Monday night…
Up late…
Trying NOT to feel guilty about the…ahem…DOZEN mini red-velvet cupcakes I ate over the weekend…
Darn you, Mother’s Day, and the way you let me think I can dismiss any and all calories I consume because you are a holiday.
Of course I’m kidding…it was a wonderful day and worth every extra calorie, even if it means I’m going to be working it all off for a few days!
Anyway, here are a couple pics. It’s a good night to post them.
Story/thoughts coming tomorrow, mostly ’cause I’m still thinking.And trying desperately not to brag and sound like a completely self-centered brat while talking about weight loss. (Is that possible?) I hope so…’cause I really don’t want to be like that.
Ok, I’ll quit. The pics.
So, this is me before…Tob said it was the best picture of all the ones we had. Ok, then. I honestly have a hard time looking at this photo…and I really dislike my hair color, too, but that is irrelevant. π
And, this is me last Saturday. I’ll tell you more about how I actually got here tomorrow.
(Sorry, I just don’t have the words tonight.) And, as a bonus, you also get the sweetest dog in the universe…my Andre boy, who just wouldn’t get out of the picture!
Congratualations on reaching your goal, friend! You’ve showed a lot of determination, self discipline, and drive–and you look really healthy too. Way to go!
Thanks, friend!
Hoping that commenting again will let me see the pictures. It’s so weird that I can never see your images!
And yes, it worked. Can you ask Tobin if he has any idea why photos only show up if I comment? And…you look fantastic. SO happy for you!
Janet, I can’t imagine why that’s happening. We upgraded Mel’s blog database and to the latest version of WordPress a few weeks ago…I was hoping that had taken care of it.
I’ll look around on the WordPress forums to see if anyone else has complained about this being an issue…so very strange. I can’t help but wonder if it’s a Telkom issue!
Thanks for the note, Janet! Sorry my blog is being difficult…I wonder if other people in Indo can see pics? (Maybe ask someone to look?) That would let us know if it’s an Indo-problem or a wordpress one.
Hope you guys are well…you’re in our thoughts and prayers as you finish RAFTing and head back to the States. We hope we’ll get to see you sometime! Blessings.
Mel, you are such an inspiration (in more ways than just this) My goal is to be as dedicated as you this summer. I’m so glad for your friendship too.
Thanks, Chris…you are so sweet. I’ve missed seeing you…guessing you’ll be hanging around the rummage sale, though? π I’m glad to help, so I’ll see you then for sure if not before!