Boring (Or Not)

I’m boring tonight.

Or, more accurately, having a boring night.

I wasted my brain on tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette (why?!?!?!) after Mae went to bed. Tobin was gone for the night, and I’m not used to it being “just me”. (Still scratching my head over why I waste my time on that show…it is not good.)


It’s been one of those I-need-all-forms-of-chocolate days. Seriously. I had to intentionally go find something to distract myself more than once today just so I wouldn’t dive into the bag of Ghiradelli Dark Sea Salt Caramel squares (they’re the best!) without coming up for air.

I am convinced that candy manufacturers put something in chocolate that forces females to eat large quantities of it. Yeah, that’s my excuse. ๐Ÿ˜‰

It was actually a good day. We had a quick visit from one of our favorite friends this morning, went for a walk with another friend, went shopping and scored some good deals, and then I took Maelie for a lunch date to Culver’s because she was so good while we were out. (Translation: I ordered a kid’s meal and ate what she didn’t. It was actually a good plan and one I will remember for the future!) It was cute…she sat in a “big girl chair” and didn’t once try to climb down and run around the restaurant. She even “chatted” with the little girl at the table next to us. So cute. :)

Then we came home and played for a bit before she went down for her nap. She is lovin’ her new garage-sale-finds from the weekend…a “new” picnic table and dollhouse, which will eventually end up in her nursery. All of that morning running around and playtime made her tired, and she fell asleep right away…a welcome change. :)

I mentioned this briefly last night, but Maelie hurt her leg yesterday while playing in the nursery at church. Tobin didn’t see what happened…he had turned his back for a second when she fell somehow and was lying on the floor, crying.

:( Big sad face. I tear up thinking about it.

What’s scary is that she is still limping, so something’s wrong. I’m calling in the morning to hopefully get her in to see her doctor…I’d just feel better knowing that she’s not hurt badly. I have to be honest with you all, though…it cracks my momma-heart in half to see her like that. She doesn’t seem to be in much pain, but when I asked her tonight where it hurts…she pointed to her leg. Twice. She gets it.

So, prayers are appreciated.

I’m thinkin’ it’s funny that I titled this blog post “boring”…the last two days have been far more exciting than our lives usually are! For mostly good reasons. :)

I have to remind myself that kids are kids and that part of being a kid is getting those owies and boo-boos and scrapes and scratches. It’ll be ok. For now, we’re enjoying the extra snuggles and cuddles she so willingly gives since she’d rather be held than run around.

But since I told you all I was boring, I’m going to be just that and go find my pillow. I have grand plans to go running in about eight hours…and it will be a lot easier if I get that much sleep first!

G’nite, friends. Thanks for praying. :)


Little Blessings (Pt. 36)

:) Sunshine.

:) A way-early morning run.

:) Finished paintings.

:) Inspiration.

:) Being challenged.

:) Unexpected friendships.

:) His Word.

:) Unfailing, unconditional Love.

:) Choosing JOY.

:) Random chats.


To Run or Not to Run…

To run or not to run…

That’s the question I’m pondering at the moment. My hubby has to leave way early tomorrow. I still want to squeeze in my three miles before he goes.

Am I crazy to go at 5:45 just so I can get my miles in for the week?

Don’t answer that. Plus, I’m sure I’ll tell you whether I went or not tomorrow. And then, you’re opinion will be irrelevant anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So tonight I saw that we had a case of Diet Coke with Lime. I forgot we bought it. So that’s what I’m drinking tonight…and it’s really good…while I chat it up about life and what’s going on in my brain. Nothing too deep, though…with (at least) three major heart-spills in the last two weeks, I’m not sure I’ve got that many words left!

Can you believe summer is just around the corner? Not like the concept of summer “vacation” means much to me and Maelie, but I do welcome the months when the sun shines and the sweat drips and trips to the park abound and the pool is (hopefully) warm enough for swimming. Now to actually put up the thing…

Does anyone need a large pile of rocks? That’s what we have to remove from our backyard…long story…before we can put the pool in it’s designated place. (aka: without killing the grass) I think it’s fair to say that I am far more excited about it than Maelie is. :) And if you’re a friend and you live in the area, then we fully expect you to come swim with us. Because we like friends. And swimming. But we like our friends more.


