolutely loved that she wanted to be held and cuddled and close.

For that moment, I was it.

A few minutes later, I kissed her, put

her in her crib, and she went right back to sleep for another two hours.


But as she was sleeping, I couldn’t help but think through what

had just happened and draw a parallel.

Just as Mae wanted me…and only me…I wonder how often I want my Father.

And only Him.

It is so easy to let the people in our lives be it.

To let them be the ones who listen to us when we’re hurting, laugh with us when life is just good, cry with us when it’s not. And there’s a time and a place for that…many times and places, in fact. That’s why God gave us friends.

But He desires that we treat Him just as Maelie treated me today…because He is just that.

He is It.

The One Who can comfort and love and listen and care… no matter what.

Just where I am tonight.


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