Five-Minute Friday: Ordinary

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Ordinary

What do you want to do today, girlie?

It’s a question I ask her often…and I usually get the same response.

I want to play at home!

This sweet little girl…as much as she loves going to school and play dates and park fun and adventures…she revels in the ordinary magic of a day.

Her favorites?

Coloring together on the back porch.

Playing in the sandbox.

Swinging or sliding or kicking the hot pink and orange ball around the side yard.

Hide and seek.

Walking the neighborhood and visiting friends we love.

Stories, songs, and princess-playing.

Coffee dates and chats with friends. (True.) 😉

Sometimes I wonder if I’m giving her a life that’s too ordinary…and then I smile.

This little girl has learned the value of finding the magic and wonder in the little moments that I so often take for granted.

Dear, sweet girl…thank you for finding a reason to celebrate each moment. You know what? I celebrate YOU. Even in the most ordinary of moments.

Because you?

You are extraordinary…and my life is so much more just that because you are in my days.


Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: True

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: True

True confession?

I have a little obsession with making the top row of this linkup.

It didn’t start out that way, and it’s not necessarily ok or admirable or something I’m proud of…it’s just a confession.

And another one?

Tonight I sat there, singing songs and writing forms, marking changes and how many times we were singing the tag…and checking Twitter.

Missing out on #fmfparty, trying to follow along with random glances down at the pew between verse and chorus, not daring to actually tweet along…

But following.

And somewhere in the middle of Your Love Never Fails, the prompt went out, and I had to fight the urge to race into the hallway and figure out how to somehow blog this prompt from my iPhone, which I know is done all the time, but not by Mel. The girl who always writes everything from her computer.

And then I caught myself.

And since we’re talking true tonight, this might sound a little harsh.

Why is it that I feel the need to be first?

Oh, don’t get me wrong…it’s fun to tweet with my friends and then dash off our five minutes and spend an hour or so encouraging each other. That’s such the heart of this community and something I absolutely love about it. :)

But the truth is that competition doesn’t really help anyone. And, does it really hurt me to be mixed up in the middle somewhere, surrounded by beautiful sisters who love Jesus just as much as the lovely ladies in the top row do?

So, tonight? I’m going to spend some time loving on them…reading their words and their hearts.

And being thankful…for praise team practice, for the fact that I didn’t get home in time for the prompt, for the fact that I get to hang out somewhere new and fun.

I’m also making a promise to never, ever open Twitter during praise team again. :)

True story.

Friends? I have this rule, one that I’m seriously considering tossing out after the last two weeks, but not tonight. I always write the first thing that comes to mind with Five-Minute Friday…and this was it. Please know that I love each of you…regardless of whether you link up at #1 or #527. We each have a voice, one that should be heard…and I’m going to spend some time listening tonight. 

Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: She

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: She

So I have this rule…

I go with the first thing that pops into my head when I see the prompt for a Five-Minute Friday.

You would think, with a prompt like she that would be a no-brainer.

Beautiful, fun, crazy, spirited, wonderful daughter…yep. There’s endless material to write about there.


That’s not the she I thought of. So we go with it…and I give myself grace.

And forgiveness…right now, I don’t want to write about her.

Because she…she was the meanest person I’ve ever known.

The words that came out of her mouth were awful. The way she kicked my knees during choir and stomped on my pride in front of everyone…it was all just mean. The way she’d intentionally find a way to hurt me…

Sometimes I can’t even think about it.

I often resented even being in the same room as she was…I wanted to escape. And, yet…it was high school. Ya know how they have those laws about kids going to school?

Well, they kind of have to. And so I went, but I made every effort to avoid her.

And I honestly haven’t missed her a day since the last time I saw her sometime in May of 1996.

For years, I was sure that my interactions with her had scarred me for life, had wounded my soul, had made me less of a person than I would have been otherwise.

But I was wrong.

In the strangest way, she made me a better person. I learned from her how not to treat others, how to think before I act, how to make things right if I hurt someone.