I got to be a sub for handbells at church tonight. I think, potentially, my college handbell director would have been insanely embarrassed had he been watching me. Golly, I was bad. To be fair, I’ve picked up handbells once before tonight in the last decade plus. I’m so thankful for laughter and the ability to have a good time despite my ability to actually play music. Oy.

Yesterday I made granola bars. Oh, the epic-ness that occurs in the kitchen of Mel. I. Just. Should. Not. Bake. But I do all the time anyway. They were not good. I figure it’s because I used French Vanilla granola mixed with peanut butter and honey and melted chocolate.

A collision of too many flavors.

Oh, well. I threw a coffee cake together at 7 a.m. this morning for Bible study instead. Since I’m having a thankful day, I’m thankful for Bisquick and recipes where I can totally cheat. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m kind of getting into painting again. Once upon a time I used to enjoy it. (Note: I did not say I was good at it. Just clarifying. ;)) I did a canvas for Mae’s room a couple months ago that turned out really cute. I’ve done a couple more since then and am working on one now, too. I have a feeling it’s going to be my new, while-Maelie-naps-I-will-do-this-to-relax hobby. It’s fun.

Truthfully, I have a whole, too-long list of craft-y stuff I want to do more of. Like jewelry stamping and purse-making. (Hey…if I can’t afford them, I might as well make them, huh? ;)) We shall see where summer afternoons take me and my creative juices.

As a side note, I think I’m going to love the painting I’m in the middle of…sadly, it’s a gift. But maybe that’s a good thing. More than half the fun of painting is giving it to someone when it’s done.

But my next project?

We’re keeping.


I want to do Maelie’s name in something like this. I’ve kind of figured out what I want it to look like so once it’s done, I’ll definitely show you all. I think it’s so cute. :)

I think I’ve jabbered on and on tonight about some of the most random things ever. I guess that’s a sign that I should go to bed early.

You know, so I can get up to run. :)

G’nite, friends…thanks for stopping by!


The Skinny(er)

So I’m sitting here with a too-late cup of coffee, deciding how to do this.

But I promised you all, after the pics yesterday, and so here’s the skinny…or at least the skinny(er). ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, I’m sure most moms can relate to the extra poundage that hangs on after having a baby.

For some reason, I had it in my mind that the 44 pounds I gained with Maelie would just magically disappear once I started breastfeeding. What I hadn’t anticipated were difficulties with latching, making it necessary for me to pump around the clock for months. (Ugh…there I go reminding myself.) And for whatever reason, the weight, which was supposed to come off…didn’t.

In the fall after Maelie was born, I started running again. It took me a long time to build back up the endurance I’d had before I got pregnant. I set a goal to run a 5k that November, and I did run it…but there’s no way I’m sharing my time with you all! :) During that time of running and training, I continued to eat whatever I wanted.

I think, in some ways, food became that stability. It wasn’t like I was gaining a lot…I just wasn’t losing anything. But at a time when everything was new…city and neighborhood (COUNTRY, for that matter), friends, church…at least there was always chocolate and Chicago deep-dish and pretzels. (And a lot of other things.)

Last summer, I finally got serious (or, at least thought I did) and joined a Biggest Loser competition with some friends. I worked out religiously…5-6 times a week. However, I didn’t?

Stop eating whatever I wanted.

At the end ofย  the summer, after losing only a few pounds, I knew I had pinpointed a problem.

Food had started overtaking me.

Gosh, that’s hard to admit. I’m really, really struggling with hashing this out for you all…just being honest.

Tobin, Maelie, and I went to Mississippi for a week in September to see some good friends. While we were there, I found some inspiration in the form of my friend, Sarah. She had worked really, really hard and looked fantastic…after having three kids in less than four years, no less. She told me a few things that had worked for her, and I decided I needed to do something.

I came home, joined another round of the Biggest Loser, got rid of the bad food in our house, and got serious.

I counted calories…1,000-1,200 a day.

Plus a workout or two each day. (I let myself take a day off every week.)

It worked…in nine weeks, I was down 22 pounds and just 14 shy of my goal weight.

