Daddy’s Little Helper
Mommy’s Little Snuggler
Yes, indeed, it w as
a good night.
Living the Adventure, Telling the Stories
Daddy’s Little Helper
Mommy’s Little Snuggler
Yes, indeed, it w as
a good night.
Sorry for the less-than-exciting blog posts lately.
We’re home from Minnesota as of about five hours ago…and tired. (Can someone please tell me why sitting for hours in a car makes a person so exhausted?!)
Anyway, we had a good time, and there are a few pictures I want to share with you…later. (aka: When I’m thinking more clearly.)
It’s weird that
Chr istmas
is over. The season crept up, and suddenly…it was gone. I’m hoping Tobin will let me keep the tree up for ano
ther week or so.
Tomorrow…which will definitely make a blog post in the near future… is my day off.
Tobin gave me a day off for Christmas.
Technically, I’m not taking the whole day off, but there’s going to be a morning run, some alone time to think and write, time to spend some Christmas money withOUT a little person along, a much-needed coffee and chit-chat session with a sweet friend, and an also-much-needed Girls’ Night Out.
I’m really looking forward to a day to catch my breath…and I know I’ ll miss my girl.
I always do when I’m not with her, but this is good.
Taking a break actually makes me a better mommy, and I’m not going to apologize for that.
Hope this has been a good week for you all.
Lots of love.
Yes, friends…it was another milestone today for our girl.
This milestone made mommy’s heart a little sad, but it’s ok…she’s too cute for me to be that sad about it.
Here we are with Aunt Bethany, who did the hair cutting.
(She is actually Tobin’s sister, but she looks like she could be my sister. True.)
Here’s a pic from the front…
… and from the back.
Yep, the curls are gone…but we’re sure they’ll be back!
Definitely a d
ay to remember.
So this week I’ ve been crazy-busy with baking cookies.
(And trying not to eat them! ;)) We’re having some neighbors over on Sunday… and wh
at better way to celebrate than with a dozen different kinds of cookies
Oh, yeah. (And I’m still forcing myself to work out every day.)
This morning I was trying to get a batch of a new kind done…and to preface this, I was kind of making up the recipe as I went.
(Thankfully, they turned out amazing.
But since I was making it up and guessing with a few ingredients, I was also all over the kitchen a hundred times, looking for the right things.
And somewhere in the middle of the gooey, chocolatey creation and the peppermint buttercream…
Are you drooling yet??? 😉
I noticed something.
Everywhere I went, I h ad
a little person under my feet.
I was annoyed. I couldn’t move two feet without her following me…and it began to frustrate me that I couldn’t reason with her and tell her that sitting on the floor near me was just as good.
Eventually she gave me a break and resorted to hanging on to the back of my jeans while I created my fabulous concoction.
It made me impatient, and I caught myself raising my voice at her…
And then I stopped.
Thank You, God, that I have a beautiful little girl who wants to be close to me…
Thank You, God, that she is there…that she is this amazing, wonderful blessing in my life…
Thank You, God, that I am so incredibly blessed…
To have the sweetest little girl in the world constantly under my feet.
Just a blessing I thought I’d share.
What blessed your heart today
So despite a drama-filled, emotional, crazy Monday…
On the part of the daughter, mostly…maybe a little from me… 😉
Maelie started the day off in a super funny way,
and it was really nice to start our morn
ing that way.
I went in to get her up around 8:00 this morning, and as I walked into her room, I saw her head pop up over the side of the crib, and she just watched me as I walked to her blinds to open them and then to her closet to get some clothes for her.
The watching was funny enough, but when I got her on the changing table to change her diaper and get her dressed, the following conversation unfolded.
Yes, a conversation.
On the part of two people.
Me: Ok, we need to put your jeans on.
Mae: No! (kicks legs several times)
Me: (holding her legs down and trying not to laugh) Yes!
Mae: No! (more kicking)
Me: Yes!
We struggled for a minute or so, and three times she kicked the jeans off her legs before I finally got them pulled up, zipped, and buttoned.
Me: Now, are you going to be a good girl
today or a naughty girl
Mae: Hmmmmm… (she waits a moment) Naughty!
That did it. I just laughed and laughed.
Whatever it was that she meant, she certainly lived up to it.
We had a very active, ornery day. (Those are nice adjectives.)
I love her…and am thankful for the love and laughter we share together.
But I’m still hoping for a little less drama tomorrow.
Yikes…is it really December 3rd already?!
Last night we took Mae “downtown” to Dickens in Dundee. (T hat’
s where the UH-dorable photo from yesterday is from.) It was fun…we were only there for about an hour because it was on the cold side, and she refused to wear a hat.