The list goes on.

And today…on a random Thursday night…I think about what I might say if I ever saw her again.

Probably, it’s ok. And it’s over.

Because part of me wonders what ever happened to her…and if she was ever sorry.

I hope so.

Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: Mercy

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Mercy

Some nights I feel wordless…very wordless.

And tonight is one of them.

His Mercy Overwhelms Me. I know that much. I know how it has changed my life, how it has changed my heart.

I often talk about how thankful I am for the fact that His mercies are new every morning.

That’s because I. Need. Them. and I can’t pretend that I don’t.

I mess up…I have bad days, I say mean things, I do things that don’t honor Him…and I need His Mercy and Forgiveness.

I need those new days.

Recently I had A. Day. with my girl. It was just one of those frustrating ones…the kind when little, three year-old wills take over and don’t quite want to do what their mamas ask them to. Over and over, all day long.

And by the end, well, let’s just say I welcomed bedtime with a little happy dance. 😉

There weren’t a bunch of gushing, I-love-you’s as she cuddled down into her pillow and I closed her door for the night.

But the next morning when I heard her wake up?

I went into her room, and her head popped out from under her blanket, the biggest smile ever on her face.

We snuggled and said our good mornings…and it was a reminder to me, one that was so needed.

New mercies, new compassion, a new day.



Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: Worship

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Worship

Music is in my soul…it’s always been there.

It whispers and sometimes dances loudly throughout my days…

Whether we’re going to the potty or reading stories or playing on swings, it seems there is always a song going on at our house.

And while I know that music isn’t the only way to worship, it’s a big part of how I do.

And because my days are spent with a sweet toddler girl, she is starting to reflect that. It usually comes in the form of Jesus Loves Me or You are My Sunshine or Bushel and a Peck or another of our bedtime songs.

I hear the joy in her voice, and even more in her heart, as she learns what it means to sing her heart out and worship, even if she doesn’t completely understand just yet.

It’s something that fills my heart and reminds me that the way I live speaks to her heart…And I need to shine Him always.

Perhaps one of my sweetest reminders happened just last night.

With hubby out of town, I had to take Mae to praise team practice with me.

During our second song, I heard a little voice. One that grew stronger and joined with our voices.


She was singing, praising, worshiping…and it was beautiful.

She’s already starting to shine Him.


Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: Last

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Last

Oh, goodness.

Well, when I saw the prompt, I knew exactly what I wanted to write about…but it’s kind of one of those things I’d rather erase from my mind forever.

So we’ve all been there…gym class.

For the sake of this story, let’s go back to the *joyous* days of middle school.

It’s time to pick teams for scooter hockey. (Did anyone else play that?)

And there she sits…Mel. Awkwardly, criss-crossed legs, too short uniform shorts, wearing a red t-shirt, Mel.

Watching the others being picked one by one.

By one.

By one.

Until there’s only one.

And then Mr. Captain finally calls out her name, and she stands up.

Walks over to the team that has to take her but doesn’t really want her.

And all the joy of that day’s game is gone…because she feels like she doesn’t belong.

I’m grown up now, but occasionally those feelings still creep back…the kind that say,

You’re not good enough.

You don’t have a place here.

And maybe that’s why I’m so glad that even if I’m one of those who is picked last sometimes (and maybe we all are) that I’m still precious in His sight.

I belong.

We all do.

And if we were choosing teams for scooter hockey tonight, friends, I’d want you all on my team. 😉

Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: Small

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Small

Ok, a confession?

In this great, big, bloggy world…I sometimes feel so very small.

Tiny .

And often insignificant.

For almost two years, I wrote just to write…and while it was good, there was always that part of me that wished for a community, the kind that would read my words and invite me to read theirs.

I’m not even really sure how it happened, but one day that changed, and suddenly there was this beautiful and amazing community surrounding me.