I survived the holidays, only gaining a couple pounds back, and joined yet another round of the BL.

Ten weeks later, I was one pound from my goal. (Which I did eventually reach.)

Yeah, so I totally realize that if I stop here and post this as it currently is, I do sound like a brat.

So, bear with me, ok?

This journey was a good one for me. I needed to get myself into better shape. I needed to be healthy. I needed to stop squeezing my size 14 into a size 12. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I needed to feel better about myself.

Yes, it was a good journey. (And it’s not over! My goal now? To stay here!)

But, it was also a hard one.

I battled through a lot…I learned a lot. I was humbled a lot.

And maybe sharing this will help someone.

I learned…

First and foremost, that no amount of weight loss and skinny can make a person truly beautiful. One day, after an especially frustrating morning in which I was NOT a good mommy, I caught myself staring at my reflection in the mirror and thinking about how good I looked. But the truth is? I. Felt. Ugly. I’d said things, done things that day that didn’t honor my Father and didn’t show Maelie that I loved her. I was reminded that morning (and am being continually reminded) that having a beautiful heart is so much more important than having a beautiful body.

Also? That any obsession apart from my Father is wrong. There were days when I was SO focused. I HAD to get that second workout in before I went to bed. I HAD to burn this-many calories before I could end the day. And those things? Got in the way of time I could have spent in His Word, in prayer…growing in Grace. There is nothing wrong with having a goal, but when that goal takes away from what’s really important, then it needs to re-evaluated.

I have to admit to you that I continually work on that one. Sometimes it’s hard to miss that workout or run because of something more important.

God also taught me something that I never thought I’d share here…but I feel like I should.

He gave me a glimpse of what it was like for someone who struggles with anorexia. Because I think, at one point, I was headed down that road. Every waking thought was about food. I obsessed to the point of not eating enough and working out too much. All I could think about was clothing sizes and being “skinny”…and it began to overtake my mind.

Thankfully, I recognized it…and that was totally from God. I had a pretty tough conversation with a friend, who was really gentle with me but also pretty honest. After talking with her, I knew I had to recognize the fact that this obsession could potentially be dangerous.

I don’t think I ever reached the point of anorexia, but I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that I asked two friends to keep me accountable. To ask me if I’d eaten enough…and to check in on me. I needed that.

Since that time last November, God has been really good. He’s teaching me to find balance and ways to stay healthy without overly obsessing if I miss a run or eat a cupcake. (Or twelve!) ๐Ÿ˜‰ He’s working on my heart in ways that are painful but necessary. He’s teaching me so much about loving what He’s created and being satisfied in who I am.

That doesn’t mean I’m there at all…but He’s working on me.

I never understood people who struggled with eating disorders before this journey, and perhaps He gave me this glimpse to help me to be more empathetic. I get it…or at least a small part of it…now.

So often, we focus on becoming what society has termed acceptable. We have it in our head that a number on a scale is what’s most important. And it’s not. Because I’ll tell you that that number goes up and down a little. And if it goes up by two? I can’t let it ruin my day. Or my week. I just have to keep going.

I can’t think of a way to end this.

Maybe by having a good cry? (Because I could sure go for one about now!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Maybe just to encourage you…to keep your focus where it needs to be. And if part of it is on losing weight…that’s OK. As long as you don’t forget about the other things that are important, too.

I’m really thankful for the last eight months…and for me, the hardest part is yet to come. Because, as with any goal, sometimes when you “arrive” is when you start to slack. I’m working hard to not do that. I’m also really thankful that, on this earth, we never “arrive” spiritually…He continues to mold and shape our hearts if we’ll let Him.

God is GOOD, isn’t He? Find some time today to thank Him for what He’s done. :)


Before and After

Monday night…


Up late…

Trying NOT to feel guilty about the…ahem…DOZEN mini red-velvet cupcakes I ate over the weekend…

Darn you, Mother’s Day, and the way you let me think I can dismiss any and all calories I consume because you are a holiday.


Of course I’m kidding…it was a wonderful day and worth every extra calorie, even if it means I’m going to be working it all off for a few days!

Anyway, here are a couple pics. It’s a good night to post them.