But we walked around, stopped for popcorn, got her picture taken, chatted with friends, and listened to some awesome Christmas
music performed by friends of ours.
It was such a fun start to the Christmas season.
Today the parade in Dundee was canceled, so we used our morning to finish Christmas shopping for Mae, realizing this is the last year we’ll be able to do it while she’s with us. 😉
We don’t do huge amounts of gifts for Christmas.
Tobin and I buy each other a few smaller things, and we buy a few things for Maelie, and that’s that. This year my mom and dad and stepmom chipped in and we were able to buy her something bigger…which you’ll have to wait until Christmas to see.
No spilling secrets on THIS blog! 😉
As we were walking through Target today, though, I was nagged by thought,
Did we buy her enough
We have really tried to keep Christmas about Jesus…and keep the gifts to a minimum.
She’s getting a few fun things, but there probably won’t ever be a huge stack of presents for her.
At the same time, we don’t want her to miss the fun of visiting Santa, of opening gifts… of being a kid at Christmas.
It hasn’t been a hard balance so far, but she doesn’t understand yet, either.
I know the more difficult years are coming…the years when her friends are getting iPads or whatever else is the big thing by then…and we’ll be struggling to figure out what’s appropriate and what’s ridiculous.
I guess that’s part of parenting…we’d better enjoy these years now, huh
? 😉
And on the bright side...I'm done shopping...YaHOO!!! December 3rd could be a record, I think.
I was struck the other day by the amoun t
of responsibility that comes with having a daughter.
I’m sure I’ve thought this before, but those thoughts were reiterated with the words to a song by Jonny Diaz that I heard on the radio as I drove to work.
There could never be a more be
autiful you,
Don’t buy the lies, disguises, and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you.
Even as an adult, I know I worry about what I look like…if my hair is ok, if my makeup
is smeared, if my jeans make me look fat.
The media portrays all of these things as necessary to be beautiful.
But these words were such a good
reminder to me that my daughter is going to be watching me…all too soon and all the time. She’s going to imitate the things that are important to me, and I need to demonstrate real beauty to her.
And that it’s not found on the outside.
True, there is a time and place for doing your hair and makeup.
My hair? Is all over the place if I don’t taken a few minutes to straighten it in the morning. And let’s just be honest, I look far better with makeup than without it.
And we all like it when our jeans look good.
But none of those things mean anything if there’s nothing beautiful on the inside.
I struggle with beauty daily but am thankful for the reminder that I am His creation… and that I am beautiful just as He made me.
Even if my jeans don’t fit. 😉
I pray that I’ll be able to pass that on to my daughter.
Thank you, God, for the beauty of my sweet girl. I pray that she will always, always know that she is
Today, I’m going to give thanks for Seasons, by re-posting something I wrote a few years ago.
It’s thought-provoking and was a good reminder to me as I try to give thanks today for a migraine that has all but wiped me out. It will pass, too, though.
I love how endless tears and sleepless nights over a failed adoption turned into something so unexpectedly, amazingly beautiful…in the form of a little girl named Maelie.
We are so blessed.
Enjoy re ading
a little piece of our lives from not so long ago.
(from the March 2009 archives of the blog we kept in Indonesia)
I’ve hesitated posting for awhile because I don’t want to ramble on and on about the same things all the time. Sometimes God puts us in a season for awhile, and while things don’t change a lot, the lessons are still there to learn. And I am learning a lot. Here are a few things, in no particular order.
Stillness. Why is it that we always want to move around and make noise? It seems like, in my mind, I’m always thinking of how I can do things better or how right I am about something.
God has shown me a lot about being still, resting, and being willing to be quiet and wait on Him. I can’t say that this period of being still has been easy. There have been a lot of tears and moments of just not getting it. But learning to rest has brought peace.
Silence. (There is a difference between this point and the last one.) I am a Facebook, e-mail, communication junkie. But for the last month, I have all but stayed away from most forms of it. I check it occasionally, but I haven’t replied to most people, unless it was necessary. If you sent me an e-mail or a message, please don’t be offended if I didn’t reply. Your words probably made me cry or smile (or both) and gave me something to process. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and want you to know that it didn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. When I can find the words, I will write you back.
Empathy. I’ve been following the blog of a friend of a friend. She and her husband lost their baby girl at 39+ weeks about a year and a half ago. I know that our situations are vastly different, but gaining her insight on grief has been eye-opening and healing for me. I, in no way, compare this loss to theirs, yet I feel that God has used her words over and over to show me that He is faithful, that He will bring healing, and that despite loss, He is still God.