It would take much longer than my five minutes to list them all, but they surrounded me with their hearts and words and prayers…and these beautiful ladies have become my family, though I’ve met very, very few of them in real life.

And it isn’t that I became big once I meant them.

It’s just that God used each of my sisters to remind me that I am a small part of it all…but an important part.

All of us…

We each have a voice, and that voice matters.

It may not be one that shouts from rooftops, gets a thousand retweets a day, or that many comments, either.

But it’s still important, and He can still use it to reflect His glory. 

Father, thank you that you can work through the small and insignificant…

Thank you that, despite me, you still choose to use me and my voice.


Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: Lonely

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s prompt: Lonely

It was one of those days.

The kind when she would pack her bag and trudge to school, not sure who might be there to greet her.

Say hello.

Notice her.

Something. Anything.

And, like so many other days just like it…the loneliness abounded.

And she built a wall around her heart, wondering if anyone would ever want to tear it down.

Sometimes, friends, I let myself think back to that time in my life when I was so lonely.

It was hard and is not a time I revisit often.

But, truth?

I think we all have those lonely moments.

I still do, sometimes.

The challenge for me now…and it really is a challenge sometimes…is to not let them be a bad thing.

Yes, this extrovert thrives SO. MUCH. when she is around her friends and those who love her.

But there can be so much beauty in the lonely, too…the kind of beauty that comes with allowing myself to be wrapped in my Father’s arms.

When I let Him take my loneliness and teach me to rest in Him and the fact that He is enough.

I often just look at all He’s done…all He’s given…the ways He has blessed me with So. Much. Community…and I smile.

Yes, there are lonely days.

But there are so many blessings, even then.

MomsBibleStudyI love this picture of my amazing Bible study friends…truly a gift from God. They’ll never know how much they mean to me. :)

Five Minute Friday


Five-Minute Friday: Story

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: Story





For years, this is how I thought my story would end up.

For years, I lived with the belief that I was these things.

Oh, how wrong I was.

You see, He was using those moments, those tears to write my story.

He took the ugly pieces, the messy ones, the ones that made me feel like I had no place at all…and He wove them together into something I could have never pieced together on my own.


He gave me a man (the one I celebrate 11 years with on Saturday!) to love me and take care of me.

He gave us a sweet, precious, gift of a daughter.

He gave us community and family and friends…a place for our story to be written.

A place to belong.

He’s led us step by step…sometimes with just enough light for the next step, but always leading.

My Father?

He’s the best author.

Because He can take any story…any storyand turn it into a beautiful one.

And no matter how long this chapter is, or where the next one lies, I know something.

I know that it will be good because He is Good.

Five Minute Friday


Five Minute Friday: Broken

Today I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute Friday.

Join me!

The rules: Write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. Just write.

Today’s topic: Broken

The word hurts.

It does.


There are so many things in life that I have allowed to break me…from hurt feelings to parents splitting up to struggling for a baby to being forced to start over in a new place.

And I think sometimes it’s ok to break…to get to that point where there’s nothing left to lean on but my Father.

Because that’s what He does…He takes those who are broken, and when we let Him,

He fixes us.

Heals us.

Glues those broken pieces back together in the way that only He can.

I think back a few years ago…when we stared down so many unanswered questions…life just felt broken.

So broken.

And now I look back, and I just smile…because He knows what He’s doing.

I see that in the little girl who fills my days and the new place that has become our home; in the ways He has led our family and the things He does each day in our lives.

And I’ll take those pieces of life that have been put back together by my Healer any day.

Because they’re beautiful.

Thank you, Father, for taking the broken and making it so much more beautiful than I ever could have dreamed.


Five Minute Friday


And, could I ask a little favor, sweet friends? :)

If you haven’t had a chance yet to hop over to CausePub, would you take the time to read my story and vote?  I submitted A Moment of Love,  and am hoping like crazy that it will be accepted into their book project; the proceeds from this book will go to Blood:Water Mission in Africa.

You can go here to vote for it. :) Thanks so much!