Story/thoughts coming tomorrow, mostly ’cause I’m still thinking.And trying desperately not to brag and sound like a completely self-centered brat while talking about weight loss. (Is that possible?) I hope so…’cause I really don’t want to be like that.

Ok, I’ll quit. :) The pics.

So, this is me before…Tob said it was the best picture of all the ones we had. Ok, then. I honestly have a hard time looking at this photo…and I really dislike my hair color, too, but that is irrelevant. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And, this is me last Saturday. I’ll tell you more about how I actually got here tomorrow. :) (Sorry, I just don’t have the words tonight.) And, as a bonus, you also get the sweetest dog in the universe…my Andre boy, who just wouldn’t get out of the picture!


Little Blessings (Pt. 35)

:) Real sand in the sandbox. (Which Mae did not like…hopefully soon! But Tobin and I had fun trying out all of her cool sand toys!)

:) Breaking 30 for the first time on my 5k this morning. A couple seconds shy of breaking 29. Shooting for 28 by August. :)

:) Catching up with friends I haven’t talked to in a long time.

:) A lunch date for me and Mae with a sweet friend.

:) Family walks up and down the street and stopping to chat with neighbors.

:) Sliding in the living room. (I’m a cool mom. ;))

:) Praying for a friend who needs encouragement.

:) Nursery rhymes with my girl.(Has anyone else noticed how utterly bizarre Mother Goose rhymes are?!)

:) Before and after pictures…to come tomorrow. :)

:) Being a mommy…it’s more wonderful than I ever could have dreamed. So thankful to God for my sweet girl!


My Sunshine Girl

Maelie has been a bit under the weather the past few days. :(

This afternoon, though, she was doing ok, and so we took the opportunity to soak up some of the gorgeous, sunny 70’s of the day…and this was her hat of choice. Which she wore the entire 30 minutes we were outside.

Did I mention it was in the 70’s?

Oh, I love her. Would appreciate prayer for her, too…not sure what’s going on, but she just isn’t herself and can’t seem to kick this cough that’s been hanging on for almost two weeks.

Wishing you all a wonderful Saturday! We’re going to explore the wonders of actual sand in the sandbox…it will most likely be epic! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Caffeine, How I Love Thee…

Let me count the ways.

Ok, ok, enough. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Tomorrow I’ll be serious again and write about why it stinks to hold on to a grudge…and how I’m learning to let go of some things.

But today, I’m just up for caffeinated chit-chat. We’ll see what comes up. :)

We were blessed with gorgeous sunshine for all of the morning and part of the afternoon. Though I have to admit that I didn’t necessarily feel up to it, I forced us out of the house, and Mae and I took a walk to the park. She loves the one that is close to us and, for the most part, the playground equipment is just her size.

She played happily for a good 20-30 minutes, and then we headed home for her favorite snack and a nap. T’was fun.

I’m dragging today…was up a bit later than usual last night thanks to my Monday night workout. Something about getting my heart rate going for so long that late at night makes it almost impossible for me to sleep before midnight on those nights, though I do think I crashed around 11:30 or so.


It was hard to find the energy to get up this morning. (Insert three cups of coffee.) Sigh.

So I’m kind of in a weird mood and spent the last half hour or so looking at old Indonesia pictures. (Well, not that old.) ๐Ÿ˜‰ It surprises me how much the ache that fills me is so familiar…almost like the pain of missing it will never leave. It is just forgotten for long stretches, but when it returns…oh, boy. I had myself a good little cry, and then smiled.

No use in crying over something that was mostly pretty wonderful. And really, it was just a tiny slice of life in the grand scheme of things.

I’ve been thinking about that lately…about how each step leads to the present and how, though those steps seem important…and they ARE…they really are just a microscopic part of God’s plan for each of us.

I love where we are right now, and soaking up the blessings of being “home” is easy at the moment. But as we were driving home from Minnesota a few days ago, I let my mind go to this place that I hardly EVER go.

What if He asks us to go again?

Thinking that question usually involves a lot of head-shaking and eye-squinting and heart-reassuring that we’re here for good.

But I guess I don’t really know that.

It boils down to obedience…and keeping my heart in the place where I’ll listen to Him when He speaks. But I also know that my God gives good things to us when we desire His best, and He knows what I desire. So I trust that He’ll give me just that and let me stay.