Meaning. Processing this kind of pain has brought new meaning to who I want to be.
I am at an interesting point in life, anyway, with leaving the classroom, which has brought emotions that are difficult to explain. As I contemplate being a stay-at-home wife (not a mother, which I was hoping for), I have realized that I will have quite a bit of free time, and I don’t want to waste it. I have been praying and thinking about the abilities I have, and I think God’s next purpose for me is simple…spending time with local people, just building relationships. I love Indonesian people. They are beautiful and so kind. I have some options, so please pray for open doors.
I love the song Nichole Nordeman sings called Every Season. I feel like I’ve been stuck in winter, but I know that spring is coming–it may just take a bit longer than I was hoping for.
me than I can ever express. Thanks for your friendship and love…it means more to
“Every evening sky, an invitation
to trace the patterned stars.
And early in July, a celebration
for freedom that is ours.
And I notice You in children’s games,
in those who watch them from the shade.
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder;
You are summer.
And even when the trees have just surrendered
to the harvest time,
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
and sending us inside.
Still I notice you when change begins,
and I am braced for colder winds.
I will offer thanks for what has been and what’s to come;
You are autumn.
And everything in time and under heaven
finally falls asleep.
Wrapped in blankets white, all creation
shivers underneath.
And still I notice you when branches crack,
and in my breath on frosted glass.
Even, now, in death you open doors for life to enter;
You are winter.
And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced,
Teaching us to breathe.
And what was frozen through is newly purposed,
Turning all things green.
So it is with You and how You make me new
with every season’s change.
And so it will be as You are recreating me,
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.”
Forgetting is an interesting c onc
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I rarely forget things,
and I’ m pretty sure it drives Tobin absolutely crazy.
I remember details about things from a decade ago when he can’t even remember the event.
I sometimes frighten myself with my inability to forget.
Now I’ll be completely honest…becoming a mommy has made me more scatterbrained, but like I said, I still rarely forget things.
I think I attribute that to the fact that I hold on.
To memories, to friendships, to experiences.
Letting go is extremely difficult for me.
That’s kind of a hard thing to admit.
I’m just afraid that if I let go? I won’t remember.
And that means I’ll forget.
People told me when Mae was born to savor every second because those moments would be gone so quickly.
It’s hard to believe them when you’re in the thick of something…I was sure I’d never forget a single detail…even if I was overly sleep-deprived and emotionally spent.
So not true.
Now that I’ve emerged from the overwhelmingly, exhausting world of feed, play, sleep, repeat…I don’t remember like I thought
I would. I still remember a lot…but I’ve definitely forgotten some things. Important things…like when her first smile was and when she first rolled over.
The good news about forgetting…that I am thankful for
Is that though I may not remember each of those details and little things she did each day, they all add up to make this amazingly wonderful, little girl (who is currently NOT napping like she’s supposed to be…) into who she is.
I love that, even if I forgot some of the details.
I woke up that
morning at the last possible second, knowing full well that my days of sleeping in were officially over.
I showered, did my hair and makeup, brushed my teeth, grabbed my hospital bag, said goodbye to the dogs, and we headed out the door.
We checked in, and after some preliminary paperwork and an I.V., I just laid there in that hospital bed, th
What will she look like?
What will her cry sound like
Will she have hair?
Will she love me
About an hour later they wheeled me into the OR and prepped me for surgery. I was so nervous…and at the same time, so filled with joy at the thought of meet ing me daughter
in just a few m
It was an easy surgery…well, as far as C-sections go. There was some tugging and pulling…and then I heard her.
That cry…so. beautiful.
They held her up above the screen so I could see her…she was covered with white goop and screaming her tiny lungs out… and my heart was so full, I thought it would burst.
They cleaned her up and brought
her to me. You can’t tell in the picture, but once she was next to me, I cried.
I was so completely in Love.
So this is what it feels like.
I’ve been blessed to love and be loved many times in my life…but when I saw the topic I chose for myself tonight, I knew what I wanted to write about.
For so many years, I wondered if I’d get to find out what a mommy’s love is like.
I’m so thankful that I did.
And I’m thankful, even more, that the love I have for my daughter only grows.
I thought I loved her as much as possible the moment she was born, but each day it seems that I love her a little bit more.
I guess love is just like that.
Follower of my Father. Wife to Tobin. Mama to my Mae and Mac. Friend. Writer. Dreamer. Lover of adventures. Throw in some coffee, chocolate, running, music, and that's me. I fill this space with the real of my heart and life as I dance through my days with one hand holding my daughter's (or my son's, if I can keep up with him!) and the other holding my coffee mug. Welcome! I hope you'll stay awhile.
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