A short but sweet thought tonight.
We hired a b
abysitter tonight.
(Two, actually.) We had plans and these girls came highly recommended, so they
came over and spent four hours with Maelie. (Well, two of them she was sleeping, but still.)
As I was driving them ho me tonight,
they kept saying, “Your daughter is amazing.”
That made my heart smile.
But inside, I thought, I know.
I know how amazing she is, but sometimes I forget to look at the little things that make her just that.
her cheesy, scrunchy-face smile,
her still-slightly-off-balance toddle as she runs toward me,
watching her chase the dogs, giggling as loudly as possible, (it’s WAY too cute ;))
her sweet personality and love for everyone,
her desire to be close to us all the time,
the way she grins and squeals when she sees us first thing in the morning,
the way she’s growing and changing and learning,
the beautiful creation of God that she is,
and so,
so much more.
It was a good reminder to me tonight.
I am so thankful for my girl and all she is.
You’re a blessed Mama
And your daughter IS amazing!
And it was good to see you on Skype for a bit tonight. Hope you are all doing well…we miss you!