I have no idea why I went on that little tangent, but hey…it’s life.

And my life is full of thinking and processing, so sometimes weird things spill onto the pages of this place. Hee hee.


Speaking of giggles, I found a few fun pictures while browsing Indo-life…I thought you might enjoy them. I seriously smile despite the quirkiness of a couple of these. I’m so thankful for the five years of crazy and wonderful and mixed-up and blessed that we were given in the land of nasi and motorbikes and sweet people.


It did my heart good to do some reflecting.

Ok, the pics. Enjoy. :)

I forgot we had these. Can we say CRAZY hair day? (Really, that’s what day it was.) But this was mostly Tobin, because I? Can totally rock the Princess-Leia-meets-polka-dots look any day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

This paradise was ours for four days…seriously. We booked a hotel that was incredibly cheap because it had just opened and apparently no one knew about it yet. We stayed in this brand-new, five-star gem for around $25 a night and had the place to ourselves. Can we say Happy 5th Anniversary?!?! It was oh-so fun. :)

This picture completely cracks me up. One year on Indonesian Independence Day, August 17, our school hosted a community celebration with all of the traditional games. This one involved tying a string with a nail on the end of it to the back of your pants. Then, squatting, you had to get the nail into a glass soda bottle, pick the bottle up between your legs without the nail coming out, and run to the finish line. I am the second from the left (barefoot…big surprise!) and was the proud runner-up. Oy… ๐Ÿ˜€ย 

And this would definitely be included a perfect day…sitting on the beach. Preferably this Indonesian one. With some coffee and friends. :)

Just a few fun, incredibly random, memories…thanks for stopping by the blog today!


Quit Explaining Everything

I had a huge AHA! moment the other day.

Yes, it deserved capital letters in bold. It was that big. Well, at least for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I read this blogger a lot. She is funny, she is witty, she’s extremely insightful, and while I don’t always agree with her, I find her honesty and ability to throw it all out there refreshing.

It all started with the story of the student who got kicked out of a certain fundamental university (not mine) for protesting against a member of the university board who had excused/helped hide a devastating crime…a member of his church raping an innocent teenage girl and getting away with it. (This blog post is not about that, and I truthfully don’t know all the details, so I’m not sharing my thoughts…just giving a little background. Google will give you more information should you want to read more.) The university said he was expelled for excessive demerits and for watching Glee. (That made me laugh out loud.)

The whole idea of demerits got this blogger friend of mine thinking…and digging for details. (She’s very good at that.) What followed were three posts wherein she brought to light some of the ridiculous demands of students at this institution. At times I felt she was a bit harsh, having lived a good part of what she wrote about, BUT she had some very, very good points (interspersed with her one-of-a-kind sarcasm), especially in her last post.

It was as if she took the confusion and questioning and anger that swirled around in me for a decade and finally gave me some peace. Or God gave the peace and she helped…either way, I think I found it a little. Anyway, you can read the article here.

For the most part, I nodded my head in agreement. And then the light bulb came on right in front of my eyes, and I could suddenly see. (Sight is a novel idea. Really.)

It. Was. Amazing.


An excerpt:

“What happens when you live like this is that you never develop your own decision-making skills.ย 

Youโ€™re constantly seeking prior approval for everything. After awhile, you canโ€™t LIVE without permission. You begin to panic when faced with a decisionโ€“how will you ever make this decision without approval/permission from the โ€œGod-given authoritiesโ€ in your life?!

One of the things I had to work on in therapy was not apologizing for everything and also not feeling compelled to explain everything I did. I had been raised to believe every decision Reverberated Through Eternity! and so I was always ready with โ€œBiblical reasonsโ€ for ANY decision I made. It was like I couldnโ€™t do something without a Bible verse to back it up.”


So, that’s kind of me.

In general, I worry that every move I make is being watched, judged, and should I slip up…or even think I’ve slipped up…an apology is immediately necessary as is groveling and shame.

There’s something wrong with that.

A couple of months ago I started recapping our anniversary trip. When I posted pictures of Spain, there was this certain picture…one that Tobin and I talked about at length before posting it.

That’s because it had a bottle of wine in it. And, yes, we did drink the wine if any of you have been speculating. Now you know. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I felt like I needed some sort of explanation…or apology. As I expressed that to my husband, the one who is surprisingly far more balanced than I am, he was like, No. No, you don’t need to explain anything.

And the fact is…no, I didn’t. We drank wine on our trip. We drink wine here in the States, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

It is a personal decision, one we don’t feel violates anything Biblical, and it’s not up for judgment or analyzing. It is what it is.

Next week I’m going to see The Hunger Games. After spending over a decade of my life sneaking around, never admitting that I actually go to movies, I’m gonna tell you that I do, in fact, go to the theater AND that I’m pretty excited about seeing it on the big screen! And no explanation necessary.

I went out and bought a new pair of jeans last week. I needed them, and that’s that. For some reason, I even felt that I needed to explain that decision. And. I. Don’t. My butt was too small for most of my current jeans (not sure I will EVER type that sentence again!) and so I went out and bought what I couldn’t find at Goodwill.

And, not like you needed even that much info, but that’s that.

Though I don’t use profanity on my blog, occasionally I’ll use a word that some may deem inappropriate. I’ll never forget the day after I used the word fart. I do believe I actually wrote an entire post the next day, apologizing for my use of the word.

Golly, Mel. Quit Apologizing!

There are facts…

That no matter what we do, people will judge.

That there’s not a person in the world who will share every single thought and opinion of mine.

That I’m the one who’s held accountable for my actions, words, thoughts…not anyone else.

So, that’s a new goal of mine…to explain and apologize less.

To live a little more…live according to what God wants and to forget about what others think.

Easier said than done, I know. But it is a start.

And if you’re interested, tomorrow (or the next day) I’m posting about a seriously GOOD moment I had a couple weeks ago when I drove by my old college. It took me awhile to process, but I’m looking forward to sharing it.


Sunday Night at the Moment…

Thinking about sleep and how wonderful it will be tonight. Road trips kinda drain me, and I can’t really sleep in the car. The Dodge Caravan makers did nothing to help that situation, either. Two thumbs WAY down for the headrests! Also about how bad that gas station coffee was today. Blech…and shudder.

Wishing for long chats with friends. And coffee dates. And a really, really BIG slice of cake with lots of frosting and two forks. It’s a good thing we don’t have any cake in the house right now!

Wondering how God is going to answer some pretty big questions right now. Struggling to trust, but knowing that He’ll give what we need.

Loving on my girl. Golly, she’s cute and huggable. She is not a roadtrip rockstar, but her sweet smile and general adorable-ness force me love her to the sky and back despite the sleepless hours spent rather un-quietly.

Drinking tea. (Getting over a cold.) Out of my Scotland mug from a friend. Scotland, tea…it works. :) It’s wild berry, and I put not-enough honey in it. Oh, well…I’ll conserve my energy and drink it as is.

Eating nothing. I wish? I were eating chocolate. But chocolate is better with a friend. So I’ll wait. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Remembering a couple weeks back to a night that I laughed harder than I’d laughed in a long time. Happy memory. Thinkin’ we should all laugh more.

Stressing over not much at the moment. I really try to not think too far ahead, which could be good or bad, depending on who you are. The crazy of summer will be here fast enough…I’ll enjoy my last few weeks of chill.

Fighting myself on submitting something to a blog. It’s daring, it’s SO out of my element…and I think it could be really good. Need to be brave and give up the fight.

Looking forward to putting up Mae’s swimming pool and celebrating two and dates to the park and walks with friends and early-morning running around the park and all things sunshine and summer and wonderful.

Listening to the nightly episode of Blue’s Clues, interspersed with the sweetest little voice letting out a little giggle or sharing what she knows. So good.

Watching a computer screen. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Obviously nothing since Blue is dominating the screen. Thinking about a tear-jerker of a chick flick and snuggling under a blanket once the girlie is in bed. The Notebook, anyone?

Singing a lot in my head. Nothing aloud at the moment, though this is most definitely a favorite lately.

Regretting cruddy days and swollen eyes and words that ruin moments we can’t get back.

Thanking Him that there are such things as forgiveness and grace and that tomorrow is full of new mercy.
